Monday, 24 September 2018



Homoeopathy is considered as one of the very best alternative system for treating premature grey hair. Premature greying of hair, also known as canities, can have a negative effects on appearance, confidence, self-esteem, and social acceptance of the affected individual. Grey hair is becoming common nowadays and no one are able to get rid of this. Through the natural process of greying of hair is observed for long, however, these days this phenomenon is becoming more common in earlier ages and even in teenagers its frequency is increasing at an alarming rate. Premature greying of hair is characterized by circumscribed or general lack or loss of normal pigment. It is also called as blanching of hair, grey hair, poliosis and whiteness of the hair Greying of hair is due to the gradual loss of the melanocytes pigment – melanin. In white hairs the melanocytes are absent. This is largely determined by heredity factors, hyperthyroidism and some autoimmune diseases. It affects all populations indiscriminately and almost all age groups and gender, men, women, teenagers and even children too.
Hair is almost like a social status for both men and women, and also children. It is society’s expectation that you will have a head of hair! Hair states ones personality and adds additional beauty t is a statement about yourself, how you have your hair. Women who desire to be beautiful almost always start with their hair. There’s nothing more stunning than long, shiny, healthy hair! Elegant and versatile, long hair gives women many options when it comes to styling and creating new looks. Even though the hair is a dead tissue, it suffers from numerous hazards mirroring hair problems. Everyone who desire to be beautiful and takes hair care should understand the basics of hair.
The causes of grey hair is still a debate and new research insights are being harvested to reach a final conclusion to find proper cause of this condition. Genetics, vitamins, habits of smoking and lack of proper diet are responsible for grey hair causes.
A 2016 study reported in the International Journal of Trichology looked to factors related to premature greying in young Indians under 25 years of age. It found low levels of serum ferritin, which stores iron in the body, vitamin B- 12, and the good cholesterol HDL-C were common in participants with premature hair greying.
Heredity play’s an important role - Genetic history is the main contributing factor the offspring is more prone to have grey hair earlier in life if its parent has the grey hair at early ages. Only not that the scientists discovered that our hair turns grey if the overload of melanin and hydrogen peroxide is found in the body genetically.
Mental Stress and anxiety may also lead to premature greying - If a person is exposed to mental tension and stress constantly for long time, it disturb the supply of vital nutrition to scalp, which play a vital role for healthy scalp and hairs. Chronic sinusitis, cold and cough can lead’s to premature greying of hair. One study from New York University, reported in Nature Medicine, finds that the cells responsible for hair colour can be depleted when the body is under stress.
Unhealthy diet which lacks important vitamins and nutrients will leads to premature greying of hair and also hair loss. Vitamin and minerals, especially vitamin B12, zinc and copper are responsible for the proper nourishment of the hair that assists metabolic processes involved in giving hair its natural colour and deficiency of these vitamins and minerals affects the hair colour. If the body is suffering from the lacks of vitamin C and E, then the hair turns into grey very normally. Diet especially junk foods or processed food accelerate aging by increasing the oxidative stress and deposition of Advanced Glycation End products which accelerates aging and results in loss of hair colours.
Exposure to harsh chemicals and use of electric dryers and hair dyes.
Smoking is also one of the factors which is responsible for premature greying of hair. A study from 2013 reported in the Italian Dermatology Online Journal, shows that smokers are 2 1/2 times more likely to start greying before age 30 as non-smokers. A 2015 study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology also demonstrated that smoking is linked to premature white hair in young men.
Few patient complains of premature greying of hair along with thinning during or after pregnancy.
Some medical conditions, including autoimmune diseases, may increase a person's risk for greying early. In fact, research published in 2008 showed a connection between hair abnormalities and thyroid dysfunction. White hair is also common in alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin condition that causes hair loss on the scalp, face and other parts of the body. When the hair grows back, it tends to be white due to melanin deficiency.
These are some tips to Prevention and reversing premature white hair:
If genetics or aging is the cause for grey hair then we have very limited source can prevent or reverse the process. However, treating greying hair could allow colour pigmentation to return if the loss is due to a medical condition.
When diet and vitamin deficiencies are the cause of prematurely white hair, correcting these may reverse the problem or stop it from worsening.
·         Eating more antioxidants - A person's diet plays a part in preventing white hair. A diet rich in antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress. Antioxidant-rich foods include: fresh fruits and vegetables, green tea, olive oil & fish
·         Correcting deficiencies – If white hair resulting from a vitamin deficiency then should consume more foods loaded with those vitamins. For example, seafood, eggs, and meats are good sources of vitamin B-12, and milk, salmon, and cheese are excellent sources of vitamin D. Vitamin supplements that are available over the counter can also correct deficiencies.
·         Quit Smoking - it has adverse effects on the body and contributes to white hair. And researchers have found a link between the habit and loss of hair pigmentation.

