Wednesday, 27 September 2017


 Homoeopathy is considered as one of the very best alternative system for treating Diabetes Mellitus & its complications. Diabetes mellitus (DM), commonly referred to as diabetes, is a group of metabolic disorders in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period. Symptoms of high blood sugar include frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased hunger. If left untreated, diabetes can cause many complications. Acute complications can include diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state, or death. Serious long-term complications include cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic kidney disease, foot ulcers, and damage to the eyes.
Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the cells of the body not responding properly to the insulin produced. There are three main types of diabetes mellitus:
Type 1 DM results from the pancreas's failure to produce enough insulin. This form was previously referred to as "insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus" (IDDM) or "juvenile diabetes". The cause is unknown.
Type 2 DM begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to respond to insulin properly. As the disease progresses a lack of insulin may also develop. This form was previously referred to as "non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus" (NIDDM) or "adult-onset diabetes". The most common cause is excessive body weight and not enough exercise.
Gestational diabetes is the third main form and occurs when pregnant women without a previous history of diabetes develop high blood sugar levels.
In this article we discuss briefly about complications of Diabetes mellitus and its treatments & preventions.
The complications of diabetes mellitus are far less common and less severe in people who have well-controlled blood sugar levels. Chronic complications occur due to a mix of microangiopathy, macrovascular disease and immune dysfunction in the form of autoimmune disease or poor immune response, most of which are difficult to manage. Microangipoathy can affect all vital organs, kidneys, heart and brain, as well as eyes, nerves, lungs and locally gums and feet. Macrovascular problems can lead to cardiovascular disease including erectile dysfunction. Female infertility may be due to endocrine dysfunction with impaired signalling on a molecular level. Other health problems compound the chronic complications of diabetes such as smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, and lack of regular exercise which are accessible to management as they are modifiable. Non-modifiable risk factors of diabetic complications are type of diabetes, age of onset, and genetic factors, both protective and predisposing have been found.
Acute complications include hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, diabetic coma and nonketotic hyperosmolar coma.
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Ketoacidosis is much more common in type 1 diabetes than type 2. Diabetic ketoacidosis is an acute and dangerous complication that is always a medical emergency and requires prompt medical attention. Low insulin levels cause the liver to turn fatty acid to ketone for fuel (i.e., ketosis); ketone bodies are intermediate substrates in that metabolic sequence. This is normal when periodic, but can become a serious problem if sustained. Elevated levels of ketone bodies in the blood decrease the blood's pH, leading to this condition. On presentation at hospital, the patient is typically dehydrated and breathing rapidly and deeply. Abdominal pain is common and may be severe. The level of consciousness is typically normal until late in the process, when lethargy may progress to coma. Ketoacidosis can easily become severe enough to cause hypotension, shock, and death. Urine analysis will reveal significant levels of ketone bodies (which have exceeded their renal threshold blood levels to appear in the urine, often before other overt symptoms). Prompt, proper treatment usually results in full recovery, though death can result from inadequate or delayed treatment, or from complications (e.g., brain edema)
Hyperglycemia hyperosmolar state
This is more common in type 2 diabetes than type 1. Nonketotic hyperosmolar coma  is an acute complication sharing many symptoms with diabetic ketoacidosis, but an entirely different origin and different treatment. A person with very high (usually considered to be above 300 mg/dl) blood glucose levels, water is osmotically drawn out of cells into the blood and the kidneys eventually begin to dump glucose into the urine. This results in loss of water and an increase in blood osmolarity. If fluid is not replaced (by mouth or intravenously), the osmotic effect of high glucose levels, combined with the loss of water, will eventually lead to dehydration. The body's cells become progressively dehydrated as water is taken from them and excreted. Electrolyte imbalances are also common and are always dangerous. Urgent medical treatment is necessary, commonly beginning with fluid volume replacement. Lethargy may ultimately progress to a coma.
Hypoglycemia is low blood glucose (blood sugar). It is possible for blood glucose to drop, especially if person taking insulin or a diabetic drugs (those make your body produce insulin throughout the day). With these medications, if person eat less than usual or were more active, then blood glucose may dip too much. Other possible causes of hypoglycemia include certain medications (aspirin, for example, lowers the blood glucose level if you take a dose of more than 81mg) and too much alcohol (alcohol keeps the liver from releasing glucose).
The signs and symptoms of low blood glucose are easy to recognize: Rapid heartbeat, Sweating, Whiteness of skin, Anxiety, Numbness in fingers, toes, and lips, Sleepiness, Confusion, Headache, Slurred speech. Mild cases of hypoglycemia can be treated by drinking orange juice or eating a glucose tabletthose will quickly raise your blood glucose level. In severe cases, an injection of glucagon (a hormone with effects largely opposite to those of insulin) or an intravenous infusion of dextrose is used for treatment, but usually only if the person is unconscious. In any given incident, glucagon will only work once as it uses stored liver glycogen as a glucose source; in the absence of such stores, glucagon is largely ineffective. In hospitals, intravenous dextrose is often used.
