Thursday, 24 December 2020



Vanquishing the virus plays a big challange in battle against covid-19(coronavirus-2 SARS-CoV-2) patients. People with severe symptoms of the virus could be dealing with complications for years even after the recovery. COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory illness of the lungs which consist of air sacs where the fluid is filled, limiting their capacity to absorb oxygen which ultimately leads to symptoms like shortness of breath, cough etc.


Till today COVID-19 pandemic continues to unwind, After recovery, patients remain at risk for lung disease, heart disease, frailty, and mental health disorders. There may also be long-term sequelae of adverse events that develop in the course of COVID-19 and its treatment. For patients diagnosed with COVID-19, surviving the disease may be just the first battle among many on the long road to recovery. Although there is not yet enough data to definitively establish and characterize a post-COVID-19 syndrome, potential long-term consequences can be inferred from emerging data as well as prior experiences with other serious respiratory illnesses and the broader post-intensive care syndrome (PICS), a constellation of physical, cognitive, and psychological disabilities that can develop in those surviving critical illness.3 Patients with severe manifestations of COVID-19 often progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and require mechanical ventilation. ARDS may cause permanent scarring of the lung tissue, resulting in respiratory problems that persist long after recovery.tients experiencing PICS generally report higher incidences of cognitive and physical dysfunction, which often persist long-term.


Gregory Poland, of the Vaccine Research Group, Mayo Clinic, U.S., says: “This is a disease that has a number of mysteries involved, compared to the usual respiratory virus... there is diminution of immunity, long-term fatigue, headaches, vertigo, difficulty with cognition, and cardio-respiratory fitness. But a large portion of that is likely to relate to the significant cellular level damage this disease can cause... This can be a really wicked virus in some people.

In a letter published in Nature Medicine in June, researchers from China explained that CT scans done in asymptomatic people revealed abnormal radiological findings in one lung in 66.7% of the asymptomatic people and abnormalities in both lungs in 33.3% of them. While it is said that senior citizens and people with co-morbidities are more likely to suffer long-term effects, even children and the young who had milder versions of the disease are reporting persistent symptoms.

The WHO mentions a telephone survey of symptomatic adults who had a positive outpatient test result for SARS-CoV-2: 35% had not returned to their usual state of health when interviewed 2–3 weeks after testing. Among those 18-34 years in good health, 20% reported that some symptoms were prolonged.

Pulmonary complications of Post COVID 19

The most common lung problem faced post-COVID-19 recovery includes lung fibrosis. As there is initial lung damage caused it further leads to scarring of lungs due to which quality of life eventually comes down. That is the inflammation stage gives way to the fibrosis stage. This condition requires the support of home oxygenation even after discharge and recovery. In some cases, lung fibrosis may also affect the cardiac health of an individual causing Cor Pulmonale which occurs as a complication of severe lung disorders. The extent of fibrosis decides the further complications attached. Pulmonary Thrombo Embolism (PTE) is another pulmonary issue which may affect people post-COVID-19 recovery. Its prevalence has increased due to continuous restriction of movement while tackling the virus. It refers to a blockage or clot in the pulmonary artery, which prevents the oxygen from reaching the lungs.

The methods involved in taking care of these conditions are to administer medications such as Anticoagulant and Antifibrotic drugs along with plus or minus home oxygenation. Anticoagulants usually help in preventing the formation or enlargement of blood clots whereas Antifibrotics reduces the risk of acute respiratory degradation. General preventive measures for patients with pulmonary issues include stocking up medications and supplies for weeks in advance, avoid visiting crowded places and non-essential travel and by staying at home as much as possible. Avoiding smoking, paying attention to immunity levels and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is mandatory.

Other Manifestations

Among the more common lingering symptoms are fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, headache, muscle and joint pain. In Chennai, doctors who had recovered from COVID-19 to return to work complained of chronic fatigue, besides myalgia (muscle pain) and weakness.

Heart: imaging tests taken months after recovery show lasting damage to the heart muscle, even in those with only mild symptoms, increasing the risk of heart failure or other heart complications.

Brain: strokes, seizures and Guillain-Barre syndrome that causes temporary paralysis. An increased risk of developing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease is possible.

