When we look at a person, what do we look at first? Obviously, eyes! Also when we speak to someone, we do not feel that the conversation is fruitful unless have good eye contact with that person. No wonder experts always give high priority to eyes when it comes to personal well-being. No one likes haggard, dull-looking eyes that reflect the internal ill-health. And therefore, one should take appropriate care of their eyes and enjoy various colors of life. Any serious trouble in connection with the eyes must always receive the most expert care and attention without any delay. There are, however, some eye conditions to which reference can be made here with advantage.
Homeopathy is the holistic mode of treatment that treats the person as a whole and not merely his external manifestation. Therefore, when there is some problem with the eye (unless it is local injury problem), homeopathy believes that it is due to some internal malady that is reflecting through your eyes. Therefore, detailed history of patient is taken even if he has problem only pertaining to eyes.
Eye strain
This is a rather vague term and usually refers to a sore, tired sensation in the eyes, attributed rightly or wrongly to over – use. It is, of course, necessary to check the vision for any error of refraction which may need correction by glasses. There may be occupational causes related to the type of work engaged in, or the lighting of the room in which the work is carried out; and it may be possible to make adjustments in respect of such causes of strain.
Remedies which may help in this condition are
AGARICUS – letters seem to swim or above when reading, twitching in lids, eyeballs oscillate from side to side, may be double
CAUSTICUM – vision dim, film before eyes, desire to close eyes, lids feel heavy, eye muscle weak
GELSIMIUM – vision dim, eyeballs sore especially when moving them, eyelids droop, feels very heavy, possibly double vision
JABORANDI – eyes tire easily, sensation of heat and burning, indistinct vision, contracted pupils, white spots before eyes
NATRUM MUR – eyes give out while reading or sewing, letters or stitches run togrther, eyeballs feel too large, objects appear ringed with fiery zig zags, hot tears stream down face when reading, lids feel gritty, spasmodic closure of lids
PHOSPHORUS – vision obscured by mist or veil, red mist or black spots before eyes, eyes tire easily on use, sees better by shading eyes with hand
RUTA – weakness of vision with blurring, eyes ache while in use, eyes feel hot and burning, especially in evening, eyes water, green halo seen round artificial light, spasm of lower lids
Black specks before the eyes
It is not at all an uncommon experience to notice small black specks or twirligigs apparently floating in front of the eyes. Moreover they change position readily with every movement of the eyes or head. They seem obvious some days ans less noticeable at other times. These specks and spirals rejoice in the name of muscae volitantes and have been attributed to various causes without much confirmatory evidence. In any case they are of little significance and can be disregarded. If especially troublesome a few doses of AGARICUS, CHINA, NUXVOMICA or PHOSPHORUS, according to general indications, may afford relief
Bloodshot eye
Inflammations of the eye, whether superficial or deep, are accompanied by redness, often of a dusky hue, as well as by pain and distress. These call for treatment by an eye specialist. But occasionally, often without obvious cause, a flaming patch of red discoloration may be observed to one or other side of the pupils and iris. This is due to a haemorrhage beneath the conjunctiva and outside the actual eyeball. It is somewhat alarming in appearance but more unsightly than serious in significance
A few doses of ARNICA will speed recovery and allay any pain that may be present. If absorbtion of the blood is delayed LEDUM may be substituted for the ARNICA
A watery or other discharge from the eye calls for expert attention, especially if severe or persistent. As an immediate measure pending fuller investigation, one or other of the following remedies may be given
ARSENICUM ALBUM – much burning in eye, discharge which is hot and excoriating, intense photophobis
ALLIUM CEPA – streaming eyes and nose, associated with much sneezing, discharge makes nose sore but not skin around eye
EUPHRASIA – eyes water all the time, discharge is burning and acrid, constant blinking
PULSATILLA – profuse yellow discharge, which does not excoriate the skin, worse in warm room, lids sore
For bathing the eye either EUPHRASIA or HYPERICUM can be used as lotion (two drops of mother tincture to the eye-bath of water)
Quivering Lids
Sometimes a sudden quivering or twitching is felt in one or other eyelid. This is a distressing sensation and seems to occur for no apparent reason. It usually passes off quite quickly and is not a cause for alarm. Various remedies recommended for this condition, among them AGARICUS, BELLADONA, CALC CARB, CICUTA are very useful
Recurrent styes on the eyelids will call for careful assessment on constitutional lines by a physician. Various remedies may have to be considered but in many cases GRAPHITIS, PULSATILLA or SULPHUR will give relief, as a local application a compress of HYPERICUM lotion (ten drops of mother tincture to the half pint of water) should be helpful.