Diabetic coma
Diabetic coma is a medical emergency in which a person with diabetes mellitus is comatose (unconscious) because of one of the acute complications of diabetes:  Severe diabetic hypoglycemia, Diabetic ketoacidosis advanced enough to result in unconsciousness from a combination of severe hyperglycemia, dehydration and shock, and exhaustion, Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma in which extreme hyperglycemia and dehydration alone are sufficient to cause unconsciousness.
Long-term complications of diabetes develop gradually. The longer diabetes  and the less controlled blood sugar  the higher the risk of complications. Eventually, diabetes complications may be disabling or even life-threatening. Possible complications include: Microangiopathy & Macrovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease. Diabetes dramatically increases the risk of various cardiovascular problems, including coronary artery disease with chest pain (angina), heart attack, stroke and narrowing of arteries (atherosclerosis). Diabetic cardiomyopathy, damage to the heart muscle, leading to impaired relaxation and filling of the heart with blood (diastolic dysfunction) and eventually heart failure; this condition can occur independent of damage done to the blood vessels over time from high levels of blood glucose
Nerve damage (neuropathy). Excess sugar can injure the walls of the tiny blood vessels (capillaries) that nourish your nerves, especially in your legs. This can cause tingling, numbness, burning or pain that usually begins at the tips of the toes or fingers and gradually spreads upward. Left untreated, you could lose all sense of feeling in the affected limbs. Damage to the nerves related to digestion can cause problems with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation.
Erectile Dysfunction: Estimates of the prevalence of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes range from 20 to 85 percent when defined as consistent inability to have an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Among men with erectile dysfunction, those with diabetes are likely to have experienced the problem as much as 10 to 15 years earlier than men without diabetes
Kidney damage (nephropathy). The kidneys contain millions of tiny blood vessel clusters (glomeruli) that filter waste from your blood. Diabetes can damage this delicate filtering system. Severe damage can lead to kidney failure or irreversible end-stage kidney disease, which may require dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Eye damage (retinopathy). Diabetes can damage the blood vessels of the retina (diabetic retinopathy), potentially leading to blindness. Diabetes also increases the risk of other serious vision conditions, such as cataracts and glaucoma.
Foot damage. Nerve damage in the feet or poor blood flow to the feet increases the risk of various foot complications. Left untreated, cuts and blisters can develop serious infections, which often heal poorly. These infections may ultimately require toe, foot or leg amputation.
Skin conditions. Diabetes may leave more susceptible to skin problems, including bacterial and fungal infections.
Hearing impairment. Hearing problems are more common in people with diabetes.
Alzheimer's disease. Type 2 diabetes may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The poorer your blood sugar control, the greater the risk appears to be. Although there are theories as to how these disorders might be connected, none has yet been proved.
Abnormal immune responses The immune response is impaired in individuals with diabetes mellitus. Cellular studies have shown that hyperglycemia both reduces the function of immune cells and increases inflammation.
Respiratory infections such as pneumonia and influenza are more common among individuals with diabetes. Lung function is altered by vascular disease and inflammation, which leads to an increase in susceptibility to respiratory agents. Restrictive lung disease is known to be associated with diabetes. Lung restriction in diabetes could result from chronic low-grade tissue inflammation, microangiopathy, and/or accumulation of advanced glycation end products. In fact the presence restrictive lung defect in association with diabetes has been shown even in presence of obstructive lung diseases like asthma and COPD in diabetic patients.
Lipohypertrophy may be caused by insulin therapy. Repeated insulin injections at the same site, or near to, causes an accumulation of extra subcutaneous fat and may present as a large lump under the skin. It may be unsightly, mildly painful, and may change the timing or completeness of insulin action.
Complications of gestational diabetes
Most women who have gestational diabetes deliver healthy babies. However, untreated or uncontrolled blood sugar levels can cause problems for mother and baby.
Complications in baby can occur as a result of gestational diabetes, including:
Excess growth. Extra glucose can cross the placenta, which triggers your baby's pancreas to make extra insulin. This can cause baby to grow too large (macrosomia). Very large babies are more likely to require a C-section birth.
Low blood sugar. Sometimes babies of mothers with gestational diabetes develop low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) shortly after birth because their own insulin production is high. Prompt feedings and sometimes an intravenous glucose solution can return the baby's blood sugar level to normal.
Type 2 diabetes later in life. Babies of mothers who have gestational diabetes have a higher risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes later in life.
Death. Untreated gestational diabetes can result in a baby's death either before or shortly after birth.
Complications in the mother can also occur as a result of gestational diabetes, including:
Preeclampsia.This condition is characterized by high blood pressure, excess protein in the urine, and swelling in the legs and feet. Preeclampsia can lead to serious or even life-threatening complications for both mother and baby.
Subsequent gestational diabetes. Once you've had gestational diabetes in one pregnancy, more likely to have it again with the next pregnancy. Also more likely to develop diabetes  typically type 2 diabetes  as get older.