Blood: blood cells are more likely to clump up and form clots. While large clots can cause heart attacks and strokes, much of the heart damage caused by COVID-19 is believed to stem from very small clots that block capillaries in the heart muscle. Blood throwing such clots can affect other organs as well — the lungs, legs, liver, kidneys; Mood disorders: simply surviving this experience can make a person more likely to later develop post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety.

Most people who have the novel coronavirus disease recover completely within a few weeks. Only some people, including even those who had mild versions of the disease, continue to experience symptoms after their initial recovery. Even people who tested positive but were asymptomatic during the course of their disease are not immune either from long-term effects.


Here are some easy steps you can take to tackle a flu virus of any kind, including corona virus. It is not necessary to follow all the steps at once. You can pick and choose a combination of remedies that suit you best.

· Have five duly washed leaves of Tulsi (known as Basil in English; medicinal name Ocimum sanctum) everyday in the morning. Tulsi has a large number of therapeutic properties. It keeps throat and lungs clear

· A small piece of camphor (kapoor) approximately the size of a tablet should be taken once or twice a month. It can be swallowed with water by adults while children can take it along with mashed potatoes or banana because they will find it difficult to have it without any aides. Please remember camphor is not to be taken every day, but only once each season, or once a month.

· Those who can take garlic, must have two pods of raw garlic first thing in the morning. To be swallowed daily with lukewarm water. Garlic too strengthens immunity like the earlier measures mentioned.

· Those not allergic to milk, must take a glass of hot or lukewarm milk every night with a small measure of haldi (turmeric).

· Aloe vera (gwarpatha) too is a commonly available plant. Its thick and long, cactus like leaves have an odourless gel. A teaspoon gel taken with water daily can work wonders for not only your skin and joint pains, but also boost immunity.

· Do Pranayam daily (preferably under guidance if you are already not initiated into it) and go for morning jog/walk regularly to keep your throat and lungs in good condition and body in fine fettle. Even in small measures, it will work wonders for your body's resistance against all such diseases which attack the nose, throat and lungs, besides keeping you fit.

· Have citrus fruits, particularly Vitamin C rich Amla (Indian gooseberry) juice. Since fresh Amla is not available, it is not a bad idea to buy packaged Amla juice which is commonly available nowadays.

· Last but not the least; wash your hands frequently every day with soap and warm water for 15 - 20 seconds; especially before meals, or each time after touching a surface that you suspect could be contaminated with flu virus such as a door handle or a knob/handle, especially if you have returned from a public place or used public transport. Alcohol based hand cleaners should be kept handy at all times and used until you can get soap and warm water. Flu viruses can survive for two hours or longer on surfaces, such as doorknobs and countertops.




Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homoeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homoeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. Please consult a qualified homoeopath before taking any homoeopathic remedy for Covid 19.


Advisory for Corona virus From AYUSH


Preventive Management Steps are suggested are


• Maintain personal hygiene.    

· Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available.

• Drink Shadang Paniya (Musta, Parpat, Usheer, Chandan,Udeechya & Nagar) processed water (10 gm powder boiled in 1-liter water, until it reduces to half). Store it in a bottle and drink it when thirsty.

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

• Stay home when you are sick.

• Cover your face during cough or sneeze and wash your hands after coughing or sneezing.

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

• Preferably, use an N95 mask while traveling or working in public places to avoid droplet transmission

• If you suspect Corona Viral infection, wear a mask and contact your nearest hospital immediately.


Prophylactic Measures/Immunomodulatory drugs as per the Homoeopathic  practices.


At the instance of Ministry of AYUSH, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy(CCRH) discussed the ways and means of prevention of Coronavirus infection throughHomoeopathy in 64th meeting of its Scientific Advisory Board on 28th January 2020. The Group of Experts inter-alia has recommended that homoeopathy medicine Arsenicum album 30 could be taken as prophylactic medicine against Coronavirus infections, which has also been advised for prevention. It has recommended one doze of Arsenicum album 30, daily in empty stomach for three days. The dose should be repeated after one month by following the same schedule in case Coronavirus infections prevail in the community. The Expert Group has further suggested that general hygienic measures for prevention of air-borne infections suggested by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, for prevention of the disease should also be followed by the public. This advocacy is for information only and shall be adopted in consultation with registered homoeopathic practitioners only.


