Friday, 4 September 2020





Background & Objectives: 


To study about the prevalence of hypothyroidism in the age of 15- 55 years.

To study the efficacy of homoeopathic constitutional treatment in Hypothyroidism


Key words:

Homoeopathy, Hypothyroidism, constitutional medicine, thyroid gland.



Hypothyroidism is now a days prevailing in both sexes. It has long been recognized that thyroid dysfunction may have profound effects on the female reproductive system. Thyroid disorders are 10 times more common in women than in men. Majority of the cases of subclinical hypothyroidism easily pass unrecognized. The prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism is as high as 9.5 percent in women.

Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine disorders, with a greater burden of disease in women and the elderly. A 20 year follow up survey in the United Kingdom found the annual incidence of primary hypothyroidism to be 3.5 per 1000 in women and 0.6 per 1000 in men. A cross sectional Australian survey found the prevalence of overt hypothyroidism to be 5.4 per 1000.

According to a projection from various studies on thyroid disease, it has been estimated that about 42 million people in India suffer from thyroid diseases. Depending upon the estimation of thyroid hormone we can arrive at particular point of diagnosis, if TSH is high and low T4 indicates primary hypothyroidism, and high TSH and normal T4 indicates subclinical hypothyroidism. Normal TSH and high T4 indicate secondary hypothyroidism and severe non thyroid illness.

All these hormone levels alteration will be seen in some emotional disturbances and some due to physical exact causation of illness mental or physical should be also evaluated. Homoeopathy is the system of medicine to treat patient as a whole. Homoeopathy has certain case taking through which we can elicit the exact cause of the disease state to which he has arrived. This system has the concept of individualization of patient and elicits carefully the emotional cause which leads to the disturbance of patient.



Scientific title: A study on the effectiveness of homoeopathic constitutional medicines in the management of hypothyroidism

Source of Data:

Patients will be collected from the In-patient and Out-patient Departments, Peripheral centres,

Rural Health Camps and Medical Camps conducted by Vinayaka Missions Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital.


Method of Collection of the Data:


Inclusion criteria are fixed for the study.

Age group of 15 -55 years

Both male and female has been included.

Detailed case history by interview as per the proforma prepared for the topic. Medication will be on the basis of constitutional homeopathic totality.

Cases will be followed for a period of 6 months, with a fortnightly O.P.D visits. Sample size will be minimum 30 in number No particular sampling procedure shall be adapted. The patients will be investigated to conform the diagnosis before starting the study Diagnostic criteria mainly on TSH more than 4.0 mlU /L & low T3 & T4 (or) normal T3& T4 is taken into consideration. Prognosis was evaluated according to the Thyroid profile (TFT), done before followed by every six months and after the treatment.


Exclusion criteria fixed for the study:

Pituitary tumours, radiation therapy, glucocorticoid excess Pituitary tumours, radiation therapy, glucocorticoid excess.

Cases with major complications and end organ involvement



Distribution of Treatment Result in Primary Hypothyroidism patients (n=30):

The treatment result has shown that maximum number of patients (11) were under Mild Improvement which is 37% while Moderate Improvement was seen in 23% of patients (07)Marked Improvement was seen in 20% of patients(06) and no improvement is seen in 20% of patients (06) in this study

Distribution of Indicated Remedies in Primary Hypothyroidism patients (n=30):

The remedies that are used most frequently for managing the patients were Calc carb in 7 cases, Natrum mur in 5 cases and phosphorus in 4 cases.

The next grade remedies were ars alb, lyc, sepia, sulphur (03). The other minimum used remedies were merc (02).

The Intercurrent medicines which were used in the treatment were Syphilinum, Medorrhinum, and Thyroidinum.




“Inadequate release of thyroid hormone and its defective synthesis give rise to clinical condition of hypothyroidism.” This is a condition of diminished production or utilisation of thyroxine in the body.”

Hypothyroidism is now a days prevailing in both sexes. It has long been recognized that thyroid dysfunction may have profound effects on the female reproductive system. Thyroid disorders are 10 times more common in women than in men.

The protocol for the study was the pooling of all 30 cases in the first 6 months, followed by treatment period for the next 1-year and observation period for the last 6 months. This study shows most affected patients where 25-29 years (27%), the age group of 50-55 years (23%) and age group of 40-44,45-49,(13%) respectively, the age group 35-39 years (10%)and the age group of 15-19,30-34 years (07%) no cases were found in age group 20-24. As per the study, 73% were female and 27% were male are affected. According to literature, it suggests women are more affected than male. This study shows most affected patients where 25-29 years (27%), the age group of 50-55 years (23%) and age group of 40-44,45-49,(13%) respectively, the age group 35-39 years (10%)and the age group of 15-19,30-34 years (07%) no cases were found in age group 20-24. As per the study, 73% were female and 27% were male are affected.