Diagnosis & Prognosis
Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) test. This blood test indicates your average blood sugar level for the past two to three months. It measures the percentage of blood sugar attached to hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells. The higher blood sugar levels, the more hemoglobin  have with sugar attached. An A1C level of 6.5 percent or higher on two separate tests indicates that you have diabetes. An A1C between 5.7 and 6.4 percent indicates prediabetes. Below 5.7 is considered normal. This test is useful for diagnosis and also prognosis of treatment undergone

Prevention is the optimal approach to managing the microvascular complications of diabetes. The two main approaches to preventing retinopathy and nephropathy are intensive glycemic control and aggressive control of hypertension. Intensive glycemic control has been the most effective approach to preventing neuropathic complications of diabetes.
Diet and exercise play a key role in controlling blood sugar levels and reducing your weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, in turn preventing any further kidney damage. Steps may include:
Exercising regularly, if possible for 30 minutes a day.
Eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
Increasing the amount of starchy carbohydrates in diet.
Choosing to eat carbohydrates that release energy slowly such as porridge oats, brown rice and pasta, lentils and beans and avoiding those that release energy quickly such as white bread and white rice.
Reducing the amount of sugar, fat and salt in your diet.
Stop smoking.
Cutting down on alcohol.
Monitoring and controlling your blood sugar levels if you have diabetes.
Limit the amount of foods containing high levels of protein, sodium, potassium or phosphate.
The following measures are advisable in diabetes patients:
Tighten up your blood sugar control.
Blood pressure lowering if high.
Stop smoking.
Lipid lowering treatment.
Diabetic mellitus is supposed to be a constitutional disease, so treatment also should be constitutional to prevent there complications. Normal levels can be absolutely attained and maintained if Homoeopathic treatment is started earlier. In Homoeopathy, medicines are highly individualized to the patient and this will help, Homoeopathic constitutional treatment for diabetes controls side effects of the disease. Homoeopathy considers life style, diet habits, other physical symptoms along with clinical history of diabetes in order to control the sugar levels as well prevent diabetic complications like heart diseases, diabetic kidney disease, diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy etc. Following remedies are quite helpful to treat the symptoms and condition related to complications.

Arsenicum Album
Agitation tendency to move from one place to another, great anxiety, prostration, useful in diabetic neuropathy there ardour and/or numbness in limbs.

Lycopodium Clavatum
Diabetes. Anger during disease. Lost of self confidence. The right side conditions works well and thus improve the liver and kidney functioning as conditions Neuropathy above all of the autonomic nervous system where there is constipation due to inactivity of the rectum. Impotence. Intense desire for sweets.

Tuberculinic patient, tall, slender, with strait chest or nervous and weak people. Works efficiently in the liver and kidney improving the hypercholesterinemia. It is also a large drug bleeding anywhere body by avoiding significantly the cerebral vascular event. Albumin in urine. Depression and high stress. Retinopathy.

Phosphoricum acidum
Diabetic neurosis. Weak and thin with presence of urine sugar. Polyuria. Diarrhea or constipation. Impotence. Depression. Weakness of memory. Inability to concentrate.

Lacticum Acidum
Diabetes. Presence of blood sugar. Thirst. Voracious hunger. Abundant urine. Rheumatic pain.

