Monday, 21 March 2011



1. Adams – stokes attacks: Symptoms such as ORS Complex in ECG, absent pulse, vertigo, convulsion & cheynestock respiration usually as a result of heart block.

2. Addision’s disease: Chronic adreno cortical insufficiency

3. Albinism: Tyrosinase deficiency leading to little or no melanin synthesis in the skin & eyes.

4. Alzheimer’s disease: Per-Senile dementia

5. Alport’s syndrome: Hereditary nephritis

6. Argyll Robertson’s: Most important and characteristic pupillary changes in tabes dorsalis, this is characterized by miosis, eccentric pupil irregularity of the pupil due to atrophy of the iris, pigmentation of iris, light reflex is lost, Accommodation reflex is present & brisk.

7. Austin flint’s murmur: In aortic incompetence some times a functional mid – diastolic and pre systolic murmur may be heard over mitral area, called Austin flint’s murmur.

8. Bell’s palsy: LMN type of Facial nerve paralysis.

9. Bence-Jone’s Myeloma: Proteinuria occurring in multiple myeloma, also known as Plasma cell cancer.

10. Budd - chiari syndrome: Thrombosis of the hepatic vein with Hepatomegaly, ascitis and portal Hypertension.

11. Bitot’s spots: Grayish white triangular deposits on the conjunctiva due to vit A deficiency.

12. Burkit’s lymphoma: Malignant condition of lymphoid tissue involving facial bones and abdominal lymph nodes.

13. Brown – Sequard syndrome: Hemi paraplegia & hyper aesthesia but with loss of joint & muscle sence on the side of lesion and hemi anesthesia on the opposite side. (In case of unilateral spinal cord involvement)

14. Cushing’s syndrome: Hyper adrenocorticosism.

15. Conn’s syndrome: Primary Hyper aldosteronism.

16. Crohn’s disease : Regional enteritis (Type of inflammatory Bowel disease)

17. Caisson disease: A symptom complex occurring in men working under high air pressure when too suddenly released to normal atmosphere.

18. Caplan’s syndrome: Intra pulmonary nodules like rheumatoid nodule and pneumoconiosis in coal workers.

19. Carey–coombs murmur: Mid diastolic murmur observed in mitral stenosis.

20. Charcot – leydon crystals: crystal deposition arthritis associated with tertiary syphilis.

21. Curling’s ulcer: ulcer of the duodenum in a patient due to burns & Body injury.

22. Dandy Walkersyn: congenital hydrocephalus associated with Artesia of foramen of megendie.

23. Deputytran’s contracture : Permanent flexion of the fingers (especially 4th & 5th )

24. Duckett– Jones criteria: Diagnostic criteria for Rheumatic fever.

25. Down’s syndrome: Trisomy 21. One excessive chromosome in the 21st pair.

26. Edward’s syndrome: This is one of the chromosomal of abnormality trisomy 18 and trisomy E, characterized by low birth weight gross mental retardation, congenital heart disease, long & narrow skull with prominent occiput, flexion deformities & the fingers are present

27. Ehlers – Danlos syndrome: Congenital condition characterized by over elasticity & friability of skin, increased extensibility of the joint & fragility of the vessels.

28. Ewing’s tumor: Ewing’s sarcoma – neoplasm of the bone occurs 75 % in the extremities including shoulder girdle.

29. Fallot’s tetra logy: Most common form of congenital cyanotic heart disease (1) pul.stenosis 2). V.S.D 3). R.V.H 4). Dextro position of the aorta)

30. Fried riech’s ataxaia: A type of spino cerebellar degeneration.

31. Fournier’s Gangrene: Gangrene of the testis & scrotum.

32. Good pasture’s syndrome: A form of rapidly progressive Glom. Nephritis ± Hemoptysis.

33. Grave’s disease: Hyper thyroidism (Auto immune type)

34. Graham steel’s murmur: An early systolic murmur associated with pulmonic insufficiency caused by pulmonary hypertension.

35. Gullian barr syndrome: Acute infective poly neuritis

36. Hansen’s disease: Leprosy.

37. Hashimato’s thyroiditis: Hypo thyrodism due to auto immune thyroiditis.

38. Heberden’s node: Nodular growth, which affecting the distal interphalangeal joints in osteo arthritis.

39. Horner’s syndrome: Ptosis, myosis and exophthalmos due to paralysis of the cervical sympathetic nerves.

40. Huntington’s chorea: A disease of CNS (onset 30 -50 Yrs.) characterized by dementia, psychosomatic disturbances with bizarre involuntary movement characteristic of chorea.

41. Hodgkin’s lymphoma: malignant enlargement of the lymph node often cervical at the onset then generalized with hepatosplenomegally.

