Saturday, 29 February 2020


Anaemia is the most common nutritional deficiency disorder in the world.There are many types of anaemia, but in this article we discussing about iron deficiency anaemia which is common among all type of anaemia’s.Women in the childbearing years are particularly susceptible to iron deficiency anaemia because of the blood loss from menstruation and the increased blood supply demands during pregnancy. It's estimated that at least 2 out of every 10 women in India have iron-poor blood.


Anaemia is a condition where the number of healthy red blood cells (RBCs) in the blood is lower than normal. RBCs transport oxygen throughout the body, so a shortage of these cells can be serious. WHO defines anaemia as a condition in which the Haemoglobin (Hb) content of blood is lower than normal as a result of deficiency of one or more essential nutrients, regardless of the cause of such deficiencies. Anaemia is the most common nutritional deficiency disorder in the world. Anaemia ‘a silent killer’ among women in India: Present scenario, by Kawaljit Kaur in the European Journal of Zoological Research, 2014, the author states that India has among the highest number of cases of anaemia in the world with an estimated 50 percent of the population affected. Iron-deficiency anaemia is the most common type of anaemia.  

Causes of Anaemia

According to the American Society of Haematology, iron deficiency is the most common cause of anaemia. There are many reasons for person might become deficient in iron. These include: Inadequate iron intake, Pregnancy or blood loss due to menstruation, certain medical conditions can cause internal bleeding & inability to absorb iron.

Iron deficiency may also be aggravated by poor nutritional status, especially when it is associated with deficiencies in folic acid, vitamin A or B12, as is often the case in populations living in developing countries. A diet that is monotonous, but rich in substances (phytates) inhibiting iron absorption so that dietary iron cannot be utilised by the body. In India, the prevalence of anaemia is high because of low dietary intake, poor iron (less than 20 mg /day) and folic acid intake (less than 70 micrograms/day); poor bio-availability of iron (3-4 percent only) in phytate fibre- rich Indian diet; and chronic blood loss due to infection such as malaria and hookworm infestations. The low dietary intake of iron and folic acid coupled with poor bioavailability of iron is the major factor responsible for very high prevalence of anaemia in the country. s. In the adolescent phase of women  due to menstruation, the requirement of iron increases. Every month about 40 ml. blood is lost with approximately 0.6 mg of iron. This increased requirement for iron is not met due to discriminatory social beliefs and food restrictions. According to WHO, women of childbearing age need to absorb 2-3 times the amount of iron required by men or older women.

Clinical Presentation

The symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia can be very mild at first.The symptoms of moderate to severe iron deficiency anaemia include: general fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, strange cravings to eat items that aren’t food, such as dirt, ice, or clay, a tingling or crawling feeling in the legs, tongue swelling or soreness, cold hands and feet, fast or irregular heartbeat, brittle nails and headaches


Although the history and physical examination can lead to the recognition of the condition and help establish the etiology, iron deficiency anaemia is primarily a laboratory diagnosis.
Useful tests include a complete blood count (CBC); a peripheral smear; serum iron, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), and serum ferritin.
Other laboratory tests (eg, stool testing, incubated osmotic fragility testing, measurement of lead in tissue, and bone marrow aspiration) are useful for establishing the etiology of iron deficiency anemia and for excluding other diseases
If bloodwork indicates iron deficiency anemia, then following additional tests can perform to identify an underlying cause, such as:
Endoscopy -  check for bleeding from a hiatal hernia, an ulcer or the stomach with the aid of endoscopy
Colonoscopy. To rule out lower intestinal sources of bleeding.
Ultrasound. Women may also have a pelvic ultrasound to look for the cause of excess menstrual bleeding, such as uterine fibroids.


Home natural remedies

In the treatment of nutrition related anaemia, combinations of nutrient rich foods play a very important role in absorption of iron. For e.g. Iron from corn is better absorbed when eaten with fish or meat, whereas milk inhibits iron absorption. Vitamin C increases iron absorption by a factor of 4. Being a powerful reducing antioxidant agent; it changes ferric iron to better absorbed ferrous form of iron.

Beetroot and Amla: Beets are extremely important in curing anaemia. Beets contain potassium, phosphorous, calcium, sulphur, iodine, iron, copper, carbohydrate proteins, fat, Vitamin B1, B2 niacin,B6 Vitamin P and Vitamin C (that helps absorption). In fact Vitamin C is regarded as the most potent enhancer of iron absorption and vitamin C alone will often increase body iron stores. Thus, the juice of Red beets and amla(that is packed with Vitamin C) strengthen the body's power to regenerate and re-activate the red blood cells and supplies the body with fresh oxygen.

