Thursday, 16 April 2015



The condition in which excess fat has accumulated in the body,  mostly in the subcutaneous tissues, clinical obesity is considered to  be present when a person has a Body mass index of 30 or over
Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder of recent years in western societies. Some patients may require surgical treatment to attain worthwhile weight reduction, drug treatments also exist.            
                                                                 Weight in KG
                                                BMI = ––––––––––––––––
                                                             (Height in meters) 2

WHO Classification of over Weight

BMI (KG/ M2)
Associated health risk
v  Under weight
< 18.5
Low ( But risk of other clinical problems increased) 
v  Normal
18.5 – 24.9
v  Over weight
≥ 25

     Per obese
25 – 29.9
     Obese class I
30 – 34.9
Moderately increased
     Obese class II
35 – 39.9
Severely increased
     Obese class III
Very Severely increased

Causes of Obesity:

v  Simple:
            Endogenous – constitutional, Exogenous – Over eating lack of exercise

v  Other causes:
        Endocrine causes
a)           Pituitary – Frohlich’s syndrome , Pregnancy, Climacteric both males & Females
b)            Thyroid                      -  Hypothyroidism
c)             Adrenal cortex          - Cushing’s Syndrome
d)            Gonads                      - Polycystic ovaries
e)             Pancreas                    - Islet cell tumors
f)              Hypothalamus           - Encephalitis, Meningo encephalitis, Cranio pharyngioma,
  3rd ventricle tumors               

v  Drugs:
-          Anti convulsants, Anti psychotics, Anti depressants, Cortico steroids, Insulin

Types of body fat distribution

Pear type:  Fat accumulates mainly around hips and thighs (Gynoid distribution) characteristics of females.

Apple type:    Fat storage mainly in the abdomen (Android distribution), found in both sexes.

Effects of obesity (Complications)

1.      Brain                                 - Cerebro vascular accidents (CVA), mental disturbances.
2.      C.V.S.                               - Coronary Heart diseases (CHD)
3.      Vascular                            - Hypertension , varicose vein, pedal edema,
4.      Respiratory                        - Dyspnoea
5.      G.I.T                                 - Hiatus hernia, Gall stone, Constipation.
6.      Joints                                 - OA, Backache
7.      Endocrine & Metabolic    - NIDDM, Hyper lipidemia, menstrual irregularities, Impotence 
8.      Malignancy                        - Cancers such as ca.ovary, endometrium, cervix, breast, prostate
9.      Skin                                   - Rashes
10.  Pregnancy                          - Perinatal mortality, per eclampsia, Gestational diabetes,              
   Caesarian sections  
11.  Psychic                              -These individuals are very unhappy. Different psychosomatic                
                                                  problems may also develop.

General Management:

v Successful treatments for weight loss include setting goals and making lifestyle changes
such as eating fewer calories and being more physically active. Drug therapy and weight
loss surgery are also options for some people if lifestyle changes don’t work.
v Set Realistic Goal
v Setting the right weight loss goals is an important first step to losing and maintaining weight.
Lifestyle Changes
For long-term weight loss success, it’s important to make lifestyle changes:
·         Focus on energy intake (calories from food and drinks) and energy output (physical
·         Follow a healthy eating plan
·         Learn how to adopt more healthful lifestyle habits
Over time, these changes will become part of everyday life.
Healthy Eating Plan
·         A healthy eating plan gives our body the nutrients it needs every day. It has enough calories for good health, but not so many that gain weight.
Healthful foods include:
·         Fat-free and low-fat milk and milk products such as low-fat yogurt, cheese, and milk.
·         Lean meat, fish, poultry, cooked beans, and peas.
·         Whole grain foods such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, and brown rice. Other grain foods  
like pasta, cereal, bagels, bread, tortillas, couscous, and crackers.
·         Fruits, which can be canned (in juice or water), fresh, frozen, or dried.
·         Vegetables, which can be canned (without salt), fresh, frozen, or dried.
·         Canola or olive oils and soft margarines made from these oils are heart healthy. 
Cholesterol is found mainly in:
·         Egg yolks
·         Organ meats such as liver
·         Shrimp
·         Whole milk or whole-milk products, including butter, cream, and cheese

Physical Activity
Staying active and eating fewer calories will help you lose weight and keep the weight off over time. Physical activity also will benefit you in other ways.
 In general, adults should follow these guidelines in relation to physical activity.
·         For overall health and to lower the risk of disease, aim for at least 30 minutes of    moderate-intensity physical activity most days of the week.
·         To help manage body weight and prevent gradual weight gain, aim for 60 minutes of        moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity most days of the week.
·         To maintain weight loss, aim for at least 60 to 90 minutes of daily moderate-intensity        physical activity.
In general, children and teens should aim for at least 60 minutes of physical activity on most, if not all, days of the week.
 Behavioral Changes
Changing your behaviors or habits around food and physical activity is important for losing weight. The first step is to understand the things that lead you to overeat or have an inactive lifestyle. A record of your food intake and the amount of physical activity that you do each day will help to inspire you.

- Gastroplication
- Jejuno ileal by pass
Starvation therapy
- It may be helpful sometime

Homoeopathic Management:

Homeopathic medicines can help to lose weight by improving digestion, elimination, and metabolism. But the medicines need to be individually prescribed, based on  own unique pattern of symptoms. Constitutional treatment is most appropriate, but some of the following remedies might be useful.
            Am.Brom, Am.mur, Anti.crud, Aurnm.met, Bar.carb, Cal.carb, Capsicum, Fucus.vesi, Graph, Fer.met, Kali bich, Kali carb, Lyco, Phyto, Sulph, Thyroidinum.

v  Phytolacca. Berry Q (Phytoline Q) - Attended with difficulty in walking, sitting, palpitation, dyspnea on the least exertion, nausea, eructations. A great fat reducer.

v  Aesculentine Q- Another great fat reducer, may be alternated with phytoline.

v  Calotropis Q – Obesity, while flesh decreases, muscles becomes, harder and firmer

v  Fucus. Vesiculosis Q, 1x, if attended with indigestion and flatulence.  A remedy for obesity and non-toxic goiter, obstinate constipation, thyroid enlargement in obese subjects.

v  Thyriodinum 200 - Reduce the fat
v  Plumb.met - Obesity with emaciated limbs
v  Graphites – fat, chilly and costive with delayed menstrual history, with tendency to skin affections and constipation.

Treatment for overweight and obesity includes lifestyle changes. These changes mean cutting back on calories, following a healthy eating plan, being physically active, and making behavioral changes. When lifestyle changes aren’t enough, other treatment options for some people are weight loss medicines and surgery.
Overweight and obesity in children and teens can be prevented with healthy food choices and more physical activity. Parents and families should create habits that encourage healthful food choices and physical activity early in a child’s life.


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