The remedies that may useful for treating complications would be Aconitum, Arsenic-album, Belladonna, Bryonia, Allium Cepa, Arsenicum Iodide,Rhus Tox, Influenzinum, Dulcamara, Phosphorus 

Monday, 2 November 2020




Wart is a small growth with a rough texture that can appear anywhere on the body. It can look like a solid blister or a small cauliflower. A small, fleshy bump on the skin or mucous membrane. Warts are benign skin growth that appears when a virus infects the top layer of the skin. And the viruses that cause warts are called human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts can apply anywhere on the skin and are noticed mostly on the hands and feet. They are highly contagious and spread to other areas of the skin as well as spread to others when shared towels, razors etc are used.




In our day to day life, we seeing many peoples with warts on their body especially present on the face, neck region, palms and fingers and in the armpits but it can occur on any part of the body. A small, fleshy bump on the skin or mucous membrane caused by human papillomavirus is called as Warts. Warts have plagued humans for thousands of years — they have been discovered on 3,000-year-old mummies and were mentioned by Shakespeare. Although warts generally aren’t dangerous, they are ugly, potentially embarrassing, and contagious. They can also be painful. There are more than 100 types of HPV, the virus that causes warts. Almost all types of HPV cause relatively harmless warts that appear on hands or feet. However, there are a few strains of HPV that cause warts on, in, and around your genitals. In women, these warts — called “genital warts” — can eventually lead to cervical cancer, a potentially fatal disease.



Causes of Warts


Warts are nothing but skin growths caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) and spread easily when in direct contact with them, Common warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus is quite common and has more than 150 types, but only a few cause warts.

Some strains of HPV are acquired through sexual contact. Most forms, however, are spread by casual skin contact or through shared objects, such as towels or washcloths. The virus usually spreads through breaks in skin, such as a hangnail or a scrape. Biting nails also can cause warts to spread on fingertips and around nails.

Each person's immune system responds to the HPV virus differently, so not everyone who comes in contact with HPV develops warts.

Risk Factors of Warts:


People at higher risk of developing common warts include: Children and young adults, because their bodies may not have built up immunity to the virus, People with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS or people who've had organ transplants

l  Having an impaired immune system

l  Patients who are on immuno suppressive drugs.

l  Walking barefoot on moist surfaces, as in public showers and locker rooms and around swimming pool areas.

l  Sharing towels, razors, and other personal items with a person who has warts.

l  Biting your nails or cuticles.

l  Wearing closed or tight shoes that cause sweaty feet.

Clinical manifestations of Warts


Common warts usually occur on fingers or hands and may be:

Ø     Small, fleshy, grainy bumps

Ø     Flesh-colored, white, pink or tan

Ø     Rough to the touch

Ø     Sprinkled with black pinpoints, which are small, clotted blood                              vessels

Types of Warts:

Common Wart: It usually appears singly or in groups on the hands, although they may grow on any part of the body. They usually are rough, gray-brown, dome-shaped growths.

Plantar Warts: It can develop on any part of the foot. As the wart gets larger, walking can become painful, much like walking with a pebble in your shoe. When pressure from standing or walking pushes a plantar wart beneath the skin’s surface, a layer of thick, tough skin develops over it. Sometimes dark specks are visible beneath the surface of the wart.

Flat Warts: They are small warts usually found on the face, arms, or legs and are generally located in one area. They have flat tops and can be pink, light brown, or light yellow. Flat warts are often spread by shaving.

Filiform Warts: It is a kind of flat wart that can grow around the mouth, nose, and beard area. The surface of this type of wart has many flesh-colored, finger-shaped growths.

Periungual Warts: They are found under and around the toenails and fingernails. They appear as rough, irregular bumps.

Many times warts cover the lines and creases in the skin, thus making it difficult to tell a wart from other skin conditions, such as skin tags or moles.


