Friday, 25 April 2014



Summer sun and temperatures are beloved because they provide us with the opportunity to spend more time outdoors doing the things as we love. However, the sun and temperatures come at a price and it is our skin that pays that price. Sun damage can lead to premature aging of the skin, wrinkles, marks, dry skin, and even skin cancer over time. The hottest season of the year requires careful thought for your skin even as you enjoy the heat and freedom of summer. With the enhanced flow of skin's oily discharge, epidermal layer may be prone to dullness, loss of luster and blemishes. Secondly, owing to the increased susceptibility to the damaging UV rays of sun, there is a consequential increase in the formation of patches and wrinkles. In order to overcome the seasonal blemishes and loss of collagen, it is important to comply with certain skin care regimen.
With the enhanced flow of skin's oily discharge, epidermal layer may be prone to dullness, loss of luster and blemishes. Secondly, owing to the increased susceptibility to the damaging UV rays of sun, there is a consequential increase in the formation of patches and wrinkles. In order to overcome the seasonal blemishes and loss of collagen, it is important to comply with certain skin care regimen.

Sun allergy is an immune system reaction to the sun. It can occur at any time in someone’s life, but typically it occurs in people in their 20s and their 30s. Sun allergy can affect people of all skin types and the exact cause of this disorder is still unknown.
Main types of sun allergy:
Polymorphic light eruption  - the most common type of sun allergy; tiny bumps on itchy red skin in spring and early summer
Solar urticaria - hives, itching and blisters in older adults
Actinic prurigo - red and itchy patches and bumps in children in summer
Chronic actinic dermatitis - thick patches of dry, itchy and inflamed skin

General Skin Care Tips for Summer:

In order to overcome the seasonal blemishes and loss of collagen, it is important to comply with certain skin care regimen.
·        Drink at least 15-20 glasses of water to keep yourself hydrated. Other than providing the necessary moisture, it will help flush the toxic content.
·        Avoid the sun during peak hours (between 10am and 3pm). Wear sunglasses, a hat and protective clothing with long sleeves and long trousers.
·        Use of moisturizer watery in base is necessary during summer. Rose water which happens to be an effective toner cum moisturizer may be used as part of toning and moisturizing.
·        Juice extracted from cucumber or watermelon may be similarly used for moisturizing facial skin.
·        Application of moisturizer containing aloe extracts or for that matter application of aloe gel serves to be an effective summer healing option.
·        As far as caring of feet and hands are concerned, soaking hands and feet in water enriched with a pinch of salt will help boost blood circulation.
·        Avoid wearing closed shoes that block free circulation of air, in its place go for flats and sandals that make for necessary circulation.
·        Other than avoiding moisturizer with oily base, it is also necessary that one avoids using synthetics and silk preferable during winter.
·        For excessively dry skin types, olive oil may be used as an alternative to oily based moisturizers and toners.
·        Make sure that the sunscreen used is applied at least fifteen to thirty minutes before stepping out in the sun.
·        According to dermatologists and skin care specialists sun protective formula meant for summer should have a higher SPF (sun protection factor) content. SPF-30 should be used during summer.
·        Similarly special care should be taken to have it applied twice or thrice during summer, other than using the same prior to stepping out in the sun.
·        For those choosing to swim and bask in sun, sun protective formula should be applied every hour and twenty minutes to overcome the damaging impacts of sun burn, rashes and blister formation
·        In order to make for healthy breathing and free circulation of the epidermal layer, tight fitting clothes blocking circulation should be avoided.
·        Exfoliating the facial skin by means of a homemade scrub prepared out of half a cup yogurt, five table spoons of gram flour, a dash of turmeric and six drops of rose water can prove to be an effective option.
·        Exfoliation followed by the application of facial pack consisting of three table spoons of mashed papaya , one table spoon of honey or lemon juice and white of an egg will serve to revive radiance and glow lost during summer.
·        In case you want to avoid the use of egg white, the resulting blend of cucumber, honey and yogurt may be used to provide cooling touch to the skin
·        In order to get rid of uneven summer tanning, go for a blend of gram flour, yogurt and squeezed juice of half a lemon, to apply the same on parts affected.
·        Mixture consisting of honey and potato juice serves to be a good option for overcoming tan.
·        Honey is similarly effective in overcoming conditions of scars and rashes.
·        Avoid carbonated drinks containing soda and high doses of sugar. Instead go for juices extracted out of fresh fruits like lemonade and that extracted from unripe green mango.
·        In cases of bites and stings during summer, soothing the affected part by means of an ice pack will prove to be healthy.
·        Eat healthy, exercise and sleep well! The holy trinity of good health and glowing skin holds true for the whole year. So along with all the tips above,  don’t forget to eat a balanced diet, work out for at least 45 minutes everyday and get 6 to 8 hours of sleep. Enjoy the summer!

Homoeopathy is safe and effective treatment for summer skin problems. It is better to start a preventive treatment a few weeks before going on vacation or before summer’s onset

Commonly used Homoeopathic Medicines for Sunburn / Rash:
Acon, Agar, Ant-c, Bell, Bry, Bufo, Canth, Camph, Hyos, lach, Kali-c, Lyc. Mur-ac, Nat-c, Nat-m, Puls, Seln,Sulph. Valer, Verat.

Urtica urens - Indications for use are redness and intense burning heat with a violent itching or a stinging, pricking quality. The burnt skin resembles a rash with little white bumps. This remedy originates from Stinging Nettle.
Cantharis - The skin is red with very painful burning, rawness, and smarting, and is better from cool applications that the person doesn’t want to take off. This is our main first-aid remedy for any type of burn.
Causticum - This remedy is for more serious burns that blister and ooze or for the ill-effects of old burns. Topical applications can be very soothing to a burn:
Calendula or Hypericum tincture diluted in water, 1 to 10 parts. Apply cool compresses to the sunburned skin, refreshing them frequently as they warm up against the skin.

