Tuesday, 16 December 2014


Cigarette smoking is injurious to health”

§        The effects of smoking are serious. It can harm nearly every organ of the body.
§        Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes - Smoking KILLS.
§        One in two lifetime smokers will die from their habit. Half of these deaths will occur in middle age.
§        Smoking habits commonly seen in young age group.

v    What are the diseases come due to smoking?
Ø     Respiratory system:
-  Every cigarette you smoke damages your breathing and scars your lungs.
- Why it is bad, Nicotine causes bronchial constriction lead to early development of chronic bronchitis.
Smoking causes:
                    - Chronic bronchitis (30-40 yrs.)
                    - Emphysema
                     - Pneumonia
                    - Asthma
                    - Tuberculosis
                    - Bronchogenic carcinoma (Lung cancer) usually in old age (above 60 yrs)
·        Men who smoke are ten times more likely to die from lung cancer than nonsmokers.

Ø     Cardio vascular system & Vessels:
-         The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette you smoke temporarily increases your heart rate and blood pressure, straining your heart and blood vessels.
-         Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor; it injures the coronary vessels, finally produces atheromatous deposition leading to Ischemic heart disease (Heart attack). Commonly in young age group.
     Smoking causes:
-         Atherosclerosis, a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque builds up in your arteries
-         Aneurysms, which are bulging blood vessels that can burst and cause death
-         Cardiovascular disease (CVD), which includes:
ü     Coronary heart disease (CHD), narrow or blocked arteries around the heart
ü     Heart attack and damage to your arteries
ü     Heart-related chest pain
ü     High blood pressure
-         Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), a condition in which plaque builds up in the arteries that carry blood to the head, organs, and limbs
-         Breathing tobacco smoke can even change your blood chemistry and damage your blood vessels. As you inhale smoke, cells that line your body’s blood vessels react to its chemicals. Your heart rate and blood pressure go up and your blood vessels thicken and narrow.
·        Smoking causes around one in five deaths from heart disease.
·        In younger people, three out of four deaths from heart disease are due to smoking.

Ø     Central nervous system:
Smoking causes:

-         Narrowing of cerebral vessels because atheromatous plaque .which produces thrombosis in turn produces hemiplegia.

-         Stroke, which is sudden death of brain cells caused by blood clots or bleeding.

Ø     Autoimmune diseases:
Smoking causes:
-         The immune system is the body’s way of protecting itself from infection and disease. Smoking compromises the immune system, making smokers more likely to have respiratory infections.
-         Smoking also causes several autoimmune diseases, including Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Smoking doubles your risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.
-         Smoking has recently been linked to Type 2 diabetes, Smokers are 30% to 40% more likely to develop type 2diabetes than nonsmokers.

Ø     Bone diseases:
Smoking causes:
-         Increase your risk for osteoporosis, a condition in which bones weaken and become more likely to fracture.

Ø     Vision:
Smoking causes:
-         Smoking is as bad for your eyes as it is for the rest of your body. Research has linked smoking to an increased risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, cataract, and optic nerve damage, all of which can lead to blindness.

Ø     Cancer:
Cigar and pipe smoke, like cigarette smoke, contains toxic and cancer-causing chemicals that are harmful to both smokers and non-smokers.
Smoking causes:
-         Bladder cancer
-         Esophageal cancer
-         Laryngeal (voice box) cancer
-         Lip cancer
-         Lung cancer
-         Mouth cancer
-         Throat cancer
-         Tongue cancer

Ø     Reproductive diseases:
Smoking causes:
-         Preterm birth
-         Still birth
-         Ectopic pregnancy
-         Reduced fertility in women
-         Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)
-         Negative effects on pregnant women and their baby
-         Erectile dysfunctions (Impotence)
-         Causing low sperm count and impotence

Ø     Others:
-         Smoking also affects skin to look older
-         Premature aging.

v    The overall conclusion is that there are no positive effects of smoking.

v    Note: Individual effects may differ depending upon the following factors:
-         For how long the person has been smoking
-         The quantity of cigarette smoking daily
-         The age of smoker
-         Immune system of a smoker
Needless to say that long term effects of smoking are disastrous. According to the studies, non-smokers live on an average about 14-15 years longer than smokers.
Here we advise all the smokers who wants to live longer and health life; that you should start quitting as soon as possible.