China officinalis
Weakness for loss of fluids. Bleeding. Tympanites. The expulsions of gases do not produce improvement. Loss of vision. Ringing in the ears. Canine hunger. Extreme sensitivity to touch in diabetic neuropathy.

Nitricum acidum
Diabetic nervous, irritable. Strong smell like horse urine. Skin cracks and fissures. Ulcers by arterial insufficiency. Weakness. Condylomas and warts.

Aceticum acidum
Very weakened patient which thins quickly. With edema or anasarca.

Diabetic with marked signs of sadness and the silent penalty provision. Want to be alone. Profound sighs. Weakness in the mouth of the stomach. Empty feeling in the stomach. Bipolarity. Shock disorders. In neuropathy acts on the spinal marrow and affects both motor nerve as sensitive. Tremor by penalties or scares or by parasites. Hysteria.

Natrum sulphuricum:
Useful in diabetic neuropathy that affects the autonomic nervous system. Diarrhea aggravated by the morning of begin to move. Borborigmos on the right side of the abdomen in the ileocecal region. Productive cough aggravated by wet time.

Diabetes in patients with sycosis. Polyneuritis with great pain. Polyps. Warts. In the mental area with special illusions: believes that his body and limbs are glass. Thinks he has a live animal inside abdomen. It is obsessive.

Lachesis Trig
 Loquacious, diabetic patients with circulatory problems. Diabetes in menopause. Diabetic Gangrene. Useful in the brain vessel event. Upper digestive tube (bowel) hemorrhages. Retinal hemorrhages. Varicose ulcers, diabetic gangrene and treatment of cerebral vascular event.

Friday, 1 September 2017



Anaemia is a condition where the number of healthy red blood cells (RBCs) in the blood is lower than normal. RBCs transport oxygen throughout the body, so a shortage of these cells can be serious. WHO defines anaemia as a condition in which the Haemoglobin (Hb) content of blood is lower than normal as a result of deficiency of one or more essential nutrients, regardless of the cause of such deficiencies. Anaemia is the most common nutritional deficiency disorder in the world.  In Anaemia a silent killer among women in India: Present scenario, by Kawaljit Kaur in the European Journal of Zoological Research, 2014, the author states that India has among the highest number of cases of anaemia in the world with an estimated 50 percent of the population affected. Iron-deficiency anaemia is the most common type of anaemia. Women in the childbearing years are particularly susceptible to iron deficiency anaemia because of the blood loss from menstruation and the increased blood supply demands during pregnancy. It's estimated that at least 2 out of every 10 women in India have iron-poor blood. There are many types of anaemia, but in this article we discussing about iron deficiency anaemia which is common among all type of anaemias.

Causes of Anaemia
According to the American Society of Haematology, iron deficiency is the most common cause of anaemia. There are many reasons for person might become deficient in iron. These include: Inadequate iron intake, Pregnancy or blood loss due to menstruation, certain medical conditions can cause internal bleeding & inability to absorb iron.

Iron deficiency may also be aggravated by poor nutritional status, especially when it is associated with deficiencies in folic acid, vitamin A or B12, as is often the case in populations living in developing countries. A diet that is monotonous, but rich in substances (phytates) inhibiting iron absorption so that dietary iron cannot be utilised by the body. In India, the prevalence of anaemia is high because of low dietary intake, poor iron (less than 20 mg /day) and folic acid intake (less than 70 micrograms/day); poor bio-availability of iron (3-4 percent only) in phytate fibre- rich Indian diet; and chronic blood loss due to infection such as malaria and hookworm infestations. The low dietary intake of iron and folic acid coupled with poor bioavailability of iron is the major factor responsible for very high prevalence of anaemia in the country. s. In the adolescent phase of women  due to menstruation, the requirement of iron increases. Every month about 40 ml. blood is lost with approximately 0.6 mg of iron. This increased requirement for iron is not met due to discriminatory social beliefs and food restrictions. According to WHO, women of childbearing age need to absorb 2-3 times the amount of iron required by men or older women.

