Thursday, 20 May 2021



When stomach flu hits, it hits hard.  It’s usually caused by a virus, but it’s not the flu virus, so it’s not actually stomach flu. Bacteria and parasites also can cause it.   Gastroenteritis is a short-term illness triggered by the infection and inflammation of the digestive system. Symptoms can include abdominal cramps, diarrhoea and vomiting. This article provides an overview of the aetiology, diagnosis, and appropriate general & homoeopathic management of this disorder.


Gastroenteritis is also known as a tummy bug, stomach flu, intestinal flu, food poisoning, and traveller’s diarrhoea. Gastroenteritis is the irritation of the digestive track caused by a viral, bacterial, or parasitic infection. Symptoms include diarrhoea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Treatment mainly involves symptom relief and fluid replacement. It is a common condition, mainly because the microbes that can cause gastroenteritis are easily spread via contaminated food or water, and through person-to-person contact. The infection causes the digestive tract to become irritated, which results in diarrhoea and other symptoms such as vomiting and abdominal pain and cramping.



There are many things that can cause gastroenteritis, including: 

· Viruses – A number of viruses can cause gastroenteritis. Rotavirus is the leading cause in infants and young children. It can affect adults, too, but their symptoms are milder. Norovirus is the most common cause in adults. Less common ones include adenovirus -- which can take up to 10 days to cause symptoms -- and astrovirus. Both of these affect children more often than adults. Infection is caused by person-to-person contact such as touching contaminated hands, faeces or vomit, or by drinking contaminated water or food.

· Bacteria and parasites includes  

· Escherichia coli infection – this is a common problem for travellers to countries with poor sanitation. Infection is caused by drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated raw fruits and vegetables

· Campylobacter infection – the bacteria are found in animal faeces (poo) and uncooked meat, particularly poultry. Infection is caused by, for example, consuming contaminated food or water, eating undercooked meat (especially chicken), and not washing your hands after handling infected animals

· Cryptosporidium infection – parasites are found in the bowels of humans and animals. Infection is caused by, for example, swimming in a contaminated pool and accidentally swallowing water, or through contact with infected animals. An infected person may spread the parasites to food or surfaces if they don’t wash their hands after going to the toilet

· Giardiasis – parasite infection of the bowel. Infection is caused by, for example, drinking contaminated water, handling infected animals or changing the nappy of an infected baby and not washing your hands afterwards.

· Salmonellosis – bacteria are found in animal faeces. Infection is caused by eating contaminated food or handling infected animals. An infected person may also spread the bacteria to other people or surfaces by not washing their hands properly

· Shigellosis – bacteria are found in human faeces. An infected person may spread the bacteria to food or surfaces if they don’t wash their hands after going to the toilet

· Bacterial toxins – the bacteria themselves don’t cause illness, but their poisonous by-products can contaminate food. Some strains of staphylococcal bacteria produce toxins that can cause gastroenteritis.

· Chemicals – lead poisoning, for example, can trigger gastroenteritis.

· Medication – certain medication (such as antibiotics), can cause gastroenteritis in susceptible people


· Infants and children especially those in the child care centre and schools

· Older people as they have weak immune system

· People living together in a group or community centres and confined areas

· People with weak immune system as a result of chronic disease conditions such as cancer, HIV, etc

· Certain weather conditions


The main symptom of gastroenteritis is diarrhoea, which is when bowel movements (faeces or stools) become watery and need to go to the toilet frequently and urgently. Although diarrhoea is the primary symptom of gastroenteritis, there are many other causes of diarrhoea.

Additional symptoms and signs of gastroenteritis may include:

Nausea and vomiting, Abdominal pain and cramping, Mild fever and chills, Loss of appetite, Headache and muscle aches, Tiredness and general body weakness, Incontinence (loss of control over bowel motions) &Poor feeding in infants.

Depending on the cause, symptoms may appear within one to three days after infection and can range from mild to severe. Symptoms usually last one or two days, but occasionally may persist for up to ten days.

Dehydration can arise from the excessive loss of fluid from the body, which can occur quickly with gastroenteritis.