In most cases diagnose a common wart with one or more of these techniques:

Ø  Examining the wart

Ø  Scraping off the top layer of the wart to check for signs of dark, pinpoint dots — clotted blood vessels — which are common with warts

Ø  Removing a small section of the wart (shave biopsy) and sending it to a laboratory for analysis to rule out other types of skin growths



Home Remedies:

Many home remedies have little or no reliable scientific evidence to back them up; however, individuals report success using them to remove warts.

n  Cut a potato in half and rub the wart firmly with the potato half, making sure that the skin becomes saturated with raw potato juice. Repeat morning and night for two weeks to start seeing results.

n  Soak a cotton wool ball in apple cider vinegar and apply directly to the wart. Use a bandaid to fix the cotton ball to the wart. Remove after three to four hours. Repeat every day for three days to start seeing results.

n  Rub the wart with the peel of an orange. The wart will turn orange and then darken and finally drop off. Continue for two weeks to start seeing results.

n  Soak a cotton ball in fresh aloe vera and apply directly to the wart. Repeat each day for two weeks to begin seeing a result.

n  For plantar warts, apply the inside of a banana peel to the wart. The peel must remain in contact with the wart at all times. Continue for 3 – 4 days to see a result.

n  Rub castor oil onto the wart twice a day for two weeks to begin seeing a result.


Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homoeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homoeopathic medicine for warts are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. The symptoms listed against each homeopathic remedy may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting a remedy. None of these homoeopathic medicine for warts should be taken without professional advice.


Indicated Remedies


Antimonium crudum

This homeopathic remedy has warts that are Hard and smooth that often appear in groups. Sole, very painful in touch, cannot walk bare feet. Skin is very sensitive to cold bathing.Dry skin. Skin complaints often associated with gastric derangements. Irritability and a thickly coated white tongue also suggest the need for this remedy.

Calcarea carbonica 

Warts on the neck and hands.

Small, horny warts in large numbers with itching and stinging; inflamed; ulcerated; itching; bleed easily and soft and spongy and have a stinging sensation.Round, hard, solitary growth.

Often useful for growth that have a horny wall surrounding a central depression.Indicated in fleshy people with clammy hands and feet.Patients are often fat and flabby; shy children who may be aggressive and obstinate with immediate family but averse to strangers.Profuse sweating in palm and soles.Patient has desire for eggs, sweets and indigestible thing like chalk, charcoal etc.Tendency to hard stool or constipation.


Medicine for old, large growth on the face (especially the nose), under the fingernails.Effective when the warts are solid, flat on the surface of the neck, face, eyelids, and tip of nose and on the fingers. Warts on fingertips that bleed easily. Tend to be hard, inflamed, and painful and sit on whitish-yellow, dirty looking skin.People who benefit from this remedy tend fear that something awful will happen. Patients who feel intensely sympathy about the hardship of others. Patient craves salt food and has a sympathetic nature; unable to tolerate any kind of perceived injustice to anyone.


Flat growth located on backs of hands and face and soft brownish to black seborrheic found on the back.

Large and smooth.

Indicated in people with rheumatic complaints that are worse in cold, damp weather or humidity.

Ferrum picricum

medicine for warts has small pointed growth appearing in large groups.

Also useful in some cases of flat or plane warts with irregular borders that grow on the face, neck, wrists, hands and knees.

Hands full of warts.

Men may have prostatic enlargement.

Patients of this medicine usually feels deafness before menses.


Thuja is a wonderful medicine for warts, skin complaints associated with urinary and sexual infection.Flat black warts, large seedy, pedunculated; sometimes oozing moisture and bleeding readily.Thuja has family tendency of warts, whichare cauliflower-like in shape, occur in crops, are moist to touch and bleed easily.Warts especially on left side of the body and on covered parts only.Thuja nicely acts on all kind of skin growth and tumors.Growth in anal and genital region.Unhealthy skin, offensive sweating leaves yellow stain.Patient is very sensitive to cold weather.

Natrum muriaticum 

warts on the palms of the hand and soles of the feet.Skin is dry, with oily sweat. Greasy look of face and dryness of skin of whole body.Skin eruption  specially in skin folds.Patient who are sensitive to sun heat.Indicated in those who are closed, reserved and sensitive.

Nitricum acidum 

indicated in treating large, fissured or gold-yellow warts that itch and sting or bleed upon washing.

This remedy is also indicated for people who are anxious about health and worry about cancer.Often useful for growth that have a horny wall surrounding a central depression or the more common plantar wart.


Genital warts, warts on margin of prepuce; on the body.Flat warts on face and back of hands.Large black warts that have hair growing from them.Often a female patient with lots of cares and worries; anxiety especially for children and husband.Overworked females may show indifference and uterine prolapse.


