Friday, 24 January 2020


Winter itch is a common name for the skin symptom of generalized itching in the winter. It is primarily caused by dry skin and is most common in the elderly. This article review about causes, risk factors, different type, clinical presentation general management including some home remedies management and homoeopathic way of treatment of dry skin. Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homoeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition.
Winter itch, also known as pruritus hiemalis, is a type of subclinical dermatitis, that affects individuals during cold weather. Dry is a very common condition that causes small fine flakes, cracking, and dry patches due to lack of the appropriate amount of water in the most superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis. While dry skin tends to affect males and females equally, older individuals are typically much more prone to dry skin. The skin in elderly individuals tends to have diminished amounts of natural skin oils and lubricants. Areas such as the arms, hands, and particularly lower legs tend to be more affected by dry skin. Environmental factors, such as humidity and temperature, have a profound effect on the amount of water retained within the skin.
Causes of winter itch
The exact cause of winter itch is unknown. Factors associated with winter itch include:
·        Itching associated with cold weather, often coexisting with dry skin
·        Itch presenting in autumn and winter, and clearing up during the summer months
·        The aggravation of symptoms by the wearing of certain types of textures, such as flannel or woollen wear.
·        Similar symptoms have also been reported in patients exposed to refrigerated air conditioning during the summer months. Winter itch is not influenced by frequency of bathing or by the temperature of the bath water.
·        Cold, dry air when heated by a furnace will produce dry skin by evaporating moisture on the skin. Frequent hand-washing and sanitizing causes evaporation and dryness.

Clinical Manifestations
Winter itch does not cause a primary visible rash. The affected skin generally appears healthy, but usually slightly dry.
·        The itch affects most or all parts of the body, but most commonly occurs on the legs.
·        Typical sites are the inner surface of the thighs, above and behind the knees, on the calves, and around the ankles.
·        It does not affect the hands, feet, face or scalp.
·        The degree of irritation varies from mild to severe; when severe, it can result in great distress and discomfort that may require medical attention.
·        The itchiness is sudden in onset, and is generally most noticeable at night and when removing clothing.
·        Secondary lesions arise as a consequence of chronic scratching like skin becomes erythematous with noticeable scratch marks, Scratched skin may be dry, rough and thickened (lichenified), Intense rubbing of the skin may cause desquamation.
·        There may be a secondary folliculitis, with torn and broken hair shafts due to constant scratching.
Detailed history taking and careful examination are important to rule out other potential causes of pruritus. Winter itch can be associated and confused with other diseases that cause itchiness, particularly dermatitis where there is a visible rash, and pruritus associated with systemic diseases which tends to be generalised.
Generally, dry skin can be easily diagnosed when the physician visually inspects the skin. While dry skin can appear on any type of skin at any age, the elderly and individuals who frequently expose their skin to soaps or detergents are more prone to developing this condition. In addition, a thorough medical history and review of the family history can help support the diagnosis of dry skin. Based on the medical history, other medical conditions may be ruled out or considered. In more difficult cases, a skin biopsy may be helpful to confirm the diagnosis and direct the treatment plan.
General Management with Home remedies
Winter itch normally resolves after the winter months. The duration of itching varies among individuals. It may last for a few days or weeks, and occasionally throughout the winter. Winter itch may recur throughout a person’s lifetime or disappear permanently at the end of the first attack.
·        The American Academy of Dermatology suggest that a good way to relieve itchy skin is to apply a cold, wet cloth or ice pack to the affected area for 5–10 minutes. Cooling helps reduce inflammation that may be contributing to the itch.
·        Take an oatmeal bath. Colloidal oatmeal is finely ground oatmeal that a person can dissolve in water. The resulting solution forms a protective barrier on the surface of the skin, which helps to seal in moisture. Colloidal oatmeal can help to relieve dryness and itching. Colloidal oatmeal also has known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, both of which help to reduce skin irritation.
·        Wet wrap therapy  involves applying water-soaked fabric wraps made of gauze or surgical netting to areas of itchy skin.These wraps rehydrate and soothe skin while providing a physical barrier that protects against scratching. This treatment can be especially beneficial for children.
·        Menthol is an essential oil found in plants of the mint family. It has a cooling effect and can help relieve pain and itching.
·        Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which people have used for thousands of years as a natural wound disinfectant and antiseptic. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF), apple cider vinegar may be particularly helpful in relieving an itchy scalp.
·        Baking soda has antifungal properties, and research suggests it is an effective treatment for a range of fungal skin conditions, many of which can cause itching.
·        According to the American Academy of Dermatology, people should avoid possible irritants, as they may make itchiness worse.
·        Hot water - Bathing and showering in hot water remove moisture from the skin, making it more prone to dryness, redness, and itching. Reducing the water temperature even by a few degrees can help.
·        Temperature and humidity changes - Extreme changes in temperature and humidity can dry out the skin, causing flaking and itching. A humidifier can help to maintain indoor humidity in the dry summer months. It can also help to counteract the drying effects of central heating during winter.
·        Fragranced skincare products - Some skincare products contain additives, such as perfumes and artificial colors, which can cause or worsen skin irritation. People with itchy or sensitive skin should use fragrance-free and dye-free skincare products.
·        Wool and synthetic fibers - Clothing made from wool or synthetic fibers can feel rough against the skin, causing itchiness and irritation. Some people are more sensitive than others. People with itchy skin can choose to wear loose-fitting cotton clothing whenever possible. Cotton allows the skin to breathe and prevents overheating.
·        Stress - Studies show that psychological stress can trigger itching. People who experience increased itchiness in times of stress may benefit from trying specific stress-reduction techniques, such as yoga and mindfulness meditation.
·        Lemon Juice - Lemon juice can be directly applied on itchy skin to relieve the irritation. You may want to avoid this one if you have been scratching a lot.
·        Coconut Milk - Coconut milk not only reduces skin dryness, but also helps combat dark spots and blemishes. Rub it onto your face and body, and leave it overnight.
·        Dried Fruits - A diet rich in Vitamin A, B and E is also a dry skin remedy as deficiency of these vitamins lead to dry skin. Dry fruits help to retain moisture in the skin. Consuming dry fruits regularly can help in treating extremely dry skin.
·        Aloe Vera - Slice a piece of aloe, squeeze all the gel out and apply to itchy skin. It will not only moisturize your skin, it will also form a protective layer that will keep impurities from entering your pores.