Clinical Presentation

The symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia can be very mild at first.The symptoms of moderate to severe iron deficiency anaemia include: general fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, strange cravings to eat items that arent food, such as dirt, ice, or clay, a tingling or crawling feeling in the legs, tongue swelling or soreness, cold hands and feet, fast or irregular heartbeat, brittle nails and headaches

Although the history and physical examination can lead to the recognition of the condition and help establish the etiology, iron deficiency anaemia is primarily a laboratory diagnosis.
Useful tests include a complete blood count (CBC); a peripheral smear; serum iron, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), and serum ferritin.
Other laboratory tests (eg, stool testing, incubated osmotic fragility testing, measurement of lead in tissue, and bone marrow aspiration) are useful for establishing the etiology of iron deficiency anemia and for excluding other diseases
If bloodwork indicates iron deficiency anemia, then following additional tests can perform to identify an underlying cause, such as:
Endoscopy -  check for bleeding from a hiatal hernia, an ulcer or the stomach with the aid of endoscopy
Colonoscopy. To rule out lower intestinal sources of bleeding.
Ultrasound. Women may also have a pelvic ultrasound to look for the cause of excess menstrual bleeding, such as uterine fibroids.


Home natural remedies
In the treatment of nutrition related anaemia, combinations of nutrient rich foods play a very important role in absorption of iron. For e.g. Iron from corn is better absorbed when eaten with fish or meat, whereas milk inhibits iron absorption. Vitamin C increases iron absorption by a factor of 4. Being a powerful reducing antioxidant agent; it changes ferric iron to better absorbed ferrous form of iron.

Beetroot and Amla: Beets are extremely important in curing anaemia. Beets contain potassium, phosphorous, calcium, sulphur, iodine, iron, copper, carbohydrate proteins, fat, Vitamin B1, B2 niacin,B6 Vitamin P and Vitamin C (that helps absorption). In fact Vitamin C is regarded as the most potent enhancer of iron absorption and vitamin C alone will often increase body iron stores. Thus, the juice of Red beets and amla(that is packed with Vitamin C) strengthen the body's power to regenerate and re-activate the red blood cells and supplies the body with fresh oxygen.

Banana and Honey: Bananas are particularly beneficial as they also contain besides easily assimilable iron, folic acid and B12, all of which are extremely useful in the treatment of anaemia. Drizzle honey over the bananas as it is rich in copper which helps in iron absorption.

Jaggery and Ginger: Regular intake of jaggery in any form with any food will help combat anaemia. A person can obtain 3% of iron of daily value from 10grams of jaggery. Regular intake of jaggery with ginger juice helps in better absorption of iron.

Fenugreek: The leaves of fenugreek help in blood formation, cooked leaves can be taken to prevent anemia. The seeds of fenugreek are also a valuable cure for anaemia being rich in iron. Also the fat soluble chlorophyll molecule is similar to the haemoglobin molecule and is efficiently absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract providing all the structural elements for hemoglobin.

Spinach A diet rich in green leafy vegetables like spinach is one of the best home cures for anaemia. Spinach is rich in iron  as well as vitamin B12 and folic acid, energy boosting nutrients that the body needs to recover from anaemia

Pomegranate is rich in iron and other minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. It also contains vitamin C, which helps improve the bodys absorption of iron. This results in more red blood cells and an increase in the hemoglobin level.

Dates are a rich source of iron as well as vitamin C that plays an important role in the bodys absorption of iron. Soak two dates in a cup of milk overnight. The next morning, eat the dates and drink the milk on an empty stomach.

Blackstrap Molasses: Blackstrap Molasses is a great source of iron, about 5 tablespoons of black strap molasses contain 95 percent of your daily allowance of iron. Try to eat foods high in Vitamin C alongside blackstrap molasses- cabbage, broccoli, citrus fruits are all good choices. In addition to these, include raisins, dried apricots, mangoes, brewer's yeast, dried beans, lean meats and shell fish to enhance your iron levels. Sesame seeds are also great for treating anaemia due to their high iron content. One fourth cup of sesame seeds provides almost 30 percent of the daily iron requirement.

However, there are also several foods and beverages that inhibit iron absorption including coffee, tea, egg yolks and foods high in phytates such as wheat bran. Antacids and over use of calcium supplements also decrease iron absorption. These items should be restricted for individuals with iron deficiency. Foods rich in calcium should be avoided when taking iron rich foods, as they inhibit iron absorption.


Homoeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homoeopathy is not only to treat anaemia but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. Caring for blood count is essential for life since whole life / health relies on it. With clear-cut causes like accidental bleeding, heavy menstruation, pregnancy, poor nutrition, the person can be treated accordingly with the prescribed essential supplements in the form of foods / tablets / tonics / injections and in case of critical condition blood transfusion may be a must. No one can deny this principle. But using supplements (in the form of tablets / tonics / Injections) continuously without regular nutritious food to maintain blood counts / haemoglobin is not acceptable. In general, 50 per cent of anaemic patients can be cured with diet alone, 30 per cent may need supplements and medicines and 20 per cent may need blood transfusion and medicines.
Even though well substituted, if the cell activity is not capable of absorbing the same, the substitute will go waste and the cell will continue to be less active or diseased. Actually, everyone needs stimulation for good activity. Homoeopathic medicines can tackle the complaint or disease without persistent usage by treating the root cause.Anaemia is an ongoing process of chronic fatigue. Complaints will creep up with time when not attended properly. So it is better to analyse the cause and treat the condition right to the requirement. To distinguish from other ways,


Aletris Farinosa
Great tonic for woman not only increase blood but also weakness , Tired dull, heavy,confused feeling. Debility of females from protracted illness; no organic disease. Power and energy of mind and body are weakened.

Calcarea carbonica
Almost any of the deeper acting constitutional remedies may be of use in anaemic anddebilitated conditions, and especially are the Calcareas useful.

Ferrum phosphoricum
People who generally feel weak and tired because of the loss of iron from the body or poor absorption proved to be an effective remedy for those who are suffering from these situations.

Calcarea Phosphoricum
It is a good remedy for treating the anemia. It is helpful in giving the strength to the bones and helpful in curing the debility and weakness which is generally developed by the loss of iron from the
body. Also this medication helpful in improving the texture of the skin and it very effective remedy for those children who have deficiency of minerals and suffering from weak bone.

It is very beneficial homeopathic remedy for anaemia and cholorsis. It is generally effective for women having anemia which occurred from the long period of hemorrhage by indolence or luxury, or like worn out with hard work.

When the predominant symptom is that of weakness, exhaustion or prostration, Phosphorus is one of the best homeopathic medicines for anaemia. There is increased thirst and that too for cold water. The patient is usually thin, wiry and tall in stature. There is great weakness of the nervous system. There is increased restlesness and one cannot tolerate any noise, strong odor or light.

Calcarea flour
It is very beneficial homeopathic remedy for those having iron deficiency anaemia. It is helpful in boosting up the energy and also helps in higher absorption of iron in the blood. It also helps in lowering the symptoms of anemia which is better in forming the haemoglobin.

Kali phosphoricum
It is also good homeopathic remedy in curing the iron deficiency anaemia. It helps by providing the strength to the nerves and also helps in providing the relief from the vertigo and headache.

Natrum muriaticum
It is an effective homeopathic remedy in curing the anemia. It is good for those who has exhaustion following loss of blood, which is generally occurred by the aggravated by heat, in case of chronic
because of physical and emotional disorder.

It is good homeopathic remedy in treating the anemia. It is effective for those who are having anemia because of blood loss, blue colour around eyes, night blindness and debility from the exhausting discharges.

It is an effective homeopathic remedies for treating anemia. This remedy is for those pernicious anemia, debility from overtaxing, muscular tissues by prolong exertion and extreme restlessness.

It is beneficial homeopathic remedy for treating the anemia. It is Effective for those women having chloro-anaemic women which always complain of feeling chilly.

Natrum muriaticum
This is one of our best remedies in anemic conditions. There is paleness, and, in spite of the fact that the patient eats well, there is emaciation. There are attacks of throbbing headache and dyspnoea, especially on going up stairs, constipation and depression of spirits, and consolation aggravates. With these symptoms there is much palpitation, fluttering and intermittent action of the heart.

Nitric acid
When there is an irresistible desire to eat chalk, paper, earth or any such indigestible things, Nit-acid is one of the best homeopathic medicines for anaemia. There are often cuts at the corners of the mouth. Aphthae or ulcers in the mouth are also seen quite frequently.

In cases where the cause is blood loss, Cinchona is one of the best homeopathic medicine for anaemia. The blood loss may be due to increased menstrual flow as happens in some females or due to worms as occurs in some children. Even when the blood loss has happened in some acute cases like injury, Cinchona is very useful. One feels weak and tired. There are frequent 0.headaches. Periodicity of the pains is a characteristic of this medicine.


  Abstract   Cough is the most common illness-related reason for ambulatory care visits for hospitals. Cold, chest discomfort and an irritat...