Hard, painful, throbbing, itching warts. History of skin eruptions that were suppressed. Dirty skin; They still feel they look good.

Over confidence is a common trait in patients requiring Sulphur.


Warts especially of black and dark colored, with intense itching and burning.

Medicine suited to the women who had history of abortions or having clotted dark menstrual discharge

Ruta graveolens 

for plantar warts, especially on the palms of the hand.


From the homoeopathic point of view physician can approach treatment in different ways. Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole and tries to find a constitutional remedy with the aim of strengthening the organism generally. This means looking at not only the patient’s  symptoms, but also his or her general health and way of reacting to the environment, as well as what drives him or her on an emotional level. But homoeopaths can also treat symptomatically, meaning treating symptoms specifically. Please consult a qualified homoeopath before taking any homoeopathic remedy. Along with Homoeopathic medicines, the lifestyle, personal habits & food habits modification may be useful for treatment of patients


Tuesday, 29 September 2020



Dyspepsia, also known as indigestion or upset stomach, is a term that describes discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen.  The main symptom is usually pain or discomfort in the upper tummy (abdomen). In addition, other symptoms that may develop include Bloating, Belching, Quickly feeling full after eating, Feeling sick (nausea) & Being sick (vomiting).Homoeopathy is a remarkable resource for those dealing with digestive disorders. Homoeopathy can be of assistance in retrieving normal motility and treating any psychological issues related to gastric disorders.




Dyspepsia is not a disease. Various conditions cause dyspepsia. Hyperacidity is also called Acid Dyspepsia, which is one of the most common problem. Hyperacidity is a medical condition in which the stomach secretes a lot of acids.It can be caused due to various medications, stressed lifestyle and spicy foods.


Causes of Dyspepsia


Indigestion is usually related to lifestyle and what we eat and drink. It may also be caused by infection or some other digestive conditions.

Some common causes include:

· Life Style factors - Eating too much, Eating too rapidly, Consuming fatty or greasy foods, Consuming spicy foods, Consuming too much caffeine, Consuming too much alcohol, Consuming too much chocolate, Consuming too many fizzy drinks, Emotional trauma, moderate to intense exercise immediately after eating.

· Functional dyspepsia - a type of indigestion that may undermine the stomach's ability to accept and digest food and then pass that food on to the small intestine.

· Gallstones

· Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach)

· Hiatus hernia

· Infection, especially with bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori

· Nervousness

· Obesity - caused by more pressure inside the abdomen

· Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)

· Peptic ulcers

· Smoking

· Some medications like Antiinflammatory medicines are the most common culprits. These are medicines that many people take for arthritis, muscular pains, sprains, period pains, etc. For example: aspirin, ibuprofen,and diclofenac but there are others. Antiinflammatory medicines sometimes affect the lining of the stomach and allow acid to cause inflammation and ulcers.

· Various other medicines sometimes cause dyspepsia, or make dyspepsia worse. They include: digoxin, antibiotics, steroids, iron, calcium antagonists, nitrates, theophyllines and bisphosphonates.such as antibiotics and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

· Stomach cancer


Clinical manifestations of Dyspepsia

Ø Most people with indigestion feel pain and discomfort in the stomach or chest area. The sensation generally appears soon after consuming food or drink. In some cases symptoms may appear some time after a meal. Some people feel full during a meal, even if they have not eaten much. Heartburn and indigestion are two separate conditions.

Ø Heartburn is a burning feeling behind the breastbone, usually after eating.

Ø The Common symptoms are Nausea, Belching, Feeling bloated (very full)

Ø In very rare cases indigestion may be a symptom of stomach cancer.

Ø Mild indigestion is rarely anything to worry about. if symptoms continue for more than two weeks. Consult a physician immediately if pain is severe, and symptoms like Loss of appetite or weight loss, Vomiting, Black stools, Jaundice (yellow coloring of eyes and skin), Chest pain, Shortness of breath, Sweating, Chest pain radiation to the jaw, arm or neck.




Majority of patients indigestion is mild and does not occur very often. In such cases no treatment from a doctor is required. People who experience indigestion regularly consult a good physician.

Blood test - if the patient has any symptoms of anemia then blood test is needed.

Endoscopy - patients who have not responded to treatment, or those with certain signs and symptoms, may be advised to have their abdomen examined in more detail like endoscopy is advised.