Apis mellifica - Burning and itchy pink swollen patches, improved by cold compresses.
Belladonna - Hot bright red rash; sun allergy can be accompanied by fever.
Hypericum - Herbal and homeopathic preparations of St.John`s wort have a completely different action when it comes to sun allergy. Herbal preparations make the skin more vulnerable to sunlight while daily doses of homeopathic dilutions of St.John`s wort have the opposite action - they can desensitize the skin. The skin becomes accustomed to UV light and symptoms caused by sun exposure are reduced.
Muriaticum acidum - Red papules and vesicles with violent itching
Natrum mur - Sun allergy is worse at the sea side; various chronic skin disorders - urticaria, eczema,acne, herpes; skin and respiratory allergies.
Pulsatilla - Thin mottled skin, sensitive to sunlight and cold - prone to sunburn and sun allergy in summer and to frostbites in winter; slow digestion with intolerance to fatty foods; ENT and urogenital disorders with yellow-greenish discharge.
Sulphur - Severe sun allergy with violent burning and itching worse by bathing and heat; skin and body
orifices turn red easily, prone to various skin disorders and multiple allergy; heat intolerance.

Ledum palustre is the main remedy for puncture wounds from insect stings and spider bites as well as a good, first choice for any kind of bite (including a dog or cat bite) that burns, itches, and stings. The site of the sting is bluish in colour with hard, white swelling that feels cold to the touch. The person is usually chilly but better from very cold applications, which is unusual, and therefore, the guiding symptom to use of this remedy. Topical Ledum (prepared as above) relieves itchy mosquito bites.
Apis mellifica - derived from the honey bee, is another frequently indicated remedy, when there is tremendous red puffy swelling at the site of the bite, along with a burning, throbbing, stinging sensation. The person is hot and restless, worse with heat, and relieved by cold applications and cold air.
Carbolic acid - For an allergic or anaphylactic reaction and collapse following a bee or wasp sting, with marked swelling and a choking feeling. The person is usually covered in hives, with a swollen face and tongue
Caladium - For intensely itching flea, fly, and mosquito bites with no other major complaints. For inflammation and infection from every mosquito bite.
Urtica urens - For urticaria (hives) caused by allergic reactions to insect bites and jellyfish stings, characterized by burning, prickling, and itching pain, which is better from constantly rubbing the area.
Vespa - A very useful remedy for a wasp sting followed by severe stinging, piercing pain, along with staring into space, convulsions, and loss of consciousness.
Usually Ledum and Apis will take good care of the majority of insect bites and stings.

Sun exposure during very hot weather can also bring on the added risk of heat exhaustion, when a person becomes dehydrated from lack of water, excessive sweating, overexertion, and/or consuming alcoholic beverages.
Symptoms include pallor, cold and clammy skin, excessive sweating, increased pulse and breathing, weakness, dizziness, nausea, headache, and muscle cramps. Veratrum album corresponds to the above common symptoms of heat exhaustion.
Cuprum Metallicum may be indicated if muscle cramping is predominant.
Magnesium Phosphoricum is indicated when abdominal or leg cramps predominate.
Gelsemium is characterized by dullness, dizziness, and drowsiness. The face is hot and dusky red, the head is congested, with a feeling of emptiness or weakness in the stomach, along with the characteristic nervous, shuddering chill. The person is worse with motion and wants to lie down quietly.

If heat exhaustion goes untreated, heatstroke may follow, which is a life-threatening condition in that the body cannot regulate its own temperature. Sweating may cease, and the body temperature can rise to 40ºC/104ºF or higher, with a rapid and strong pulse. Sunstroke presents with dry skin, a hot head, and a severe headache. The person may be vomiting, confused, convulsing, or unconscious.
If suspect heatstroke, simple measures to provide additional comfort and rest should be taken before you even select a homeopathic remedy. Move the person to a cool place, remove clothing, and sponge down with cool water. Administer the indicated remedy while awaiting medical assistance.
Belladonna - Characteristically, of sudden onset, with a hot and flushed-red face, while the rest of the body (or just the hands and feet) is chilled or cold. The severe, throbbing, right-sided headache is worse from jarring, motion, light, or noise, and better from cold applications or bending the head backward. The pupils are dilated, and the person seems to be in a stupor.
Glonoinum - Presents with a violent, pounding, or throbbing headache, with visible pulsation of the carotid artery along with a bounding pulse. The headache is worse from applying cold water and bending the head backward, and better from elevating the head. The skin is hot and dry, with a flushed, bright-red face and bulging eyes. There is a heavy, confused, drowsy state, with vertigo and dizziness as well as frequent urination.
 Carbo vegetabilis - The person becomes weak and faints or collapses as a result of the heat exhaustion. He is cold and clammy, with marked nausea and diarrhea after exposure to heat and sun. Needing air and wanting to be fanned are the guiding symptoms to the use of this remedy.
Natrum Carbonicum - A good overall remedy if there are no clear modalities, and often works when others don’t. Sensitive to sunstroke, and for repeated sunstroke or the chronic effects of sun exposure. Severe headache from the least sun; weakness after walking in the sun; confusion and vertigo after exposure to the sun.
Gelsemium - A flushed face and headache, with the characteristic trembling and weakness.
General Management - Rest for at least 24 hours after sunstroke or heat exhaustion. Hydration an d electrolyte replacement to replenish fluid levels internally are very important. And because of increased susceptibility in the future, special attention should be paid to keeping the head covered.
Prevention is the best cure. Stay in the shade during the most intense heat of the day, drink plenty of water, moderate your exercise routine, and avoid alcoholic beverages.

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