Tuesday, 5 January 2016



Swine flu is an infection caused by a virus. It's named for a virus that pigs can get. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. Swine influenza virus (SIV) or swine origin influenza virus (SOIV) is any strain of the influenza family of viruses that is endemic in pigs. The human respiratory infection caused by a particular influenza virus H1N1 strain popularly known as swine flu was first recognized in spring 2009. A few months after the first swine flu cases were reported, rates of confirmed H1N1related illness were increasing in much of the world. As a result, the World Health Organization declared the infection a global pandemic. The pandemic was declared over in August 2010. Currently, H1N1 is still circulating in humans as a seasonal flu virus and is included in the seasonal flu vaccine.

·        As with other flu like illnesses, Influenza viruses infect the cells lining nose, throat and lungs. The virus enters body when it inhale contaminated droplets or transfer live virus from a contaminated surface to eyes, nose or mouth
·        Swine flu does not spread by eating pork.

The most significant flu pandemic occurred in 1918/1919. The global mortality rate from the 1918/1919 pandemic is not known, but is estimated at 2.5 to 5% of those who were infected died. With 20% or more of the world population suffering from the disease to some extent, a case fatality ratio this high would mean that about 0.51% or 50 million to
100 million people worldwide were killed. In 1957, an Asian flu pandemic infected some
45 million Americans and killed 70,000. Eleven years later, lasting from1968 to 1969, the Hong Kong flu pandemic afflicted 50 million Americans and caused 33,000 deaths, costing approximately $3.9 billion. In 1976, about 500 soldiers became infected with swine flu over a period of a few weeks.
The scare and panic about the bird flu and swine flu have occurred because people now know what a simple flu can lead to and are afraid of the consequences – not just to the human capital but also to the global financial health.


The symptoms of swine flu in people are expected to be similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza and include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Symptoms of Swine flu may include all or some of the following like Fever, Muscle aches, Lethargy, Coughing, Headache, Sore throat, Runny nose, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea. Higher risk of catching influenza in general includes:
·        Age of 65 years or older
·        Chronic health problems (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease)
·        Pregnant women
·        Young children
But the past epidemics and pandemics of flu have shown that during pandemics most people who succumb are healthy young adults.


Influenza complications include:
·        Worsening of chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes and asthma
·        Pneumonia
·        Neurological signs and symptoms, ranging from confusion to seizures
·        Respiratory failure and death.


These measures also help prevent swine flu (H1N1 flu) and limit its spread:
·        Stay home if you're sick. If you do have swine flu (H1N1 flu), you can give it to others starting about 24 hours before you develop symptoms and ending about seven days later.
·        Contain your coughs and sneezes. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. To avoid contaminating your hands, cough or sneeze into a tissue or the inner crook of your elbow.
·        Avoid contact. Stay away from crowds if possible. And if you're at high risk of complications from the flu — for example, you're younger than 5 or you're 65 or older, you're pregnant, or you have a chronic medical condition such as asthma — consider avoiding swine barns at seasonal fairs and elsewhere.
·        Reduce exposure within your household. If a member of your household has swine flu, designate only one household member to be responsible for the ill person's personal care.
·        Drink plenty of liquids. Choose water, juice and warm soups to prevent dehydration. Drink enough so that your urine is clear or pale yellow.
·        Rest -  Get more sleep to help your immune system fight infection.

Here are some easy steps you can take to tackle a flu virus of any kind, including swine flu. It is not necessary to follow all the steps at once. You can pick and choose a combination of remedies that suit you best.
·        Have five duly washed leaves of Tulsi (known as Basil in English; medicinal name Ocimum sanctum) everyday in the morning. Tulsi has a large number of therapeutic properties. It keeps throat and lungs clear
·        A small piece of camphor (kapoor) approximately the size of a tablet should be taken once or twice a month. It can be swallowed with water by adults while children can take it along with mashed potatoes or banana because they will find it difficult to have it without any aides. Please remember camphor is not to be taken every day, but only once each season, or once a month.
·        Those who can take garlic, must have two pods of raw garlic first thing in the morning. To be swallowed daily with lukewarm water. Garlic too strengthens immunity like the earlier measures mentioned.
·        Those not allergic to milk, must take a glass of hot or lukewarm milk every night with a small measure of haldi (turmeric).
·        Aloe vera (gwarpatha) too is a commonly available plant. Its thick and long, cactus like leaves have an odourless gel. A teaspoon gel taken with water daily can work wonders for not only your skin and joint pains, but also boost immunity.
·        Do Pranayam daily (preferably under guidance if you are already not initiated into it) and go for morning jog/walk regularly to keep your throat and lungs in good condition and body in fine fettle. Even in small measures, it will work wonders for your body's resistance against all such diseases which attack the nose, throat and lungs, besides keeping you fit.
·        Have citrus fruits, particularly Vitamin C rich Amla (Indian gooseberry) juice. Since fresh Amla is not available, it is not a bad idea to buy packaged Amla juice which is commonly available nowadays.
·        Last but not the least; wash your hands frequently every day with soap and warm water for 15 - 20 seconds; especially before meals, or each time after touching a surface that you suspect could be contaminated with flu virus such as a door handle or a knob/handle, especially if you have returned from a public place or used public transport. Alcohol based hand cleaners should be kept handy at all times and used until you can get soap and warm water. Flu viruses can survive for two hours or longer on surfaces, such as doorknobs and countertops.


