Wednesday, 13 January 2016


“Constipation is an entirely curable and manageable condition, all you need to do is keep some of these home remedies in mind and you should be well on your way to a happy morning.”

It is defined as:
  1. less than 3 stools/week
  2. difficulty defecation
  3. painful defecation
      Constipation is a symptom, not a disease. Nearly everyone becomes constipated at one time or another. Usually, this condition is not serious.

  • Functional
  • Structural
-          Inadequate diet & life style such as lack of fiber & exercise. (Simple constipation)
-          Drugs: like Analgesics, diuretics, Anti inflammatory drugs, Antacids, Anti depressant, Iron tonic or Tablets.
-          Neurological disorders.
-          Psychiatric disorders.
-          Metabolic disorders like hypothyroidism, Diabetes mellitus, Hypercalcemia.
-          Pregnancy.
-          Obstruction: tumors, Inflammation, Ischemia, Diverticular disease, Congenital abnormality (e.g Hirschprung’s disease)
-          Motility disturbance: Irritable bowel disease, Hirschprung’s disease.
-          Anorectal disease: Crohn’s disease, Anal fissures, Hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of constipation depending on his or her normal bowel habits, diet, and age.     
Symptoms includes
  • Difficulty in starting or completing a bowel movement,
  • Infrequent and difficult passage of stool, Passing hard stool after prolonged straining,
  • If the person has irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) then crampy abdominal pain, excessive gas, a sense of bloating, and a change in bowel habits,
  • If the person has an intestinal obstruction, nauseavomiting, no defecation, and inability to pass gas, Distended abdomen, headaches, and loss of appetite,
  • Coated (furred) tongue, bad breath(halitosis), and bad taste in the mouth
-          Abdominal size & girth
-          Abdominal tenderness – local or general.
-          Organomegaly
-          Masses, including palpable left colon.
-          Perianal examination for excoriations, fissures & hemorrhoids.
-          Internal rectal examination – masses, gross or occult blood.
-          Clinical examination to identify signs of an underlying medical illness e.g. – hypothyroidism.
The tests may help diagnose the cause of constipation are Anorectal manometry (pressure measurements of the anus and rectum), Barium enema, Complete blood count (CBC), Blood clotting tests ( PT or PTT), Colonoscopy, Proctosigmoidoscopy (an examination of the lower bowel), Stool studies, Upper GI series, X-rays of the abdomen

Treatment with increased Roughage in diet with adequate fluid intake & Exercise.
Home remedies:
1. Triphala powder or Triphala Churna - This consists of three fruits - Amla or Indian gooseberry , Haritaki (Chebulic Myrobalan) and Vibhitaki (Bellirica Myrobalan). It is a great laxative and helps to regulate digestion and bowel movements. How to use: You can either have one teaspoon with warm water or mix the powder with honey either before going to bed or early in the morning on an empty stomach.
2. Raisins (kishmish) - They are packed with fiber and act as great natural laxatives. How to use: Soak a handful in water overnight and have them first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This remedy also works wonders for pregnant woman, without the side effects of medication.
3. Guavas (amrood or peru) - They have soluble fibre in the pulp and insoluble fiber content in the seeds . They also help with the mucus production in the anus and with peristalsis (a series of contractions within the intestinal lining that helps the passage of food in the stomach).
4. Lemon (Nimbu) juice - It acts as a cleansing agent for the intestines, the salt content helps in quick and easy passage of stool. How to use: All you need to do is mix one teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass of warm water. Add a pinch of salt to the solution. Drink this juice on an empty stomach to relieve constipation. This juice also is a great way to detox your body. Read more about Home remedy to treat constipation — lemon juice
5. Figs (Anjeer) - Either dried or ripe, are packed with fiber and act as a great natural laxative. How to use: For relief from constipation, boil a few figs in a glass of milk, drink this mixture at night before bed. Make sure the mixture is warm when you drink it. Using a whole fruit for this purpose is much better as compared to syrups that are available commercially.
6. Flax seeds (Alsi) - They are known for their fiber content, and can very well help you when it comes to constipation. How to use: You can mix flax seeds in your cereal every morning or just have a handful with warm water early in the morning.
7. Castor oil (Arandi ka tel) - This has been used for centuries as a sure shot remedy for constipation and has properties that can kill intestinal worms. How to use: If drinking a spoon of castor oil alone is not something you’d like to do, you could add a tablespoon of it in a warm glass of milk. Have this mixture at night before bed to relieve constipation.
Diet tips to avoid constipation:
  • In order to avoid and cure constipation, it is essential that you maintain healthy food habits. Here are a few changes you could make in your diet to cure constipation:
  • Avoid foods that contain white flour like maida, white sugar and other processed foods.
  • Eat light regular meals, and make sure you eat at least 3-4 hours before you go to bed. Regular meals not only keep constipation at bay.
  • Include fruits and vegetables into your daily diet.
  • Adding condiments like jeera, haldi and ajwain in your food while cooking it is a great way to help digestion.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Make sure you have a glass of warm water every morning and before you go to bed.

Argentum nitricum:   treats constipation caused from the overuse of laxatives; dyspepsia; heartburn.
Baryta carbonica: treats constipation in the elderly; stools difficult to expel.
Bryonia:  treats constipation with indigestion.
Berberis vulgaris:  stimulates liver and kidney function; indicated in jaundice.
Lycopodium:  treats chronic constipation in infants, constipation in children with a large appetite; an urge to stool without result in adults. It treats bloating after a meal; painful flatulence, person feels worse between 4 and 8 p.m.
Collinsonia: treats abdominal pain, dry, hard stools difficult to expel, person doubles over from pain; indicated for pregnant women.
Graphites: treats chronic constipation, colic pains, large stools difficult to expel, distended abdomen, anal fissure, anal pain after stool, piles, person may be overweight.
Nux vomica: is recommended for spasmodic constipation, bloating, gas, stomach cramps, drug addiction, person is sensitive, anxious, and nervous.
Silicea: treats demineralization caused from toxin overload.
Chelidonium: is indicated for pale discoloured yellow stools.                                                
Hepar sulfur: is indicated for bowel obstruction; intestinal atony.
Abroma augusta Q: Constipation; brownish, black, knotty, hard; lumpy stool with much straining. Dryness of the rectum in diabetes.
Andersonias Q: Constipation in malaria subjects.
Azadirachta indica Q: Insufficient stool, small, hard & knotty when constipated, but natural stools are copious, soft & semi solid burning in the bowels. Constipation in chronic malaria.
Cascara sagrada Q: Palliative for constipation. 10 to 15 drops should be taken with plain water at bed time.
Castor oil:  In one drop dose is a specific purgative.
Croton tiglium Q: In obstinate constipation.
Hydrastis Canadensis Q:  Obstinate constipation dependent on inertia or congestion of the lower abdomen due to sedentary life style or purgative medicines.
Senna Q:  Constipation with colic & flatulence. Stools hard and dark, with jaundice.
Staphysagria Q: Constipation 2 drops of tincture at night & in the morning.

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