Tuesday, 15 March 2011

“HMS” - Health Message Service

Dr. S. SABARIRAJAN, M.D., (Hom) Gen. Med.,
Reader, Dept. of Practice of Medicine.

“HMS” - Health Message Service

 Acidity
Suffer from acidity? Drink water mixed with jaggery, after meals.
 Anaemia
Have beet root to cure anaemia & improve your blood level.
 Appetite
Lack of appetite- mix ½ tsp each of ginger juice and honey, after lunch and dinner.
Lack of hunger? Sprinkle black pepper and salt on pineapple & eat.
Begin each dinner with healthy green salad it helps cut appetite.
 Autism
Watching too much TV can results in Autism.
 Back ache
Wear flat- heeled shoes of offer good support to feet & legs.
Wheat grass juice is very useful for all ills, including backaches.
Lemon juice in water, up to 6 glasses / day helps easing backache.
 Blood purifier
Take a tsp of powdered pomegranate skin with water early morning.
 Bone strength
Calcium crunch? Chew a handful of sesame seeds for your calcium need.
Milk merits it prevents osteoporosis, BP and colon cancer in adults.
Exercise prevents osteoporosis, & controls type 2 diabetes.
Drinking calcium rich lemonade regularly strengthens bones & teeth.
Green apples are good for strong bones and teeth, also aid in vision.
 Cancer
Apple reduces the risk of colon cancer, ca. prostate, and ca. lung.
Increased consumption of onions cuts risk of head and neck cancers.
Tomatoes contain lycopene which helps prevent prostate cancer.
Tomato sauce used on chips/ other food can reduce risk of prostate cancer.
 Cardiac diseases
HT- have a tbsp of Neem juice mixed with mishri twice / day.
Potassium in banana regulates B.P and helps over come depression.
Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of strokes.
Raw beets protect u against heart disease and certain cancers.
Avoid more than the recommended 5 gm/ day of salt and be healthy.
Lower your chance of heart disease by half; laugh as much as u can.
Consumption of tomatoes helps in treating high BP.
Olive oil is rich in good fat necessary for heart and immune system.
Eggs help cut heart attack/ stroke risk they prevent blood clots.
 Cold
Garlic can cut by half the risk of catching a winter cold.
Prevent cold & flu-wash your hands frequently to keep viruses away.
Crush 6-7 black pepper, mix with honey and consume it.
Ginger juice and warm honey taken before sleep relieves severe cough.
Vit-C in oranges shortens the duration of your cold.
 Constipation
Most fruits act as natural laxatives and regulate body’s digestive process.
Regular cabbage intake prevents constipation and aids wt loss.
Did u know? 1cup of corn provides over 18 % of the daily fiber need.
 Diabetes
High blood sugar- have 1 tbsp of Neem juice daily morning, it reduce blood sugar.
 Digestion
Avoid liquid calories as in shakes they’re digested much more quickly than solid calories.
Custard apple aids digestion and cures diarrhea, dysentery and vertigo.
Avoid ice- cold water along with or soon after meals it affects digestion.
Eating a banana after every meal reduces the risk of diarrhea.
 Energy
Bananas are a good post exercise snack, they energize you.

 Face
Chewing gum strengthens your Jaw & is good for ur facial muscles
 Gum
Gum problems? Massage them with powdered carom seeds. ( Ajwain)
 Hair
Carrots contain 93% of vit.A, which helps reducing hair loss.
Hair lice? Add sugar to ½ cup lemon juice, apply 4-5 hrs before hair wash.
 Head ache
Head ache? Try deep breathing it releases endorphins (pain killers),
Drive headache away, apply fresh coriander juice on the fore head.
Don’t be lethargic; drink more water to avoid headache and tiredness.
Cure headache: - cut a lime in half and rub it on your forehead.
 Insomnia
Suffering from insomnia? Take 2 tps of honey before bed time as it induces sleep.
 Kidney stones
Grapes benefit against kidney stone, also improve blood flow.
 Liver diseases
Vit-D (milk, mushroom) reduces the risk of liver diseases.
 Mind

Smokers avoid cigarettes when angry stressed it adds to your anxiety.
Smile more! Being depressed affects your immune system and raised BP.
Exercise significantly reduces depression and anxiety symptoms.
Chewing gum helps release stress and improves one’s mood.
Tensed? Give a mental shrug, sigh, drop shoulders and ask- why bother
Are you stressed? Drink plenty of water it will help you to flush out toxins.

 Mosquito bite
Did u know? Garlic is an effective natural mosquito repellent.
 Nausea and vomiting
In nausea / vomiting, consume onion and ginger extract to feel better.
 Nose
Blocked nose- prop yourself up in bet with pillows to breathe easy.
Restless due to nose congestion? Use saline drops for some rest.
 Obesity
Too ill sleep can alter hormone levels and increase body wt.

 Poisons
Apple seeds are mildly poisonous and have a small amount of amygdalin.
 Sinusitis
Suffering from sinus? Drink plenty of water and vitamins rich fruit drinks.
 Skin
Drink lemon juice every morning to make your skin glowing and healthy.
White foods such as garlic and bananas help soothe skin allergies.
Use aloe Vera a natural curative agent for / allergies/ insect bite.
 Sore Throat
Place folded hand kerchief around neck over the night.
 Sprain
Sprain? Apply ice to the affected area for the 1st 2 (or) 3 days.
 Tooth decay
Chewing gums sweetened with xylitol reduce the risk of tooth decay.
Cheese, a rich source of calcium and protein prevents the risk of tooth decay.
 Vitamins and minerals:
One egg contains over 6 Gms of protein and all 9 essential amino acids.
1 ounce of almonds a day meets 1/3 of your daily need of vit.E
Vit-C and zinc will boost your immune system and help in fighting stress.
 Wounds
Honey contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties, helps wounds.

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
    liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
    reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
    became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
    ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC (www.ultimatelifeclinic.com) in March, 2020. Their
    treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
    the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
    treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.



  Abstract   Cough is the most common illness-related reason for ambulatory care visits for hospitals. Cold, chest discomfort and an irritat...