Monday, 24 July 2017



Tautopathy (Tauto-same) is a method of curing or removing bad or side effects of drugs by iso-intoxication, i.e., curing by means of the identical harmful agent in potentised form. The term "tautopathy" was coined by Dudley Wooton Everitt, the former director of Nelsons Homeopathic Pharmacy.
Tautopathy and Homoeopathy:
Tautopathy is the Science of Identical while Homoeopathy is Science of Similars. In Homoeopathy we always select the medicine producing similar effects as that of the disease but with a different source (whilst differing in kind), while in Tautopathy we administer the same drug (whose injurious effect is present) after potentisation. In this it is more similar to Isopathy where we take the identical substance in potentised dose.
We can rather say that Tautopathy is Indirect Homoeopathy. It is Homoeopathy minus actual proving of the drugs on healthy provers. It is based on the basis of
Causative Factor (abuse of the corresponding drug) and Symptoms produced as side effects of the abused drug.

Administering Tautopathic Drugs:
  It is in such cases that Tautopathic drugs have a major role. Either they relieve the patient of the effects of the drug thereby curing the disease or remove the blockage helping the similimum to establish cure.
The first step in dealing with such cases is to seek out and stop the use of drugs and antidote them rather than to proceed blindly to give more drugs.
Though we have Nux-vom, Puls, Sulphuretc to antidote the effects of Allopathic prescriptions but we cannot administer them in all the patients having history of Antibiotics, Iron-tonics and Creams.
The only guide to the use of these medicines is the Causative history i.e patient has a history of previous use of the medicines and after taking them how the patient reacted.
How are Tautopathic Drugs different from Allopathic Drugs?
"Tautopathic drugs have nothing to do with allopathic on the following grounds
They are used on the basis of symptoms produced by the crude drug on diseased persons (unhealthy provers), They are prepared strictly in the process of Homoeopathic pharmaceutical discipline , They are used in potencies." (Dr. J. N. Kanjilal)

No doubt Homoeopathy alone of all therapeutic methods can legitimately claim to effect true cures by medication as distinguished from recoveries. But in the present era Homoeopathy suffers a set-back due to the use of present day most powerful wonder drugs, with their bad effects, creating drug diseases. These bad effects, and drug diseases are to be removed to effect a true cure before we prescribe Homoeopathic drug. Here is a new feather (Tautopathy) in the cap of Homoeopathy.
The prescribing of potentized remedies based on their chemical similarity to the disorder being treated. Tautopathy is the science of antidotes and toxicology. This method excels in removing the effect of drugs and toxins. Drug layers, drug abuse, addictions, craving and drug overdoses can all be treated with tautopathic methods. The first remedy ever prescribed in homeopathy was a tautopathic one not a homeopathic one. Hahnemann used the remedy China to treat China poisoning: that was tautopathy. He antidote peruvian bark poisoning with potentized Peruvian bark. Where was the need to take a long case history as the classicals do? This is an example of a poison curing a poison.