According to literature, it suggests women are more affected than male.

In this study distribution of patients according to occupation shows, the most the affected persons are house wife which is 19%, followed by business, clerk and students 13% each respectively, teachers 10%,drivers 07% and professionals 06% respectively. Least affected were working class, retired employees and weavers (03%). This study revealed that house wives were most affected persons with primary hypothyroidism.

In this study distribution of patients according to blood group shows, the most affected persons were O+ blood group with 54%, followed by B+ blood group with 30%. Only 1- A+ blood group and 4- AB+ blood group patients were affected with 03% and 13%.

According to D‟ ADAMO Blood group diet O+ blood group were most affected and followed by B+ blood group and this is evident in this study.

The predominant fundamental miasm in the study was Psora syphilitic and syco syphilitic which is seen in 12 patients each; rest were the miasmatic state psoro sycotic in 5 patients, psora in 1 patient.

The major Dominant Miasm was Psora is seen in 43% of patients (13), next to it was the Psoro

sycotic which is seen in 30% of patients (09) .Followed by psoro-syphilitic which is seen in 16% of the patients (05).Then followed by syco syphilitic which is seen in 10% of the patients (03).

The remedies that are used most frequently for managing the patients were 7 cases Calc carb,

Natrum mur in 5 cases and phos in 4 cases. The next grade remedies were ars alb, lyc, sepia, sulphur (03). The other minimum used remedies were merc (02).The intercurrent medicines which were used in the treatment were syphilinum, medorrhinum, and thyroidinum.

According to literature the majority of patients presented with Iodine deficiency is seen in 9 patients (30%), next the common type found was sub clinical type of hypothyroidism which is seen in 08 patients (27%).Drug induced hypothyroidism is seen in 7 patients (23%), postpartum hypothyroidism in 4 patients(13%)and autoimmune hypothyroidism in 2 patients(07%), in this study.

The treatment result has shown that maximum number of patients (11) were under Mild improvement which is 37% while Moderate Improvement was seen in 23% of patients

(07). Marked Improvement was seen in 20% of patients (06) and no improvement is seen in 20% of patients (06) in this study.

Tabled value of t” at 5% level of significance is 2.045 for 29 degrees of freedom. Since the calculated value is 2.7815 which are greater than the table at 5% we reject null hypothesis.

This study provides evidence to say that, there is significant reduction in the TSH Levels after giving Homoeopathic treatment

The Homoeopathic system of medicine treats not only disease proper but also patient as a whole.

According to Hahnemann, the patients should be studied as an individual instance of disease.

The sum total of individualization is at three planes namely Mental, Spiritual sphere and

Physical sphere.


Thirty clinically diagnosed cases of Primary hypothyroidism were taken into consideration for the study. The patients were between the age group of 15-55 years. Patients of both sexes were treated. A detailed case history with the proper clinical examination with thyroid profile was done in all the patients.

·         The commonly affected age group according to my study were 25-29 (27%), 50-55 years (23%).

·         Females are most commonly affected, which was evidenced by this study which shows presence on 73% of cases.

·         Most of the affected persons were housewives which were evidenced by this study which shows presence on 19% of cases.

·         The most affected persons were O+ blood group with 54%, followed by B+ blood group with 30%.

·         Naturally according to literature the majority of patients presented with Iodine deficiency which is seen in 9 patients (30%), next the common type found was sub clinical Type of hypothyroidism which is seen in 08 patients (27%).

·         The fundamental miasm which covered mostly was Psora syphilitic and syco syphilitic in my study.

·         The Dominant miasm which covered mostly was Psora in my study Calc carb, Natrum mur and were found to be most frequently indicated constitutional remedies.

·         Along with constitutional treatment, general management in the form of diet and exercise guidelines was given to the patients.

·         According to need of the cases some acute remedies were prescribed in between.

·         Most of the patients got symptomatic relief, as well as general well being

·         Most of the patients are previously diagnosed (16), they were tapered the dose of thyroxine and homoeopathic treatment given accordingly.

·         This study shows that primary hypothyroidism can be effectively treated with Homoeopathic medicines.

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