Banana and Honey: Bananas are particularly beneficial as they also contain besides easily assimilable iron, folic acid and B12, all of which are extremely useful in the treatment of anaemia. Drizzle honey over the bananas as it is rich in copper which helps in iron absorption.

Jaggery and Ginger: Regular intake of jaggery in any form with any food will help combat anaemia. A person can obtain 3% of iron of daily value from 10grams of jaggery. Regular intake of jaggery with ginger juice helps in better absorption of iron.

Fenugreek: The leaves of fenugreek help in blood formation, cooked leaves can be taken to prevent anemia. The seeds of fenugreek are also a valuable cure for anaemia being rich in iron. Also the fat soluble chlorophyll molecule is similar to the haemoglobin molecule and is efficiently absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract providing all the structural elements for hemoglobin.

Spinach A diet rich in green leafy vegetables like spinach is one of the best home cures for anaemia. Spinach is rich in iron  as well as vitamin B12 and folic acid, energy boosting nutrients that the body needs to recover from anaemia

Pomegranate is rich in iron and other minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. It also contains vitamin C, which helps improve the body’s absorption of iron. This results in more red blood cells and an increase in the hemoglobin level.

Dates are a rich source of iron as well as vitamin C that plays an important role in the body’s absorption of iron. Soak two dates in a cup of milk overnight. The next morning, eat the dates and drink the milk on an empty stomach.

Blackstrap Molasses: Blackstrap Molasses is a great source of iron, about 5 tablespoons of black strap molasses contain 95 percent of your daily allowance of iron. Try to eat foods high in Vitamin C alongside blackstrap molasses- cabbage, broccoli, citrus fruits are all good choices. In addition to these, include raisins, dried apricots, mangoes, brewer's yeast, dried beans, lean meats and shell fish to enhance your iron levels. Sesame seeds are also great for treating anaemia due to their high iron content. One fourth cup of sesame seeds provides almost 30 percent of the daily iron requirement.

However, there are also several foods and beverages that inhibit iron absorption including coffee, tea, egg yolks and foods high in phytates such as wheat bran. Antacids and over use of calcium supplements also decrease iron absorption. These items should be restricted for individuals with iron deficiency. Foods rich in calcium should be avoided when taking iron rich foods, as they inhibit iron absorption.


Homoeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering.

Aletris Farinosa
Great tonic for woman not only increase blood but also weakness , Tired dull, heavy,confused feeling. Debility of females from protracted illness; no organic disease. Power and energy of mind and body are weakened.
Calcarea carbonica
Almost any of the deeper acting constitutional remedies may be of use in anaemic anddebilitated conditions, and especially are the Calcareas useful.
Ferrum phosphoricum
People who generally feel weak and tired because of the loss of iron from the body or poor absorption proved to be an effective remedy for those who are suffering from these situations.
Calcarea Phosphoricum
It is a good remedy for treating the anemia. It is helpful in giving the strength to the bones and helpful in curing the debility and weakness which is generally developed by the loss of iron from the
body. Also this medication helpful in improving the texture of the skin and it very effective remedy for those children who have deficiency of minerals and suffering from weak bone.
It is very beneficial homeopathic remedy for anaemia and cholorsis. It is generally effective for women having anemia which occurred from the long period of hemorrhage by indolence or luxury, or like worn out with hard work.
When the predominant symptom is that of weakness, exhaustion or prostration, Phosphorus is one of the best homeopathic medicines for anaemia. There is increased thirst and that too for cold water. The patient is usually thin, wiry and tall in stature. There is great weakness of the nervous system. There is increased restlesness and one cannot tolerate any noise, strong odor or light.
Calcarea flour
It is very beneficial homeopathic remedy for those having iron deficiency anaemia. It is helpful in boosting up the energy and also helps in higher absorption of iron in the blood. It also helps in lowering the symptoms of anemia which is better in forming the haemoglobin.
Kali phosphoricum
It is also good homeopathic remedy in curing the iron deficiency anaemia. It helps by providing the strength to the nerves and also helps in providing the relief from the vertigo and headache.
Natrum muriaticum
It is an effective homeopathic remedy in curing the anemia. It is good for those who has exhaustion following loss of blood, which is generally occurred by the aggravated by heat, in case of chronic
because of physical and emotional disorder.
It is good homeopathic remedy in treating the anemia. It is effective for those who are having anemia because of blood loss, blue colour around eyes, night blindness and debility from the exhausting discharges.
It is an effective homeopathic remedies for treating anemia. This remedy is for those pernicious anemia, debility from overtaxing, muscular tissues by prolong exertion and extreme restlessness.
It is beneficial homeopathic remedy for treating the anemia. It is Effective for those women having chloro-anaemic women which always complain of feeling chilly.
Natrum muriaticum
This is one of our best remedies in anemic conditions. There is paleness, and, in spite of the fact that the patient eats well, there is emaciation. There are attacks of throbbing headache and dyspnoea, especially on going up stairs, constipation and depression of spirits, and consolation aggravates. With these symptoms there is much palpitation, fluttering and intermittent action of the heart.
Nitric acid
When there is an irresistible desire to eat chalk, paper, earth or any such indigestible things, Nit-acid is one of the best homeopathic medicines for anaemia. There are often cuts at the corners of the mouth. Aphthae or ulcers in the mouth are also seen quite frequently.
In cases where the cause is blood loss, Cinchona is one of the best homeopathic medicine for anaemia. The blood loss may be due to increased menstrual flow as happens in some females or due to worms as occurs in some children. Even when the blood loss has happened in some acute cases like injury, Cinchona is very useful. One feels weak and tired. There are frequent 0.headaches. Periodicity of the pains is a characteristic of this medicine.