HOMOEOPATHY in 1918-19 pandemic:  
Homoeopathy was very successful in dealing with the 1918-19 flu pandemic. Here is a quote from the famous historian Julian Winston: Perhaps the most recent use of homoeopathy in a major epidemic was during the Influenza Pandemic of 1918. The Journal of the American Institute for homoeopathy, May, 1921, had a long article about the use of homoeopathy in the flu epidemic. Dr. T A McCann, from Dayton, Ohio, reported that 24,000 cases of flu treated allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2% while 26,000 cases of flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05%. This last figure was supported by Dean W.A. Pearson of Philadelphia (Hahnemann College) who collected 26,795 cases of flu treated with Homoeopathy with the above result.
The most common remedy used was Gelsemium, with occasional cases needing Bryonia and Eupatorium reported. Dr. Herbert A. Roberts from Derby, CT, said that 30 physicians in Connecticut responded to his request for data. They reported 6,602 cases with 55 deaths, which is less than 1%. Dr. Roberts was working as a physician on a troop ship during WWI. He had 81 cases of flu on the way over to Europe. He reported, “All recovered and were landed. Every man received homoeopathic treatment. One ship lost 31 on the way.”

Many people believe that the current virus strain closely matches the 1918/1919 flu pandemic, although it is not exactly like it. In the 1918/1919 flu pandemic, people without symptoms could be stricken suddenly and within hours be too weak to walk; many died the next day. Symptoms included a blue tint to the face and coughing up blood caused by severe obstruction of the lungs. In some cases, the virus caused an uncontrollable hemorrhaging that filled the lungs, and patients drowned in their body fluids (pneumonia). In others, the flu caused frequent loss of bowel control and the victim would die from losing critical intestinal lining and from blood loss. If such symptoms present themselves in the current pandemic, the remedies that may prove useful would be Arsenic-album, Cantharis, Phosphorus, Cuprummet, Camphora, Veratrum-album, Ipecac or Carbo-veg.

Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homoeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homoeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. Please consult a qualified homoeopath before taking any homoeopathic remedy for Swine flu / influenza

Indicated Remedies

This medicine should only be considered within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms. These children experience a sudden onset of fever with chills.They become easily chilled from uncovering and get the chills shortly after getting in bed. They have a rapid and hard pulse, and either have a flushed face or one that alternates between being pale and being red.

These children have a rapid onset of a high fever, along with a weak but restless feeling. They are apt to have a concurrent headache, cold, sore throat,digestive disorder, or most commonly, diarrhea. They have great thirst but only for sips of water at a time. They are very chilly.

A distinguishing symptom of children who need this medicine is a flushed face and reddened mucous membranes, especially lips and gums. Theyhave a sudden onset of high fever with a hot head and cold extremities. Parents can feel a radiating heat from the child's head. The children have a dry heat (withoutperspiration), a strong and bounding pulse, and may see hallucinations when their eyes are closed. They toss and turn in their sleep and may suffer from scarydreams.

When children have a slow onset of a fever that is typified by body aches which are worse by motion, this medicine should be considered. These children have a great thirst for cold fluids. They are aggravated by warm rooms and warmth and prefer cool rooms and open air. They have a dry mouth and great thirst, especially for cold drinks. They tend to have a headache in the front part of their head which is aggravated by any motion. These children are irritable and are
averse to sympathy.
Allium Cepa

Profuse catarrhal coryza; the nose runs freely, there is sneezing, irritability cough, the face is swollen and looks inflamed. Camphora. This remedy is often sufficient at the outset to cut short an attack, or at least modify the severity.
Arsenicum Iodide
Chills, flushes of heat and severe fluent coryza, discharge irritating and corrosive, sneezing and prostration. It corresponds to true influenza and is highly recommended by Hale. Sanguinaria nitrate is especially valuable when
the trachea and larynx are affected. Phytolacca is specific when the throat is inflamed and spotty, with great hardness and tenderness of the glands.
Rhus Tox

These children experience achiness and stiffness that is aggravated by rest or by initial motion and relieved by continued motion. Because of this relief from continued motion, they seem restless and toss and turn. Their fever and aches become worse at night and in bed. In addition to stiffness in the back or neck, they may feel aching in the bones. They may also have a dry cough or sneezing which is aggravated by cold or by uncovering. Their fever may alternate with chills.A rare but important keynote symptom of this medicine is a brightly red tipped tongue.

This remedy can be taken once a month during the flu season to prevent onset of this condition. It is also helpful if a child has symptoms that linger after experiencing the flu.
This is one of our best remedies in the acute form; the eyes are suffused, the throat is sore and the cough hurts because of the muscular soreness. If brought on by damp, cold changes in the weather, so much the surer is Dulcamara indicated.

may be indicated, especially when the trouble moves towards the chest. It is a very useful remedy for the debility following la grippe, as it is usually of the pure nervous type. It is the great post-influenza “tonic.”

Some easy differentiate in common homoeopathic flu medicines
  • If the patient has mild flu like symptoms (runny nose and watery eyes etc) but no other peculiar symptom but is anxious if it might be swine flu – think about Aconite.
  • If the flu patient is listless, prostrated, indifferent, has offensive diarrhoea and the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised – think about Baptisia.
  • If the flu patient is restless, anxious or fearful, thirsty but drinks small quantities and often, prostrated, diarrhoea after eating or drinking and nausea on seeing/smelling food,burning pains – think about Arsenicum-album.
  • If the nausea is more pronounced, the patient is thirstless and has pain felt in bones – think about Ipecac. Also Ipecac should be thought of if a flu patient is developing or has developed broncho-pneumonia.
  • If the gastrointestinal symptoms are not marked but the patient has deep pains as if bones are aching – think about Eupatorium perf. If the flu patient is feeling dull, dizzy, drowsy, has low thirst, feels chilly, esp in back – think about Gelsemium.

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