Home remedies
There are plenty of hair dyes on the market that cover white hair, but many of these contribute to premature greying and may cause allergic and adverse reactions. Natural remedies offer an alternative to slow down hair-whitening without harming the body or causing further hair pigment damage.
·         Curry leaves. The medicinal use of curry leaves goes back centuries. When combined with hair oil and applied to the scalp, curry leaves can slow premature greying. One report in the International Journal of PharmTech Research highlights the traditional use of curry leaves to retain black hair colour and even prevent premature greying. Curry leaves can be purchased at Indian supermarkets, as well as traditional grocery stores.
·         Indian gooseberry. Also called amla, this is an herbal supplement recognized for reversing premature greying by promoting pigmentation. Its effectiveness is believed to be because the gooseberry is rich in antioxidants and anti-aging properties.
·         Amla is available as a fruit in Indian grocery stores. It can also be found, as a powder or supplement, available online or in a traditional health food store, or to purchase online. The powder can be mixed with coconut oil and applied directly to the scalp.
·         Black tea. Black tea can make hair darker, shinier and softer. It can be used by steeping 3 to 5 tea bags in 2 cups of boiling water, cooling and adding to clean, wet hair. Tea can also be mixed with conditioner, left in the hair for 1 hour, and then rinsed out.
·         Copper. Low copper levels can lead to premature greying, according to one 2012 study. Good food sources of copper are beef liver, lentils, almonds, dark chocolate, and asparagus.
·         Ridge gourd. The ridge gourd is known for restoring hair pigment and stimulating the roots of the hair. Regular massaging of ridge gourd oil can prevent hair from turning white.
·         Combination of sesame oil, carrot juice and fenugreek seeds is used as the remedy against grey hair. Use sesame oil and carrot juice in same ratio, e.g. one cup sesame oil one cup carrot juice and half the amount of fenugreek seed powder i.e. half cup.
·         Mix all of these in a clear bottle and keep in the sunlight for 21days. Apply this mixture for 3 months to your hair and it will help you to avoid premature graying of hair.
·         Regular use of natural remedies may slow down and possibly reverse white hair. But everyone's hair eventually starts to turn white, and the individual has to decide whether they are comfortable with the white or if they prefer to try and hold back what is a natural aging process.

            Homoeopathic mode of treatment has good scope in preventing and reversing premature white hair. When we talk about homeopathy we say that it treats the cause rather than treating the illness and it's true in every sense. Homoeopathic medicines stimulate the hair roots to promote regrowth. The medicines used in Homoeopathy to reversing premature white hair are all of natural origin and therefore, safe for use among persons of all age groups. These remedies will work in the most gentle and natural way in order to pause the process of greying of hair. The main advantage of opting for Homoeopathic medicines is the absence of any related toxic side effects. Premature white hair is again just an indicator that there is something not well in our body. The treatment also varies accordingly to their cause and individual nature. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. The following homoeopathic medicines are often found indicated in cases of premature white hair:

Indicated Remedies
It is generally recommended in the case of dry scalp and acute hair fall. Patients who have the symptoms such as pain in the hair roots and itchy scalp, for them this homeopathic remedy is generally recommended.

Patient complains of premature greying of hairs due
to extreme dryness of the scalp, this medicine helps to prevent further
greying of hairs and moist the scalp with natural secretion.

It is a great remedy for treating the grey hair problem. It also acts wonderfully in order to prevent the further greying of hair. The greying of hair may be followed by hair fall or dandruff. The scalp is itchy. Peculiar desires in eating such as cold drinks, juice and ice creams standout for using this Homeopathic remedy.
Natrum Mur:
It is perfect in curing of grey hair mainly in those persons who are weak and anaemic (deficient blood). It also helps in improving the general health of the patient and raises the immunity to encounter the greying of hair.

Vinca Minor:
It is best for halting the greying of hair. This Homeopathic remedy is effective when hair has fallen in spots and it has been replaced by grey hair. It works naturally in pigmenting such hair without causing any side effects. Moreover it is also used for the treatment of burst on scalp with discharges that results in sticking of hair together.
Phosphoric Acid
It is one of the best remedies for curing the premature greying of hair that results from grief and depression which may lead to thinning or falling out of hair. The patient may also feel very hopeless, sad and becomes indifferent to all affairs of life. This homeopathic remedy will help the patient to come out from the grief and restoring the pigmentation of hair that has been destroyed because of the effects of grief.

It’s for slowing down the process of greying of hair when the depigmentation of hair generally occurs in spots. It also works in the most natural and without any side effect to halt the greying of hair. Most of the patient may also show an excessive craving for sweets and hot drinks. This remedy is also good for those patients who are suffering from the gastric troubles i.e. constipation and gas in abdomen.

It is effective remedy for curing the grey hair problem which occurs due to the digestive power, mainly absorption power of intestines and is improper and weak.

Patient complains of premature greying of hair with thyroid ailment. It role is very remarkable in treating premature grey hairs and in restoring its natural black colour.



  1. Homeopathy remedies gives you good result for the hair related problems, these are comes from the natural substances and there is no side effects also. I suggest Homeocare International for the best homeopathy treatment.

  2. Homeopathy remedies gives you accurate result for the all hair related problems. It gives you best result compared to the other medicines and there is no side effects also because these are comes from the natural substances. Visit Homeocare International for world class homeopathy.

  3. As Hair loss is a multi factorial and is influenced by large number of factors and each individual’s Hair and Hair follicle are different and so same techniques and same treatment for all the persons with Hair fall does not work. At Homeocare International each and every individual with Hair fall is studied in depth and analysis is done to find the root cause. more details :



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