Homoeopathy, the most efficient solution to conquering winter itchy skin, is very successful in managing all the symptoms, and as well plays a significant role in improving the general health of the person. Homoeopathic approach concentrates on the body’s natural healing ability for a genuine cure of the condition. Homoeopathic treatment does not treat the disease itself, but is prescribed on the basis of physical, emotional and genetic make up that individualizes a person. The healing response is the most arduous but harmonized activity within the human physiology and often cannot be enhanced appreciably without a comprehensive natural Homeopathic approach.

For Winter Care of Dry Skin The top medicine to deal with dry skin occurring in winters is Petroleum. The main symptoms for the use of this natural remedy are dry, rough and cracked skin. The skin feels harsh to touch. Petroleum, thus, is the ideal remedy for dry skin in winter season and is of great help in restoring the normal texture of skin. Petroleum also gives excellent results in persons who have cracks on hands due to extremely dry skin. The skin is sensitive and rough to touch. The cracks can be deep enough to cause even bleeding.

 For Dry, Itchy Skin, Sulphur is the best natural remedy for dry, itchy skin. Sulphur is very beneficial in all those cases where the skin is excessively dry and itchy. Itching leads to scratching and itching usually worsens at night. Another feature for using Sulphur for treatment of dry skin is a burning sensation in the skin. The skin also looks very dirty and is very unhealthy. An aversion to bathing may be noticed in people needing Sulphur. This medicine will help to get rid of itching as well as dryness of skin.
 For Dry, Chapped Lips. Dry and chapped lips can be best treated with natural medicine Bryonia. This remedy is very bene􀁿cial for the treatment of dry and parched lips. Cracks appear on lips and medicine Bryonia heals the chapped lips and restores them to their normal state. Excessive thirst may be felt by patients needing Bryonia for treatment of dry lips.


For Dry Skin with Wrinkles.The best natural treatment for dry skin with wrinkles is Sarsaparilla. It is a very beneficial treatment when the skin is dry to a great extent with a shrunken and shriveled appearance. The skin is hard and rough to touch. The skin also seems to be present in folds with wrinkles. Sarsaparilla nourishes the skin to bring back its original smoothness.

For Cracks on Hands and Feet. Malandrium is the ideal natural medicine for treatment of skin with cracks on hands and feet. The cracks appearing in winter season respond very well to this medicine. Malandrium, thus, is the best remedy for all the patients who have dry, cracked skin on feet and hands. Itching may also be an accompanying feature. Malandrium very efficiently helps in filling up these cracked areas and bringing the skin back to its normal, healthy condition.

From the homoeopathic point of view physician can approach treatment in different ways. Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole and tries to find a constitutional remedy with the aim of strengthening the organism generally. This means looking at not only the patient’s  symptoms, but also his or her general health and way of reacting to the environment, as well as what drives him or her on an emotional level. But homoeopaths can also treat symptomatically, meaning treating symptoms specifically. Please consult a qualified homoeopath before taking any homoeopathic remedy. Along with Homoeopathic medicines, the lifestyle, personal habits & food habits modification may be useful for treatment of patients


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