Saturday, 24 August 2013


The gallbladder is a small little pouch that is shaped like a pear, and it is located behind the liver. Its primary duty is to save the cholesterol-rich bile that’s secreted from the liver. Bile helps the body digest fatty foods. Therefore, when that bit of fatty steak reaches the intestines, they deliver a note to send down some bile from the gallbladder. After this the fatty food becomes easier to digest and readily makes its way through the remainder of the digestive procedure.
Gallstones (also known as cholelithiasis) are pieces of solid material that form in the gallbladder. These stones develop because cholesterol and pigments in bile sometimes form hard particles. Gallstones usually form in the gallbladder; however, they also may form anywhere there is bile; in the intrahepatic, hepatic, common bile, and cystic ducts. A gallstone is a crystalline concretion formed within the gallbladder by accretion of bile components. These calculi are formed in the gallbladder but may distally pass into other parts of the biliary tract such as the cystic duct, common bile duct, pancreatic duct, or the ampulla of Vater.
Rarely, in cases of severe inflammation, gallstones may erode through the gallbladder into adherent bowel potentially causing an obstruction termed gallstone ileus.  If gallstones migrate into the ducts of the biliary tract, the condition is referred to as choledocholithiasis. Choledocholithiasis is frequently associated with obstruction of the biliary tree, which in turn can lead to acute ascending cholangitis, a serious infection of the bile ducts. Gallstones within the ampulla of Vater can obstruct the exocrine system of the pancreas, which in turn can result in pancreatitis.
On the basis of their composition, gallstones can be divided into the following types:
Cholesterol stones vary from light yellow to dark green or brown and are oval, between 2 and 3 cm long, each often having a tiny, dark, central spot. To be classified as such, they must be at least 80% cholesterol by weight (or 70%, according to the Japanese- classification system)
Pigment stones are small and dark and comprise bilirubin and calcium salts that are found in bile. They contain less than 20% of cholesterol (or 30%, according to the Japanese-classification system).
Mixed gallstones typically contain 20–80% cholesterol (or 30–70%, according to the Japanese- classification system).[6] Other common constituents are calcium carbonatepalmitate phosphate, bilirubin, and other bile pigments. Because of their calcium content, they are often radiographically visible.
Gallstone risk increases for females (especially before menopause) and for people near or above 40 years. Several factors may come together to create gallstones, including: Genetics, Body weight, Decreased motility (movement) of the gallbladder, Diet.
Gallstones can form when there is an imbalance in the substances that make up bile. For instance, cholesterol stones may develop as a result of too much cholesterol in the bile. Another cause may be the inability of the gallbladder to empty properly.
Pigment stones are more common in people with certain medical conditions, such as cirrhosis (a liver disease in which scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue) or blood diseases such as sickle cell anemia.
Risk factors for getting gallstones include:
  • Genetics. If other people in your family have had gallstones, you are at increased risk of developing gallstones.
  • Obesity. This is one of the biggest risk factors. Obesity can cause a rise in cholesterol and can also keep the gallbladder from emptying completely.
  • Estrogen. Estrogen can increase cholesterol and reduce gallbladder motility. Women who are pregnant or who take birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy have higher levels of estrogen and may be more likely to develop gallstones.
  • Ethnic background. Certain ethnic groups, including Native Americans and Mexican-Americans, are more likely to develop gallstones.
  • Gender and age. Gallstones are more common among women and older people.
  • Cholesterol drugs. Some cholesterol-lowering drugs increase the amount of cholesterol in bile, which may increase the chances of developing cholesterol stones.
  • Diabetes. People with diabetes tend to have higher levels of triglycerides (a type of blood fat), which is a risk factor for gallstones.
  • Rapid weight loss. If a person loses weight too quickly, his or her liver secretes extra cholesterol, which may lead to gallstones. Also, fasting may cause the gallbladder to contract less.
Diet causing Gallstones
The role of diet in the formation of gallstones is not clear. We do know that anything that increases the level of cholesterol in the blood increases the risk of gallstones.  It is reasonable to assume that a diet with large amounts of cholesterol and other fats increases the risk of gallstones, but it is also important to remember that the amount of cholesterol in our bile has no relationship to our blood cholesterol. Loosing weight rapidly seems to increase the risk of gallstones and so does skipping meals. Obesity is a risk factor for gallstones. Eating a fatty or greasy meal can precipitate the symptoms of gallstones.
Clinical features
Most people with gallstones have no symptoms called "silent gallstones". In fact, they are usually unaware that they have gallstones unless symptoms occur.
Symptoms usually occur as complications develop. The most common symptom is pain in the right upper part of the abdomen. Because the pain comes in episodes, it is often referred to as an "attack."
        Attacks may occur every few days, weeks, or months; they may even be separated by years. 
        The pain usually starts within 30 minutes after a fatty or greasy meal. The pain is usually severe, dull, and constant, and can last from one to five hours. It may radiate to the right shoulder or back.It occurs frequently at night and may awaken the person from sleep
        The pain may make the person want to move around to seek relief, but many patients prefer to lay still and wait for the attack to subside.
        Other common symptoms of gallstones include nausea and vomiting, fever, indigestionbelching, bloating, intolerance for fatty or greasy foods, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin or the whites of the eyes).
        Warning signs of a serious problem are fever, jaundice, and persistent pain.