Tests to diagnose Helicobacter pylori infection - this may include a urea breath test, a stool antigen test, and a blood test. Peptic ulcers are often cause by this bacterium.

Liver function test – if the patient may have a biliary condition, which affects the bile

ducts in the liver. This involves a blood test that determines how the liver is working.

X-rays - usually an upper-gastrointestinal and small bowel series. X-rays are taken of the esophagus,stomach and small intestine.

Abdominal ultrasound - high-frequency sound waves make images that show movement, structure and blood flow.

Abdominal CT (computed tomography) scan.




Lifestyle changes

For all types of dyspepsia, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends the following lifestyle changes like Make sure you eat regular meals, Lose weight if you are obese, If you are a smoker, consider giving up, Don't drink too much alcohol.

Changing the way you eat may help your symptoms. Steps you can take include: Allow enough time for meals, Chew food carefully and completely, Avoid arguments during meals, Avoid excitement or exercise right after a meal, Relax and get rest if indigestion is caused by stress.

Posture - Lying down or bending forward a lot during the day encourages reflux. Sitting hunched or wearing tight belts may put extra pressure on the stomach, which may make any reflux worse.

Bedtime - If symptoms recur most nights, the following may help:

· Go to bed with an empty, dry stomach. To do this, don't eat in the last three hours before bedtime and don't drink in the last two hours before bedtime. If you are able, try raising the head of the bed by 10 – 20 cms (for example, with books or bricks under the bed's legs). This helps gravity to keep acid from refluxing into the oesophagus. If you do this, do not use additional pillows, because this may increase abdominal pressure.

· Spices and condiments such as pepper, mustard must be avoided.

· Vinegar or pickles, which make food more palatable and lead to overeating, must be avoided.

· Alcohol, tobacco, strong tea and coffee must be avoided. Highly seasoned meats, pulses, potato, rice, cheese, refined, processed, stale and tinned foods should all be avoided.


Home Remedies:

1. For instance, drinking a glass of water at the first sign of indigestion can give you much relief. Water helps dilute stomach acids thus giving you relief from bloating and burning.

2. Apple cider vinegar is often used to kick start a slow stomach and settle indigestion due to its antibiotic properties. Add one tablespoon apple cider vinegar to a cup of water. Mix in one teaspoon honey. Drink this solution two to three times a day for quick relief.

3. Fennel seeds can be really helpful for indigestion caused by very spicy or fatty food. Fennelseeds contain oil that can help reduce nausea and control flatulence.

4. Ginger stimulates digestive juices and the flow of enzymes that help you digest your food. This makes ginger an effective remedy for indigestion from overeating.

5. Baking soda - Indigestion often happens due to high levels of stomach acids. Baking soda is one of the most simple and effective treatments for indigestion because it acts like an antacid. Stir one half teaspoon of baking soda into half a glass of water. Drinking this solution will neutralize the acid in your stomach and give your relief from bloating.

6. Coriander is an effective spice to treat indigestion. Add some roasted coriander seeds to half a glass of buttermilk and drink it twice a day.

7. Drinking herbal tea after eating a heavy meal can greatly reduce indigestion. Dip your favorite herbal tea bag into a hot cup of water and cover it for five minutes. Drink it while it is still warm. You can try herbal tea containing mint, raspberry and blackberry for instant relief. Peppermint or chamomile tea can also calm your stomach, especially after overeating.




Homoeopathy is a remarkable resource for those dealing with digestive disorders.  The unique physical, emotional and mental expression of illness is characteristic and is used to channel the course of Homoeopathic treatment. The remedies work by stimulating body’s natural ability to heal itself, acting as a catalyst for healing. Homoeopathy can be of assistance in retrieving normal motility and treating any psychological issues related to gastric disorders. The following homoeopathic medicines are often found indicated in cases of Dyspepsia:

Indicated Remedies


Antimonium crudum

This relieves indigestion from eating too much, especially rich or acidic foods or cured meat. Symptoms are relieved by applying heat to the abdomen.

Arsenicum album

This remedy may be indicated if a person feels anxious, restless yet exhausted, and is worse from the smell and sight of food. Burning pain is felt in the stomach and esophagus, which

often is relieved by warmth and sitting up. Vomiting and diarrhea are possible. Upsets from spoiled food or from eating too much fruit often respond to this remedy.


