Hypotension is a decrease in systemic blood pressure below accepted low values. While there is not an accepted standard hypotensive value, pressures less than 90/60 are recognized as hypotensive. Hypotension is relatively a benign condition that is under-recognized mainly because it is typically asymptomatic. It becomes a concern when pumping pressure is not sufficient to perfuse key organs with oxygenated blood. This leads to symptoms impacting the quality of life of a patient.1
Thirty clinically diagnosed cases of Hypotension patient were taken for the study. Patients were between the age group of 18-40 years. Patients of both sexes were treated. A detailed case history with the proper clinical examination with blood pressure levels were done in all cases. Most of the patient have got symptomatic relief with Viscum album mother tincture. Hence this study suggest that viscum album mother tincture is effective in treating
KEY WORDS: Hypotension, Viscum album, Mistletoe, Homeopathy mistletoe
Hypotension is classified based on the biometric parameters of the blood pressure measurement. It may be absolute with changes in systolic blood pressure to less than 90 mm Hg or mean arterial pressure of less than 65 mm Hg. It may be relative to a decrease in diastolic blood pressure to less than 40 mm Hg. It may be orthostatic with a decrease in systolic pressure or 20 mm Hg or greater or a decrease in diastolic pressure of 10 mm Hg or greater on positional change from lying to standing. It may be profound which is defined as being medication-dependent. In acute conditions, the hypotensive shock is a possible and life- threatening condition.2
Viscum album or mistletoe, exhibits hypotensive action in animal studies. The crude extract of viscum album possesses smooth muscle relaxant effects mediated through the voltage dependent Ca (++) channel activity. Viscum Album has been inhibit the excitability of the vasomotor center in the medulla oblongata and to possess cholinomimetic activity. Its hypotensive activity may depend on the form in which the mistletoe is administered and the host tree from which it was collected. Studies indicate that aqueous extract are more effective; the highest hypotensive activity was demonstrated by a macerate of leaves of mistletoe.3
The precise epidemiology of hypotension is highly variable and depends on the exact etiology. In general, elderly patient are more prone to non traumatic, symptomatic hypotensive blood pressure4.
There is wide scope for homeopathy in the management of hypotension. Being a system of holistic approach, there are remedies based on the individualizing characteristics symptoms. Viscum album mother tincture is effective in improving blood pressure, weak pulse, hypertrophy with valvular insufficiency, palpitation, giddiness, vertigo, anxiety and relives sciatic pains.5
Mother tinctures are extremely helpful in treating various health problems ranging from mild to severe, however it should not be used without the advice of a homeopathic physician.
Ø The remedy is excellent tonic in low blood pressure and helps in relieving severe headache.
Ø It is used to treat hypertension and in calming any psychological condition.
Ø It relives condition related to vertigo accompanied by anxiety and reduce dullness and giddiness.
Ø Relives sciatic pains.
1) This study was conducted in OPD, IPD, Peripheral centers, Rural health camps and Medical camps conducted by Sivaraj Homeopathic Medical college and Research Institute, Salem.
2) A total number of 30 cases fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected for research. All the patient were treated with viscum album mother tincture.
Inclusion criteria:
· Both sexes are included
· Age group of above 18 years
· Patients with clinical symptomatic presentation of hypotension
· Diagnosed cases of hypotension
Exclusion criteria:
· Patients with any other major complications of hypotension.
· Patients with systemic illness which demand regular medications.
· Patients who are not willing to give proper follow ups.
Research protocol:
Every patient was treated for a period of 6 month with viscum album mother tincture, and attended once a month.
Criteria for assessment:
The efficacy of homeopathic drug viscum album was determined by the changes in blood pressure and changes that were noticed at symptom level.
1 | No improvement | 3 | 10% |
2 | Mild improvement | 7 | 23.3% |
3 | Moderate improvement | 14 | 46.6% |
4 | Marked improvement | 6 | 20% |
| TOTAL | 30 | 100% |
Distribution of treatment result
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The analysis of the data proves that the drug named viscum album is a potent medicine to improve the blood pressure in hypotension individuals when given as a mother tincture.
· Control group was not used in this study.
· Sample size was small
· Patients may not give regular follow up, so the physician should counsel the patient.
A study involving larger sample size and larger time frame could produce more findings on the effectiveness of viscum album. Potencies can also be used to know the effectiveness of the remedy viscum album.
The above study has given insight in to considering viscum album Q as a good alternative to improve low blood pressure. However, randomized clinical research trials on the effectiveness of viscum album is necessary.
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/hypotension.
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/hypotension.
3. .https://restorativemedicine.org/library/monographs/mistletoe(viscum album).
4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499961.
5. william boericke,boericke new manual of homoeopathic material medica with repertory,B Jain publisher private limited, 3rd revised and augumented edition.
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