There is no blood test that can identify gallstones.Ultrasound is the best test to examine the gallbladder for stones. Ultrasound is usually the first choice because it is completely noninvasive and involves no exposure to radiation. 
An alternative to ultrasound is an oral cholecystogram (OCG). An X-ray is taken of the gallbladder after the patient swallow pills containing a safe, temporary dye. The dye helps the gallbladder and gallstones show up better on the X-ray.
Other tests are better choices if gallstones have left the gallbladder and moved into the ducts like Cholescintigraphy (HIDA scan), CT scan, Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Natural treatment
·        Lemon Juice - Drink freshly squeezed lemons each day on an empty stomach.It can help to remove the gallstones. The elimination of the gallstones gets easier when you drink lots of water.
·        Mix the juice of beets, carrots and cucumbers and drink it twice daily for 2 weeks.
·        Pour honey in 1 teaspoon of turmeric and have it everyday until the gallstones go away.
·        Drink one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Gallstone pain is relieved by this very quickly. Mix it with apple juice if you can’t stand the taste.
·        Soluble fiber helps to control metabolic rate and supports the elimination of cholesterol from our bodies. Eat cereals and other grains that are high in fiber.
·        Obtaining lots of vitamin C to have in your daily diet will assist you with the prevention of gallstones
·        There is a study that is discovering that omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish like salmon, can help in the prevention of gallstones.
·        Consuming vegetables is a great way to keep gallstones away.
·        Having 1/2 a glass of wine each day can help to keep gallstone attacks away. Researchers found that consuming 1/2 a glass of wine can reduce the amount of gallstone attacks 
Surgical treatment
Gallstones are usually treated with surgery to take out the gallbladder. The traditional operation is called an open cholecystectomy. A newer procedure, called laparoscopic cholecystectomy, is less invasive, has fewer complications, and is used more often.
  • Laparscopiccholecystectomy. During this procedure, instruments, a light, and a camera are passed through several small incisions in the abdomen. The surgeon views the inside of the body by looking at a video monitor. This procedure is used in approximately 80% of gallbladder removals. After the surgery, the patient spends the night in the hospital.
  • Open cholecystectomy. This is a more invasive procedure in which the surgeon makes incisions in the abdomen to remove the gallbladder. The patient stays in the hospital for a few days after the surgery.
A constitutional remedy chosen by an experienced Homoeopathic prescriber is the most appropriate way to treat deep-seated, serious, or chronic conditions. Homoeopathic treatment involves detail history taking by concentrating on general physical make up of person, diet, life style, sedentary habits, physical build up, food eating habits, appetite, stool, perspiration, body weight, present signs & symptoms, any treatment history or drug history, bowel habits, disordered from particular foods, sleep and temperament. Also his miasmatic background taken into consideration. Remedies below have been helpful to some people with gallstones. Homoeopathy helps in the disease by dissolving the stone through proper remedies. With homoeopathic treatment one can successfully control the pain as well as the swelling of gall bladder. It also arrests further development of the gall bladder stones. To avoid recurrence of gall stone Constitutional line of treatment must be given.
Chelidonium: It relieves Gall-stones colic in a few minutes when there are shooting, stabbing pains extending to the back and marked jaundice. It is indicated medicine for bilious complications during gestation. It is useful for Gall stones, enlarged liver. There is constant pain under inferior angle of right scapula. There is yellow complexion worse on nose and cheek. Constipation with hard, round balls like sheep’s dung, alternation of diarrhoea and constipation.
Cardus Marians: It is a very important medicine for Gallstone disease with enlarged liver. There is Ailments from abuse of alcoholic beverages, especially beer. There is pain in region of liver extending to left shoulder, when lying on left side. There is pain under the right scapula near edge of the spine. Left lobe of Liver is very sensitive. It acts better in tincture should be given 10 drops of  , Jaundice & Diabetes Mellitus. There is aching in umbilical region, griping. Patient feels as if a string were tied in a "slip-knot" around intestines which was suddenly drawn tight and then gradually loosened. Region of Liver is sore, tender, enlarged liver with jaundice and constipation. Stools are clay-colored, soft, yellow and pasty. Tongue heavily coated. Urine is of high specific gravity, bile and sugar in urine. Skin is yellow, marked moisture of skin.
Calcarea Carb: It is useful medicine for Gall stones colic with great chilliness. There is profuse sweat, abdominal spasms, bend double, clench hands, write with agony. Dr. Farrington says “It has often stopped pain as by magic and has also cured permanently”.
Podophyllum : It is useful medicine for Gall stones with jaundice. There is pain from stomach towards gall bladder. With excessive nausea, alternate constipation and diarrhea. Also useful in Chronic hepatitis with constipation and jaundice. Patient constantly rubs the liver region with hands.
Natrum Sulph : It is useful medicine for Liver and Gall Bladder problems like Gall stones. There is sharp, stitching pain in region of liver worse by touch, jar, lying on left side, tight clothes and better by lying right side with legs curdled up (Mag-m). There is indigestion and flatulence from farinaceous food worse before breakfast.
Veratrum Album : It is useful medicine for Gall bladder affection. There is pain in abdomen preceding stool, cramps, knotting abdomen and legs. There is sinking and empty feeling in abdomenStools are large, with much straining until exhausted, with cold sweat. Diarrhoea in Veratrum is very painful, watery, copious, and forcibly evacuated, followed by great prostration.
Berberis Vulgaris : It is important medicine for Gall Bladder Stone.  There are stitches in region of gall-bladder worse by pressure, extending to stomach. It is useful for catarrh of the gall-bladder with constipation and yellow complexion. < by motion, standing.