The signs and symptoms of dehydration include: Extreme thirst, Not having urinated in the past eight hours or passing only a small volume of urine, Urine that is dark in colour and smelly, Dry lips and mouth, and a lack of tears, Cold hands and feet Sunken cheeks or eyes Dizziness, lethargy, floppiness In infants, dry nappies (for longer than 4-6 hours) and/or a sunken fontanelle (the soft spot on the top of a baby’s head) Skin that ‘tents up’ when pinched. signs of dehydration in anyone, especially infants and children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems, are reasons to consult the physician  immediately.


It is important to establish the cause, as different types of gastroenteritis respond to different treatments. Diagnostic methods may include: 

· medical history

· physical examination

· blood tests

· stool tests.



The following actions can be taken to avoid getting and spreading gastroenteritis:

· Frequent and thorough hand washing, especially before eating or preparing food, and after going to the toilet or contact with an infected person Ensure that children wash their hands frequently and thoroughly

· Avoid direct contact with infected individuals, if possible Stay home from work and keep children away from day-care or school until symptoms have gone

· Washing the clothing, bedding, and toys of an infected person

· Cleaning and disinfecting kitchen surfaces, especially after working with raw meat or chicken, or eggs

· Avoid eating undercooked foods, especially meat, chicken, and fish Avoid drinking untreated water.

· Avoid eating raw meats, fish, and shellfish unless you are sure that they have been freshly prepared and are from a reliable source

· Thoroughly wash any fresh produce, such as fruits and vegetables

· Have your infant or child vaccinated with a rotavirus vaccine, which can prevent gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus

· Drink only bottled or boiled water and avoid ice cubes when travelling,



Home Managements

Apple Cider Vinegar - Apple cider vinegar possesses powerful antimicrobial properties against microbes like E. coli and may be able to help with bacterial gastroenteritis

Probiotic Yogurt - Probiotic yogurt can help restore the gut flora. This can help reduce the inflammation in the lining of the intestine. It can also help improve non-inflammatory gastroenteritis

Honey - The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of honey can speed up your recovery from gastroenteritis while reducing the duration of its symptoms

Ginger - Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This can help reduce the inflammatory symptoms associated with gastrointestinal disorders like gastroenteritis

Turmeric - Curcumin, the major component of turmeric, exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These activities of curcumin impart gastroprotective effects to turmeric that can help in the treatment of gastroenteritis and its inflammatory symptoms

Cinnamon - Cinnamon is a multifaceted herb with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. Hence, it may help with gastroenteritis and speed up your recovery.

Rice Water - Rice water can be used as an alternative to ORS in infants with gastroenteritis as it can cut down the number of stools (diarrhea)

Chamomile Tea - Chamomile is popularly used as a digestive relaxant and can help in the treatment of many gastrointestinal disturbances, like diarrhea and vomiting, which often accompany gastroenteritis

Lemon - Lemons are rich sources of citrate, which can be used in the treatment of viral gastroenteritis caused by norovirus

Green Banana - Green banana is a rich source of pectin and can help reduce symptoms of gastroenteritis, like diarrhea, in children. It can also help in speeding up recovery from the condition




Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole and tries to find a constitutional remedy with the aim of strengthening the organism generally. This means looking at not only the patient’s symptoms, but also his or her general health and way of reacting to the environment, as well as what drives him or her on an emotional level. But homoeopaths can also treat symptomatically, meaning treating the gastro enteritis symptoms specifically. Usually aim for constitutional treatment but sometimes combine the two approaches, giving a more symptomatic gastric remedy for flare ups, while treating the person as a whole with a constitutional remedy.

Successful Homoeopathic prescribing demands a detailed case taking to find out the evolution of disease, relation with life situation, also to find out characteristic symptoms. The objective of treatment should be the improvement of the constitution, so that sensitivity, which has gone bad, is corrected or brought within normal range. It has been proved, verified and confirmed that if a proper indicated constitutional treatment is given to the child for sometime, it improves the constitution. In due course, it improves the immunity.

Besides the oral rehydration therapy, one should immediately start homeopathic treatment. Initial treatment can be done at home.


