Wednesday, 13 July 2016



Bio = Living (life), Chemic = Chemical.
Biochemic combinations or cell salts or tissue salts have been dispensed as combination since the time of Schussller. A German physician Dr. Schussler realized that a deficiency of certain tissue salts can lead to a number of diseases. These salts are normal components of healthy tissues are essential for the growth and development of the body. Although this system is considered to be an offshoot of Homoeopathy, it has its independent standing. Unlike homeopathic medicines that are in thousands and are available in various potencies or scales, the biochemic remedies are just twelve in number and are available in the 3X, 6X, 12X, 30X, and 200X potencies.
It means chemical activity in living or life. In Homoeopathy whatever the drug that we ultimately use contains chemicals which may be organic or inorganic. The source may be from vegetable, animal kingdom or may be mineral, sarcode or nosode. For example, Colocynth which is derived from vegetable kingdom contains Magnesium phosphate (Mag-phos); Arnica and China contain Potassium phosphate (Kali-phos); Lycopodium contains Silicea and so on. Biochemic salts are nothing but Homoeopathic medicines in the Decimal scale.
Homoeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The aim of homoeopathy is not only to treat deficiency symptoms but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several well-proved remedies are available for various deficiency symptoms that can be selected on the basis of cause, condition, sensation and modalities of the complaints. A few remedies are known to help in proper assimilation of nutrients, certain biochemics such as Ferrum phos, Calcarea phos, Kali phos, Natrum phos and Mag phos. Five Phos is used as a general tonic for those people who are busy most of the time in mental work especially for students. The use of Five Phos keeps the person tired free all the day long.
§  Mind: Brain tonic, bashful, shy, timid. Home sickness; disappointment; lack of self confidence; loss of memory; weeping tendency; insominia.
§  Weariness, weakness, exhaustion in septic diseases
§  Motor and sensory nerves paretic to paralytic stage
§  Necrosis and gangrenous conditions
§  Twitching and jerking with numbness
§  Disorientation with time, space and personality
§  Produces euthanasia in grave diseases
§  First aid in injury
§  First stage of any diseases
§  Pain comes suddenly and disappears suddenly
§  Haemorrhage: Blood profuse, bright red, coagulate easily
§  Hungry after vomiting, must eat, food allergies
§  Pain: Crampy, neuralgic, spasmodic, electric like: comes suddenly, disappears suddenly
§  Right sided complaints
§  Chorea and convulsion in teething children without fever
§  Prevents deposition of calcium and cancerous condition
§  Hyperacidity, worms  and gouty disposition
§  Constipation in obstructive jaundice, stool clay coloured
§  Gonorrhoea and Diabetes
§  Infertility in female due to excessive acidic vaginal secretion
§  Thin, watery frequent emission of semen during night with severe backache
§  Diarrhoea early morning, acrid, burning, golden yellow, sour smelling with much flatus
§  Mind: Easily started, feels as if some misfortune will happen, hears footsteps in next room
§  Craves for bacon, ham. Salted or smoked meats, PICA
§  Dentition diarrhea, spluttering
§  Fistula in ano alternates with chest symptoms
§  Tendencies to catch cold, growing rapidly, haemorrhage
§  Mind: Alternating states. Fear and frights. Wants to be magnetized
If the mental, physical, general and nervous weakness due to loss of vital fluid occur, then Five Phos is considerd a useful remedy. These symptoms may also appear because of any sudden shock. Five Phos is also useful when the physical, mental & general strength becomes weak. Five Phos regulates the lost strength. It also increases haemoglobin of lactating mothers and elderly women. Five Phos is used as a general tonic for those people who are busy most of the time in mental work especially for students. The use of Five Phos keeps the person tired free all the day long. A genere tonic for all chronically wasting diseases; anaemia of young quickly growing people. Recommended for women who have been weakened by frequent childbearing. General debility and exhaustion with a lack of vitality.


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