Home Remedies to Quit Smoking:

1.  Oats: Oats is an age-old remedy used to quit smoking. It is one of the best home remedies to stop smoking. Take a tablespoon of ground oats and mix it in 2 cups of boiled water. Leave it for a night, and then, boil it the next morning for about 10 minutes. Drink it after every meal. Avoid taking it at night. Oats helps to flush out the harmful toxins from the body while lowering the craving for smoking. It also helps in easing up the withdrawal symptoms.

2. Water: Drinking plenty of water is the ultimate remedy to treat the habit of smoking. Water will help in detoxifying the body. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, drink a glass of water. This will not only decrease the craving but will also reduce the withdrawal symptoms.

3. Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne pepper is also one of the best natural remedies to stop smoking. Include the spice in your diet or mix a few pinches in a glass of water. Cayenne pepper helps in desensitizing the respiratory system to all the addictive things, such as tobacco and nicotine. It also helps to lessen the craving for smoking.

4. Ginger: One of the most common withdrawal symptoms of smoking is nausea, which can be easily eased up by taking ginger juice.

5. Lobelia: Lobelia is also beneficial in lessening the craving for smoking. It helps to overcome the withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, irritation, too much hunger, as well as poor concentration.

6. Multivitamins: Smoking causes deficiency of a number of vital nutrients in our body. This can be replenished by supplements of Vitamin A, C

7. Radish: This is another reliable home remedy to quit smoking. Grate a radish and take out its juice. Mix some honey in it, and drink it at least 2 times a day.

8. Grape Seed Extract: Consume grape seed extract to repair the damage of lungs, caused due to smoking.

9. Grape Juice: The acidic content of grape juice will help to flush out the nicotine from the body, so drink grape juice daily while you are ready to quit smoking.

10. Ginseng: Add a teaspoon of ginseng powder in your breakfast to help reduce the craving for smoking. Ginseng is an effective remedy to prevent the release of dopamine, one of the main components found in nicotine.

11. Honey: Honey is an excellent remedy in handling the cessation process of smoking. Honey contains beneficial vitamins, enzymes and proteins, which help in giving up the habit of smoking with ease.

12. Try Herbal Cigarettes: You can also try herbal cigarettes that have 0% nicotine in them. These are made with herbs, like mint, cinnamon, licorice, Lemongrass, cornsilk, or clover. But, they should not be used for a longer period of time as it also contains some carcinogens.

Homoeopathic management:

Avena Sativa:
Taken in tincture form or in a low X homeopathic potency such as 6x, Tincture of Oats has a calming and balancing effect on the nervous system, without sedating you. It has a reputation as a calming ally to those grappling with addition. With its moderating effect on the nerves it should temper any sudden cravings or nervousness that arises during the process of quitting. Suggestion - 5 drops of the tincture in 30ml of water, 4 times per day for a week during quitting. Start 2 days before your quit date.
Nux Vomica:
The "homeopathic hangover cure" remedy has great affinity for the liver and nervous system and assists in the detox process not just physiologically but also for those of you who would get very cranky and short tempered without their smokes. It is, for most people, a crucial remedy in maintaining equilibrium while having an initial tobacco-free week without stress or cravings. Suggestion- Get a phial of Nux Vomica 200c pills and take two per day for the first two days, one per day for three days after that. Take one whenever you feel a strong, stubborn craving or when you notice yourself getting impatient and short-tempered. No more than 4 per day.

If the first two remedies suggested here require even more support in their action, consider getting this remedy and taking it in a 6c, three times per day. This remedy suppresses the desire to smoke but may lengthen the more difficult physical quitting phase. Other helpful measures would be to eat liquorice during the first week. It has the effect of reducing tobacco cravings. After the first week, you could take a dose of Homeopathic Sulphur 200c as an additional cleanse and to reverse some of the negative effects of smoking.

Lobelia is another remedy often recommended for treating smoking addictions. It’s from the Indian tobacco plant. The nicotine in tobacco increases levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for euphoria and relaxation. In homeopathic form, tobacco remedies can be effective in releasing addictive energies caused by nicotine.