The Methods of Tautopathic Prescribing:
A practitioner needs to be familiar with the Mims or BNF (British National Formulary) of allopathic drugs. It is important not to be predjudice about Allopathy, but to understand their drugs, as any morbific agent, such as a grief or trauma. In the treatment of patients who are on drugs, if you can use tautopathy first, you can demonstrate what homeopathy can do.
 Tautopathic Prescribing for Drug Side Effects: Drug side effects are a major obstacle to the cure. The biggest hazard lies in mixing up the case. We can get acute side effects of drugs and chronic symptoms of the patient confused. It's important to separate these two. We need to learn to distinguish between the side effects of the drugs and the symptoms of the patient when we analyze the case history. We need to learn the symptoms of allopathic drugs like we do with the homeopathic remedies.
 Tautopathic Prescribing for DRUG LAYERS: "Never been well since taking a drug or chemical poisonings" is a common phenomenon in modern practice. Drug poisonings can leave a drug layers. If a drug layer exists in the case then it must be removed first. Otherwise the patient's health will not improve. Mixing these drug layers with the general case is a big mistake. Also ignoring the top layer of the case can lead to a failure to cure or even palliate.
 Tautopathic Prescribing for DRUG WITHDRAWALS: The drug withdrawal symptoms are a whole new case. Treat all drug withdrawals as acutes, and use the tautopathic remedies in higher potencies. Flush the drugs out with water, by putting the tautopathic remedies in water. Also use herbal tinctures to help with the detoxification process. Avena Sativa for morphine or heroin withdrawal. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy should be treated as acute poisonings. Go for the herbs that fit the organ and give the tautopathic remedies.
Tautopathic Prescribing for DRUG Addictions: Clinical homeopathy can assist greatly in the removal of cravings and addictions. Both psychological and physiological addictions can be treated effectively. Cravings for cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, marijuana, or allopathic drugs are all treatable with tautopathics. Example:  for alcohol craving: Lachesis, Quercusrubens, Sulphuric acid or Amethyst, (known as the sobriety stone). However, Alcohol in potency is a great remedy. Alcohol dehydrates the brain and can lead to many chronic disorders, including epilepsy.
Tautopathic Prescribing for DRUG and Chemical OVERDOSES: Acute drug overdoses are a common cause of death in our society. Knowing the correct tautopathic or homeopathic remedies can save someone's life. Example: Barbiturate overdose symptoms are slurred speech, drowsiness, murmuring, and heavy eyes, followed by coma and death. Phenobarb. in potency is the antidote for phenobarb. The clinical picture of Gelsemium also fits
 Tautopathic Prescribing of ALLOPATHIC Drugs based on their ALLOPATHIC indications:  In spite of all the new provings going on these days, I believe learning allopathic drugs is more important. We instantly have 1,000 new chemical remedies. This involves prescribing a remedy based on its allopathic indications, because it is already a well-proven remedy. Example: Ritalin is used in hyperactivity therefore it has that similar affinity, for that disease. It is a stimulant that treats over stimulated children. Therefore Ritalin in potency is a great remedy for treating hyperactivity.
Tautopathic Prescribing of ALLOPATHIC Drugs and Chemicals based on their HOMEOPATHIC indications: Remedies like Lithium, Alcohol, Mercury, Lead and Adrenalin have been in the repertory for over a hundred years; via provings and case histories we have the indications for prescribing them as homeopathic remedies. That means any drug or chemical can be used as a remedy to treat things beyond it's normal allopathic indications
 Tautopathic Prescribing of PREVENTATIVE REMEDIES Also known as prophylactic tautopathy: If one knows a person is about to be exposed to a toxic substance then one can give a tautopathic remedy to help them through the toxic exposure. Example : Before a visit to the dentist give the anaesthetic in potency, especially if the patient has a history of poor recovery from that drug. Likewise for chemotherapy you can give Cadmium sulph., on the day of the chemo treatment to lessen the side affects of the treatment.
Tautopathic Prescribing for Detoxification:  Naturopaths strongly believe in detoxification and homeopaths should too. Knowing methods of detoxification will save lives. Our bodies are made of 75%  water, therefore the Cell Salts are very important remedies. Cell Salts are about cleaning  the intra-cellular water that has become poisoned. Everything including aging comes down to cell water, cellular dehydration being the cause of many problems.
Advantages of Tautopathic Drugs:
The benefits of Tautopathic drugs are: They can be proved according to Homeopathic "Proving" and can be inculcated in Homeopathic MateriaMedica. They anti-dote the bad effects of crude or offending and harmful identical agents.
Limitations of Tautopathy:
Inspite of so many benefits Tautopathy cannot cure all types of drug diseases; its use is limited to those cases where disease symptoms are clearly attributable to the side effects of overdosing with a particular allopathic drug. The Bad effects of the above medicines are generally different in different individuals according to their physical constitution, so it is difficult to collect all symptoms-bad or side effects of each drug. The only guide at present is the previous use of the medicines by patients and after taking medicines how patient reacted. Most of the bad or side effects of each drug are given in practical part.
These drugs are only prepared by me according to trituration and succussion methods and are handmade because with trituration and succussion (Hand made and not Machine made) more energy is released, (this fact will be cleared up in future with the aid of clinical and machine findings.) Lastly, who are concerned with the health and betterment of Humanity to try Tautopathy. It's future depends on trial by Homoeopaths and brother Allopaths for its true progress. I pray to God, as usual, to lead me where I can find more truth. The whole truth regarding life, diseases and cure of sickness is not the monopoly of any single system of medicine however widespread it is.

Ramlal P. Patil What is Tautopathy, Tautopathy, preparartion of medicine, side effective drugs, proving of drugs,
Oscar.E.Boericke,Pocket manual of homoepathicmateriamedica


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