Indicated Remedies


Natrum carbonicum


This remedy can be helpful to mild people who have trouble digesting and assimilating many foods and have to stay on restricted diets. Indigestion, heartburn, and ulcers can occur if offending foods are eaten. Milk or dairy products can lead to flatulence or sputtery diarrhea that leaves an empty feeling in the stomach. Cravings for potatoes and sweets are common; also milk, but it makes these people sick, so they have usually learned to avoid it.

Nux vomica


This homoeopathic remedy relieves nausea and cramps from indigestion, especially after excessive eating of spicy foods or drinking of alcohol.




This helps relieve gastric discomfort caused by eating too much fatty food, cakes and ice cream, with bloating, belching and slow digestion.



This remedy relieves discomfort and indigestion, with bloating around the waist and gas, especially after eating onions or garlic.

Antimonium crudum


This relieves indigestion from eating too much, especially rich or acidic foods or cured meat. Symptoms are relieved by applying heat to the abdomen.

Natrum phosphoricum


A sour taste in the mouth, an acid or burning sensation in the stomach, sour vomiting, regurgitated bits of food, and a yellow coating on the tongue are all indications for this remedy. The person may have problems after consuming dairy products or too much sugar. Another indication for Natrum phos is a craving for fried eggs.



When this remedy is indicated, the stomach feels heavy, with rising acid and a bitter or sour taste. Pain and nausea are worse from motion of any kind. The person may have a dry mouth and be thirsty for long drinks, which may increase discomfort. Bryonia is strongly suggested if a person is grumpy and wants to stay completely still and not be touched or talked to.

Arsenicum album


This remedy may be indicated if a person feels anxious, restless yet exhausted, and is worse from the smell and sight of food. Burning pain is felt in the stomach and esophagus, which often is relieved by warmth and sitting up. Vomiting and diarrhea are possible. Upsets from spoiled food or from eating too much fruit often respond to this remedy.


Burning pain in the stomach that feels better from eating ice cream or other cold, refreshing foods suggests a need for this remedy. The person is usually thirsty for cold drinks, but often feels nauseous or vomits once liquids warm up in the stomach. People needing Phosphorus may have a tendency toward easy bleeding and sometimes develop stomach ulcers.


This relieves abdominal cramps improved by bending over, with strong pressure and heat.

Magnesia phosphorica

This remedy relieves abdominal cramps improved by heat and bending over.

Cinchona officinalis


This remedy relieves bloating of the abdomen and foul-smelling gas, sometimes with painless, but exhausting, diarrhea.

Veratrum album

can be taken in an acute situation where the discharges ? vomiting, diarrhoea, etc  are very profuse associated with deathly pallor on the face. Ipecac is the medicine when vomiting is excessive and nausea is not relieved by vomiting..


This homeopathic medicine is very helpful in treating gastroenteritis and can easily abort an attack if used early. A dose of 30c potency can be used every half an hour till relief starts.


 This must be used for diarrhea caused in the season when the days are hot, and the nights are comparatively cold. The symptoms appear in the middle of the night. Heavy diarrhoea along with highintensity fever occurs and anxiety.


This remedy should be used in case of a continuing urge for stool because of weakness of the anal sphincter. Mucus is accompanied along with pain in the rectum area. In case of adults, this diarrhoea is also characterized by blue hemorrhoids.


When there is nausea and non stop vomiting or your mouth gets filled with saliva, Ipeca can be used. Thirst is lost, and the color of the stool may be green or bloody.


This medicine is usually used by tourists in case of diarrhoea. Abdominal vibration and frequent stools are indicated. The stool is characterized by an unpleasant smell.



Homoeopathic medicines stimulate the immune power to act against the disease. So homoeopathic medicines acts well in cases of Gastroenteritis. Homoeo medicine helps to reduce the symptoms without producing any side effect. Homoeopathic medicines stimulate the immune power to act against the disease. So homoeopathic medicines acts well in any cases of infections. Homoeo medicine helps to reduce the symptoms without producing any side effect. Homoeopathy is highly effective in the treatment of infections and fully capable of stimulating the organism to heal to the point of complete relief from all symptoms.

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
    liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
    reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
    became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
    ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
    treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
    the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
    treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.



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