Carbo Vegetabilis:
     Carbo vegetabilis is derived from the charcoal and ash of birch wood which is similar to the ash produced by smoking cigarettes. Smoking relaxes the mind and enhances mental capacity but when over used (i.e. abused) it slows down many body functions. In remedy form, Carbo-v can revitalize a state of inertia while maintaining a sense of calm and focus. It also has an affinity to heart disease, respiratory diseases and digestive disorders, and can be very effective in healing these important body functions.
It is a remedy often used to treat suppressed emotions, and addiction is directly link to one’s emotional state. The typical profile of a person benefiting from this remedy is someone who on the outside appears proud and dignified but on the inside suffers from a history of abuse, humiliation and/or neglect.

·        ORGASM of blood due tobacco smoking - Phos.
·        DIFFICULT in breathing due to smoke - Ars. bar-c. Brom. chin. cocc. Ign. lach. lyc. nat-act. puls.
·        STOPPED, breathing due to smoking - Tarax.
·        TREMULOUS and weak bodies after smoking - Hep.
·        WEAK, constitutions due to smoking - Asc-t. calad. clem. Hep.
·        DRYCOUGH due to smoke- Acon. all-s. atro. coc-c. coca hell. petr. thuj.
·        COUGHING aggravated due to SMOKING - Acon. agar. all-s. arg-n. atro. brom. bry. CALAD. carb-an. cham. clem. coc-c. coca cocc. Coloc. Dros. Euphr. ferr. hell. hep. hydrog. IGN. iod. lac-ac. mag-c. menth. nux-v. osm. petr. puls. spig. spong. staph. sul-ac. tarent. thuj.
·        LUNG CANCER, due to smoking - Ars. calad. con. phos.
·        EMPHYSEMA due to smoking - Am-c. calad.
·        FEVERS due to tobacco smoking - Calad. cic. ign. sep.
·        LOSS OF APPETITE due to smoking - Bell. sep.
·        HEADACHES due to tobacco smoking - Acet-ac. acon. alum. ant-c. Ant-t. Bell. brom. Calad. calc. carb-ac. caust. clem. coc-c. cocc. ferr. ferr-i. Gels. glon. hep. Ign. Lob. mag-c. NAT-ACT. nat-m. nux-v. op. par. petr. plan. Puls. sil. spig. thuj. zinc.
·        HEART PAIN due to smoking - conv.
·        PALPITATIONS in smokers - Calad. lycps-v.
·        ASTHMA due to smoking - Ars. Calad. lob. puls.
·        VOMITING due to smoking - Agar. bufo Calad. clem. cocc. Ip. lob. nat-s. tab.
·        Ailments from SMOKE - Bry. calc. CARB-V. caust. Euph. nat-m. nux-v. olnd. Sep. SPIG. sulph.
·        DESIRE, for tobacco smoking - Ars. Asar. bell. CALAD. Calc-p. Camph. carb-ac. carb-an. carb-v. card-m. castor-eq. Chin. chlor. Coca coff. con. daph. eug. Glon. ham. hydrog. kreos. led. lyc. manc. med. nat-c. Nicot. Nux-v. ox-ac. Phos. plan. plat. plb. rhus-t. Spig. Staph. TAB. ther. Thuj.
·        VERTIGO due to smoking - Alum. asc-t. borx. brom. calad. clem. Gels. NAT-M. NUX-V. op. seneg. sil. Tab. zinc.
·        DIM, vision due to smoking - Asc-t.
·        VISION - WEAK After smoking - Asc-t. tab.
·        Destroys craving for tobacco, Cancer from smoking – Caladium.
·        Tobacco craving – Daphne indica,
·        Tobacco heavy smokers- nicotine poisoning causing damage to heart, lung, and blood vessels-  Tabaccum.
·        Addiction, nicotine – aven, calad, ign, nicot, nux.vom, tab,
·        Angina pectoris from tobacco –  Nux.vom,
·        Desire for smoking-   calad, tab, ars, cal.p, camph, china, coca, glon, nicot, nux vom, phos, staph.
·        Heart, symptoms of circulation worse after smoking ¬ Spongia
·        Paralysis, from abuse of nicotine – Nux vom.


  1. nice post
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