When this remedy is indicated, the stomach feels heavy, with rising acid and a bitter or sour taste. Pain and nausea are worse from motion of any kind. The person may have a dry mouth and be thirsty for long drinks, which may increase discomfort. Bryonia is strongly suggested if a person is grumpy and wants to stay completely still and not be touched or talked to.

Carbo vegetabilis

Sour belching bringing only small relief, burning pain in the stomach and abdomen, and flatulence after eating may be seen when this remedy is needed. The person feels cold and faint, with a strong desire for fresh or moving air. Digestion may be slow and incomplete, with nausea or cramping.

Cinchona officinalis

This remedy relieves bloating of the abdomen and foul-smelling gas, sometimes with painless, but exhausting, diarrhea.


Cutting, cramping pain in the stomach and abdomen, with relief from hard pressure or from doubling over, indicates a need for this remedy. A bitter taste in the mouth, a feeling that the intestines are about to burst, or a sensation that stones are grinding together in the abdomen may be present. Indigestion may be worse when the person feels upset, especially after suppressing anger.


This remedy is indicated for many digestive troubles. The person’s appetite may be ravenous, but eating even a small amount can cause a feeling of fullness and bloating. Rumbling gas may form in the abdomen, pressing upward and making breathing difficult. The person often has a strong desire for sweets, is sleepy after meals, and feels worst in the late afternoon and evening.

Magnesia phosphorica

This remedy relieves abdominal cramps improved by heat and bending over.

Natrum carbonicum

This remedy can be helpful to mild people who have trouble digesting and assimilating many foods and have to stay on restricted diets. Indigestion, heartburn, and ulcers can occur if offending foods are eaten. Milk or dairy products can lead to flatulence or sputtery diarrhea that leaves an empty feeling in the stomach. Cravings for potatoes and sweets are common; also milk, but it makes these people sick, so they have usually learned to avoid it.

Natrum phosphoricum

A sour taste in the mouth, an acid or burning sensation in the stomach, sour vomiting, regurgitated bits of food, and a yellow coating on the tongue are all indications for this remedy. The person may have problems after consuming dairy products or too much sugar. Another indication for Natrum phos is a craving for fried eggs.

Nux vomica

This remedy is often useful for indigestion, and is especially suited to those who overindulge in stimulants, food, and alcohol. Chilliness, irritability, and sensitivity to odors, sound, and light are often seen. Pain and weight can be felt in the stomach, with cramps or constricting pains. The person often feels an urge to vomit or move the bowels (which may make the person feel better, but is rarely successful).


Burning pain in the stomach that feels better from eating ice cream or other cold, refreshing foods suggests a need for this remedy. The person is usually thirsty for cold drinks, but often feels nauseous or vomits once liquids warm up in the stomach. People needing Phosphorus may have a tendency toward easy bleeding and sometimes develop stomach ulcers.


Indigestion that is worse from eating rich and fatty foods, with a feeling of a lump or pulsation in the stomach, suggests a need for this remedy. Discomfort often is worse from warmth, especially in a stuffy room, and the person may feel better from gentle walking in open air. A bitter taste in the mouth can take the pleasure out of eating. A person who needs Pulsatilla usually does not feel thirsty and may be tearful and emotional.


Made from ginger, it relieves nausea with belching and diarrhea, especially if the stomach feels like a heavy stone.


This is made from the digestion supportive papaya enzyme.Eases frequent painful urging that may lead to diarrhea, much belching and abdominal pressure.


Applies when constipation leads to a sinking feeling in the stomach and a total loathing of food.

Iris vers

 Relieves irritating constipation with a constant urging to stool and a nauseating headache.





Homeopathic remedies can help rebuild mind, body and spirit as well as personal relationships for a balanced lifestyle. Homeopathy will reinforce and tone the body’s systems. Homeopathic remedies can help deal with anxiety, depression, and stress along with digestive problems. It will attend to nutritional problems and help the patient develop a healthier body image.Homeopathic constitutional treatment based on the individual case is the most suitable and would aim to heal the underlying physical or emotional crisis causing digestive disorders.


  Abstract   Cough is the most common illness-related reason for ambulatory care visits for hospitals. Cold, chest discomfort and an irritat...