42. Jacksonian epilepsy: Secondarily generalized seizure.

43. Kartagener’s syndrome: Complete situs inversus associated with bronchiectasis & chronic sinusitis.

44. Kaposi’s sarcoma: Multiple areas of Neoplastic cell proliferation mainly in the skin & also in other body organ ( mainly associated with AIDS)

45. Kayser – Fleischer ring: Greenish brown discoloration of corneal margin occurring in Wilson’s disease.

46. Koch’s disease: Tuberculosis.

47. Kelly – Paterson syndrome (or) Plummer Vinson syndrome: The association of chronic iron deficiency anaemia with koilonychia, glossitis, dysphagia and splenomegaly is called Plummer Vinson syndrome.

48. Kussmaul’s respiration: Deep rapid respiration chiefly in air Hunger, Diabetic acidosis and coma.

49. K.W. Syndrome (Kilmmlstiel – Wilson syndrome): Diabetic nephropathy.

50. Marfan’s syndrome: A hereditary condition characterized by arachynodactyly, excessive length of extremities and laxness of joints.

51. Meniere’s disease: Recurrent idiopathic attack of vertigo. Nausea, vomiting, tinnitus and progressive deafness.

52. Osler’s Node: A small, raised, red, tender area present in fingers & toes due to infected emboli from the heart in infective endocarditis.

53. Osler’s disease: (Erythremia or polycythemia Vera) Increased R.B.C with splenomegally, Face is deep red rather than truly cyanotic.

54. Parkinsonism: A syndrome due to defective release of neurotransmitor dopamine in the corpus striatum.

55. Parkinson’s disease: Idiopathic Parkinsonism.

56. Patterson – Kelly syndrome: Post cricoid web due to iron deficiency anaemia producing dysphagia.

57. Paget’s disease: A Generalized skeletal disease characterized by thickening & softening of the bone as in the skull and bending of weight bearing joint.

58. Pott’s spine: T.B Spine

59. Peutz – jehers syndrome: Generalized multiple polyposis of the intestinal tract.

60. Pick’s disease: Non- Alzeimer’s degenerative dementia characterized by fronto – temporal atrophy.

61. Ramsay Hunt syndrome: Herpes zoster affecting geniculate ganglion in 7th nerve lesion, characterized by LMN type of facial palsy, loss of taste in anterior 2/3 rd of tongue, serous discharge through ear, multiple vesicles in pinna of ear and posterior tonsils.

62. Raynaud’s disease: Idiopathic paroxysmal bilateral cyanosis of the digits due to arterial contraction brought on by cold or emotion.

63. Reiter’s syndrome: A triad of urithritis, conjunctivitis and arthritis which appear on that order.

64. Reye’s syndrome: Sudden loss of consciousness or death in children following infection characterized by cerebral oedema, fatty changes in the liver and renal tubules.

65. St. Vitu’s dance (Sydenham’s chorea): this is an acute episode of involuntary movement due to a lesion in the basal ganglia associated with acute rheumatism.

66. Sheehan’s syndrome: Hypo pituitarism arising from a severe post partum circulatory collapse with resultant pituitary necrosis.

67. Shy- Drager syndrome: A type of spino cerebellar degeneration.

68. Sjogren’s syndrome: Kerato conjunctivitis sicca (or) purpuric spots on the face and bilateral parotitis seen in menopausal women.

69. Steven Johnson syndrome: Erythema multiformae exudativatum.

70. Still’s disease: Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

71. Sydenham’s chorea: childhood chorea mainly in Rheumatic fever.

72. Suzman’s sign: In coarctation of the Aorta the collateral arterial pulsations are present around the scapulae, trunk and in the axilla, this is called suzman’s sign.

73. Takayasu’s disease: pulse less disease.

74. Todd’s palsy: Temporary paralysis of the limbs after the epilepsy.

75. Turner’s syndrome: A chromosomal anomaly with chromosome count 45 including only a single X chromosome.

76. Vincent’s angina: in stomatitis Vincent’s spirochaete and fusiform bacilli are found from the ulcer and this type is known as Vincent’s angina.

77. Von reckling housen’s disease: Neuro fibromatoses.

78. Von-wille brand’s disease: Angio hemophilia or hereditary pseudo hemophilia.

79. Wilms tumor: Nephroblastoma. Common intra- abdominal malignancy in childhood.

80. Wilson’s disease: Hepto lenticular degeneration. Decreased serum ceruloplasmin and increased accumualation of copper in the body.

81. Wernicke’s Korsakoff’s psychosis: Wernicke’s encephalopathy – A syndrome charecterised by confusion and several loss of memory.

82. Walff Parkinson white syndrome: supraventricular tachycardia. ( Diagnosis made by ECG)

83. Weil’s disease: lctero – Hemorrhagica jaundice due to Leptospirosis

84. Zollinger – Ellision syndrome: Excessive acid HCL secretion (due to Gastrinoma) also with multiple ulceration in esophagus stomach, duodenum & small intestine.

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