The aim of homoeopathy is not only to treat anaemia but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. Caring for blood count is essential for life since whole life / health relies on it. With clear-cut causes like accidental bleeding, heavy menstruation, pregnancy, poor nutrition, the person can be treated accordingly with the prescribed essential supplements in the form of foods / tablets / tonics / injections and in case of critical condition blood transfusion may be a must. No one can deny this principle. But using supplements (in the form of tablets / tonics / Injections) continuously without regular nutritious food to maintain blood counts / haemoglobin is not acceptable. In general, 50 per cent of anaemic patients can be cured with diet alone, 30 per cent may need supplements and medicines and 20 per cent may need blood transfusion and medicines.
Even though well substituted, if the cell activity is not capable of absorbing the same, the substitute will go waste and the cell will continue to be less active or diseased. Actually, everyone needs stimulation for good activity. Homoeopathic medicines can tackle the complaint or disease without persistent usage by treating the root cause.Anaemia is an ongoing process of chronic fatigue. Complaints will creep up with time when not attended properly. So it is better to analyse the cause and treat the condition right to the requirement.

Monday, 3 February 2020

Osteoarthritic nosode – a complete review

Osteoarthritic nosode(O.A.N.) also called Osteoarthriticum, a homoeopathic medicine, is a nosode prepared from osteoarthritic synovial tissues. On reviewing numerous literatures, it was proved thatO.A.N. gavegreat results in many cases of osteoarthritis.The following article includes the review about the importance of osteoarthritic nosode, its preparation and the clinical indications
Key words:
Osteoarthritic nosode, homoeopathy, nosode, osteo-arthritis.
O.A.N. - Osteoarthritic nosode.
The term Nosode is derived from two greek words, “noses” meaning disease & “cidos” meaning appearance. Nosodes are the remedies produced from diseased tissues or diseased organs or excretion of living organisms, including lower animals or plants or human beings.
Dr. Heringdevised the method of using a miasmatic agent as a basis for a remedy and thus coined the name nosode.1
When the well choosen remedy does not act or when there is lack of symptoms, or where the inherited miasms has repressed the ability of constitution to show symptoms other than the signs related to the pathology of the conditions,the nosodes proves to be very useful.
Hahnemann was supportive of the nosode movementon the basis of the clinical confirmations, which included the remedies prepared from the disease substances or products2
Nosodes were never used below 6C, usually they were used in the 30th potency and upwards, there was no possibility of any disease substance remaining.3
Trituration, 30th potency and above doesn’t contain the disease substance. 3
·           Basic nosodes - Psorinum, Bacillinum, Syphilinum, Medorrhinumand Carcinosinum.
·           Exanthema nosodes- Morbillinum, Parotidinum, Vaccininum, Pertussinum, Diphtherinum, Anthracinum, Malandrinum, Variolinum and Influenzinum.
·           Isopathicnosodes- Streptococcinum, Pneumococcinum, Staphylococcinum, Malaria officinalis and Pyrogenium.
·           Autogenous nosodes- Secretions or dis­charges from the pathological tissues or organs of the patient himself for the treatment.
·           Intestinal nosodes
Ø  Bacillus proteus
Ø  Bacillus dysenteria coli
Ø  Bacillus morgan
Ø  Bacillus faecalis
Ø  Bacillus mutable
Ø  Bacillus gaertner1
1.             On symptom similarity, i.e. on totality of symptoms,as a constitutional remedy.
2.             As a second prescription, to enhance the ac­tion of the first prescription.
3.             When patient never picks up health after a par­ticular illness.
4.             When strong family history is present.
5.             When well-chosen remedies do not act.
6.             When there is a lack of symptoms.
7.             As an intercurrent remedy, when best-selected remedy fails to act.
8.             When partial picture of the constitutional rem­edies manifest yet no one remedy completely fits the case.
9.             As the miasmatic intercurrent remedy.
10.         Related to genus disease –Pertussinum (for whooping cough as stated by Clarke).
11.         As a homoeopathic prophylaxis, i.e., the first use of a homoeopathic remedy in prophylaxis was done by Hahnemann, when he used the remedy Belladonna as prophylaxis for scar­latina.1