Dioscoria : It is useful medicine for Gall Stone & Gall stone Colic. There are wandering type of pain which suddenly shifts to different parts as back, chest, arms, fingers and toes. All symptoms are worse by doubling up (Opposite of Colosynth).
> stretching out, bending back, Standing erect.
Lycopodium  : It is useful medicine for Gall stone, Gall bladder, Liver affection. Lycopodium is right sided remedy symptoms go from right to left side. There is pain in right hypchondrium extending to back (Chelidonium) worse by eating to satiety. Abdomen is full, bloated, distended in epigastrium after meal. Lycopodium desires sweets and hot drinks. Symptoms are worse from 4-8 pm, after eating, suffer from anticipation.
Mother Tincture for Gall Stone Colic

Cardus Marians Q. : When liver is prominently affected with torpidity, constipation etc.  To check formation of stone Cardus M Q. 5 drops in an ounce of cool water twice daily.
Chionanthus Q.:  When symptoms are associated with pain under right shoulder. It gives instant relief and insures radical cure in gall stone colic. Give   Chinanthus Q. 10 drops in an ounce of water every hour and oftener during paroxysms of pain. To check the formation of gall stones and recurrence of pain give chionanthus Q. 5 drops thrice daily in an ounce of cool water.
Dioscoria Q. : When pain ameliorated by bending backward. Give Dioscoria Q. 5 drops every 10 to 15 minutes in biliary colic.
Cholestrinum 1 x : It is specific remedy to be used independently.
Stigmata madagus Q.: It relieves at once the violent pain if given during paroxysm. DR Hausen says “It is very beneficial medicine for intolerable pain during passing of gall-stones if given in Q. 20 drops every 10-15 minutes. “
Cactus Q.: Gall stones or renal colic with constriction and cardiac affection. 
Biochemic Materia Medica:
Calcarea Phos: To prevent the re-formation of new stones.
Magnesia phos: Spasms from gall-stones.
Natrum Sulph: Cannot bear tight clothing around waist.


  Abstract   Cough is the most common illness-related reason for ambulatory care visits for hospitals. Cold, chest discomfort and an irritat...