Eye Injuries
Eyes must be treated with even more respect than ears. The most expert and skilled attention is called for in almost any type of eye injury. As a temporary measure a moist pad of HYPERICUM lotion (ten drops of mother tincture to the half pint of cold water) may be placed over the eye and ARNICA 200 administered. If there is much pain this can be followed by HYPERICUM 6 in hourly doses till relief is obtained. An alternative remedy is ACONITE, which has been called the Arnica of the eye, give a few doses in 30 potencies
If the pain is felt in the eyeball SYMPHYTUM 6, PHYTOLACCA 6 or COLOCYNTHIS 6 may be given. Pain persisting for a long time after the injury may yield to ARNICA 30, twice daily for a few days. If there ia a speck of dust or other foreign bodies in the eye it should be bathed in HYPERICUM lotion (two drops of mother tincture to the eye-bath of water). If after this the object is still felt to be present the lids may be everted and if the speck is visible an attempt should be made to wipe it off with a wisp of soft hand kerchief dipped in the HYPERICUM lotion. If the object is firmly embedded and cannot be easily wiped off, expert aid must be sought without delay. For persisting pain or discomfort after removal of the object, the eye should be bathed with EUPHRASIA lotion (two drops of mother tincture to the eye-bath of water) and EUPHRASIA 6 given internally. A very useful fluid for the use as an eye-wash is an infusion of tea leaves, warm or cold as preferred
In the black eye the damage is mostly around the orbit and the pain and discoloration and swelling cause both distress and disfigurement. ARNICA 30 should be given hourly upto five or six doses, or, if the relief is obtained by cool applications, LEDUM 30. Further treatment may be with ARNICA 6 or, if the eye is painful then HYPERICUM 6
A pair of lovely black eyes, unless separately administered, may indicate a fracture of the base of the skull and immediate steps must be taken to obtain expert advice. ARNICA should of course be given a dose or two of 200, and 30 or 6 to follow.
For quick control of bleeding in a cut eye apply firm pressure with a pad soaked in equal parts of CALENDULA tincture and cold water.
Common form of glaucoma is associated with an increase in the fluid pressure inside the eye. This pressure may cause damage to the optic nerve and Vision loss may result.
GELSEMIUM (gels) - Eye signs are eyelids heavy, glaucoma and descemetitis, dim-sighted, pupils dilated and unaware of light, orbital neuralgia, detached retina, hysterical amblyopia. General signs are motor paralysis, dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, and trembling, muscular weakness. Mind signs are dullness, languor, listless, apathy about his illness. Head signs are vertigo, pain in the temple, extending into the ear.
PHYSOSTIGMA (physost) - Eye signs are glaucoma, night blindness, photophobia, contraction of pupils, twitching of ocular muscles, partial blindness, paresis of accommodation, astigmatism, a spasm of ciliary muscle, with irritability after using eyes, increasing myopia. General signs are spinal irritation; head cannot bear to raise eyelids. Mouth signs are tongue feels sore on the tip. Heart signs are fluttering of heartfelt in the throat.
RUTA GRAVEOLENS (ruta) - Eye signs are pressure deep in orbits, pressure over eyebrow, eyestrain followed by headache, disturbances of accommodation, weary pain while reading, and asthenopia. General signs are flexor tendons; all parts of the body are painful, as if bruised, feeling of intense weakness, weakness, and despair.
SPIGELIA (spig) - Eye signs feel too large pressive pain on turning them; Pupils dilated, photophobia, rheumatic ophthalmia, severe pain in and around eyes, extending deep into the socket. Neurological signs are ciliary neuralgia, a true neuritis.General signs are touch sensitive; parts feel chilly, send a shudder through a frame.
CATARACT Any opacity that may occur in the lens or its capsule or both is called cataract.It is one of the commonest forms of interference with vision generally with the advancement of age.some important homoeopathic remedy for cataract are Calcarea fluorica; Calcarea phosphorica; Causticum; Cineraria; Conium maculatum; Fluoricum acidum; Magnesium carbonicum; Natrium muriaticum; Nux vomica; Phosphorus; Santoninum; Silicea.
Mother tinctures effective for eye affections are as follows
EUPHRASIA Q – it is very effective in acute eye affections, traumatic conjunctivitis, blepharitis and corneal ulceration with acrid discharges
ZINCUM SULPH Q – very useful for corneal opacities
ARGENTUM NITRICUM – useful for purulent Ophthalmia, pus is thick, yellow and bland worse in warm room or fire better in open air
CINERARIA MARITIMA Q - it is very effective in cataract one drop 4-5 times a day should be instilled in the eyes for several months. It also useful in corneal opacities after trauma
1. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
2. afections
3. Homeopathic Materia Medica” by Boericke
5. Quick Bedside Prescriber – J.N.SHINGHAL.
6. First aid Homoeopathy in ailments by B.Jain
9. HOMPATH software
10. Principles of Prescribing, Dr. K.N.Mathur.
11. Mother tincture therapeutics and materia medica by Dr. Vinay jain
Dr. S. SABARIRAJAN., M.D. (Hom) ( Gold medalist
Reader, Dept. of Practice of Medicine
Vinayaka Mission’s Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,
Salem, Tamilnadu.
Head of the Deaprtment, Dept.of.Practice of Medicine, Sivaraj Homoeopathic Medical College & Research Institute Salem,Tamilnadu, (Former HOD & PG Guide , Vinayaka Mission’s Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Salem)
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