12.         As an auto-nosode, a “vaccine” made from the patient’s own disease matter when several remedies seem to be indicated but none of them completely fits the case, one option is to use the nosode of the active miasm. It will move the case forward enough to make the next prescription easier. 3
1.             In the active phase of acute disease.
2.             In the explosive stage of miasm.
3.             During the active phase of a recurrent attacks.
4.             In an infectious stage, i.e. do not use Tuberculinum in established tuberculosis.1
Osteo-arthritic nosode is made from the synovial liquid of arthritic joints. Historical dose: all potencies. Planets: Saturn4
There are two preparations: one from comes from the knee joint of a patient suffering from osteoarthritis, and the other from the hip of a similar case.5
A proving of the osteo-arthriticnosode of hip was read in the 18th All India Homeopathic conference at Madras on 10 October 1970. The two preparations of O.A.N. were made from the synovial liquid of joints. The O.A.N. that originated from DrFoubister included two preparations: one comes from the knee of a patient suffering from osteoarthritis, and the other from the hip of a similar case.4
A proving of the osteoarthritic nosode of hip was read in the 18th All India Homoeopathic conference at Madras at 10th October 1970. The two preparations of O.A.N.  are done from the synovial liquid of joints. The O.A.N. that originated from DrFoubister came from the knee of a patient suffering from an osteoarthritic-affection, and the other stock from the hip of a similar case. Thus, thisnosode acts towards the osteoarthriticdirection. 4
·         Arthritis. osteoarthritis.4
·         Arthritis; styes; furuncles; tendinitis; cramps.
·         Weakness with a state of indifference and irritability, aggravated in the evening; and, redness with swelling of the joints, especially right side, are the keynote symptoms of the drug.
·         Right sided remedy.5
·         Swelling of the right wrist.
·         Pain in the right shoulder.
·         Muscular pain of the right hip.
·         Temporary redness and swelling of the right shoulder.
·         Redness and swelling of the right forearm and right wrist.
·         Pain aggravated by the first movement, ameliorated by continued movement.
·         Pain of the achilles tendon.4
·         Weakness with a state of indifference and irritability, aggravated in the evening; and redness with swelling of the joints, especially right side, are the keynote symptoms of this drug.5
·         Extreme weakness with somnolence in the afternoon and profound sleep.
·         Idleness, no desire to work, irritable, worse between 16 to 18 hours. Indecision, needs relaxing.
·         Has taste for nothing, nonchalance, irritability.
·         Stage of stupor, indifference to others.
·         Irritability, worse towards evening.
·         Weakness, worse in the morning when waking up.
·         Great desire for sleep with deep sleep at night.
·         Eyes: stye over upper eyelid of the left eye.
·         Increase of sexual desire in men.
·         Furuncle in the right aisle.
·         Furuncle above the umbilicus on the right calf.
·         Furuncle on the scrotum.
·         Furuncle of the right arm, on the trapezium, of the right groin.6

The main outcome of homoeopathic approach is to regains the body's natural healing and immune the body cells to treat the conditions that affect the body, prevent it and restore the good level of health and well-being. Osteoarthritic nosode is found as effective pathological prescription for osteoarthritis.
1.    Swain T.L., Nosodes Asian journal of Homoeopathy,Anuj Arora Publications, Nov 2011- Jan 2012. New Delhi, Vol 5, p.53-55.
2.    Patil J.D.Group Study in Homoeopathic Materia Medica, 1st edition Published by B.Jain Publishers (p) ltd, New Delhi 2006, p. 283-299.
3.    Shepper L.D., Hahnemann Text book of Classical Homeopathy for professional, The Vital Force in Health and Healing, Constitution, Timeline and Temperament, B. Jain publishers, 2010, 2, p. 317-328.
4.    Boericke W. Boericke’sNew Manual of Homoeopathy Materia Medica with Repertory, 9th Edition, B. Jain publishers (p) Ltd, New Delhi 2011, p. 1033-1034.
5.    Murphy R. Lotus Materia Medica, 2nd revised edition, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi. 2009, p. 1291.
6.    Julian O.A. Osteoarthritic Nosode, Materia Medica of Nosodes with Repertory, B. Jain Publishers,1995, p. 423-427


  Abstract   Cough is the most common illness-related reason for ambulatory care visits for hospitals. Cold, chest discomfort and an irritat...