Friday, 27 December 2013


Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common pediatric infections. It distresses the child, concerns the parents, and may cause permanent kidney damage. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that affects any part of the urinary tract. Acute pyelonephritis in children may lead to renal scarring with the risk of later hypertension, preeclampsia during pregnancy, proteinuria, and renal insufficiency. Recurrence of UTI is the most troublesome part. It tends to recur quite frequently in some childrens; so much so that people may have multiple attacks (up to 6-7 ) in one year.
UTIs are generally ascending in origin and caused by perineal contaminants, usually bowel flora. However, in neonates, infection is assumed to be hematogenous in origin rather than ascending. This feature may explain the nonspecific symptoms associated with UTI in these patients. After the neonatal period, bacteremia is generally not the source of infection; rather, UTI or pyelonephritis is the cause of the bacteremia.
Bacteria cause the large majority of urinary tract infections in children. Viral infection of the bladder is less common, while fungal infections of the urinary tract are rare and occur most commonly in immunocompromised individuals
 Bacterial sources include the following:
·        Escherichia coli - This is by far the most common organism, causing more than 90% of all cases of acute pyelonephritis
·        Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase–producing E coli is becoming more frequent
·        Klebsiella oxytoca and species
·        Proteus species
·        Enterococcus faecalis and species
·        Gram-positive organisms, including staphylococcal species and group BStreptococcus- These are rare causes of acute pyelonephritis

Risk Factor
Until now, High grade Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) has been considered the most important risk factor for post-UTI renal scar formation in children. VUR predisposes children with UTI to pyelonephritis, and both are associated with renal scarring. Reflux nephropathy is not always acquired; rather, it reflects reflux-associated congenital dysplastic kidneys. 
Congenital or acquired anomalies, including dysplasia, hypoplasia, and obstruction, increase the risk for UTI, VUR, and pyelonephritis.
The exact pathogenesis of renal scarring following acute pyelonephritis is not well understood. the acute inflammatory response that is meant to eradicate the invading bacteria is also responsible for early renal parenchymal damage and subsequent scarring. This process is an inflammatory response that features chemotaxis, phagocytosis, the release of lysosomal enzymes and superoxides, the production of peroxide and hydroxyl radicals, tubular ischemia, and reperfusion injury. The fibrosis that follows is initiated mainly by macrophages.
The pathogenesis of proteinuria in reflux nephropathy is also not well understood, and it is variably attributed to immunological injury, macromolecular trapping and mesangial dysfunction, vascular alterations and hypertension, and glomerular hyperfiltration.
Hypertension occurs in 10 to 30% of children and young adults with renal scarring, and it may take up to 8 years to develop. The exact cause of hypertension due to renal scarring is not known, but it is believed to be due to segmental ischemia with increased renin secretion, and it is not dependent on scarring severity. However, the belief that infection and VUR are the cause of upper tract parenchymal damage is undergoing critical review. Increasing knowledge shows that reflux nephropathy is not always acquired but that it rather reflects reflux-associated damage related to congenital dysplastic kidneys.
Clinical Features & Diagnosis
Signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection (UTI) and pyelonephritis vary with the age of the patient. Neonates often present with nonspecific symptoms of jaundice, hypothermia or fever, poor feeding, vomiting, and failure to thrive. Neonates, especially male newborns, may develop hyponatremia and hyperkalemia as a result of secondary pseudohypoaldosteronism.
Infants and young children aged 2 months to 2 years often present with nonspecific symptoms of fever lasting longer than 48 hours, as well as with poor feeding, vomiting, and diarrhea. Their urine may be malodorous; hematuria may be noted.
Preschoolers and school-age children present with fever for greater than 48 hours. They may complain of abdominal pain or flank pain. Vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia may be present. Their urine is typically malodorous, and hematuria may be noted. Voiding-related symptoms including enuresis, dysuria, urgency, and frequency, may occur but need not be present.
Physical examination findings in pediatric patients with UTI can be summarized as follows: Costovertebral angle tenderness, Abdominal tenderness to palpation, Suprapubic tenderness to palpation, Palpable bladder, Dribbling, poor stream, or straining to void

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) criteria for the diagnosis of UTI in children 2-24 months are the presence of pyuria and/or bacteriuria on urinalysis and of at least 50,000 colony-forming units (CFU) per mL of a uropathogen from the quantitative culture of a properly collected urine specimen.
Laboratory studies includes   Complete blood count (CBC) and basic metabolic panel (for children with a presumptive diagnosis of pyelonephritis), Blood cultures (in patients with suspected bacteremia or urosepsis), Renal function studies (ie, serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen [BUN] levels), Electrolyte levels.
Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) may be indicated after a first febrile UTI if renal and bladder ultrasonography reveal hydronephrosis, scarring, obstructive uropathy, or masses or if complex medical conditions are associated with the UTI. 
Natural Treatment
·        Cranberry Juice produces hippuric acid in the urine. This acidifies urine and inhibits bacterial growth. Try to drink 1 liter of UNSWEETENED cranberry juice daily.
·        Take one teaspoon of colloidal silver morning and night. This is a natural antibiotic that destroys bacteria, viruses, and fungal growth.
·        Vitamin C acidifies urine and thereby inhibits bacterial growth.
·        Celery, parsley, watermelon are natural diuretics – drink juice made with these fruits and vegetables.
·        The most important thing is to drink – lots! Pure water is good – try to drink a glass every hour.
·        Stay away from coffee, alcohol, all sweetened drinks, sugar, and processed foods.
Homeopathic remedies for Uti has a great role to play in curing the infection and also in stopping their recurrence. Moreover homeopathic medicines are very safe . They use body’s own defenses to fight the infection. Once treated with homeopathic medicines recurrence of Urinary Tract Infection greatly reduces and eventually stops. The top  homeopathic remedies for treating UTI are
Cantharis: Strong urging to urinate—with cutting pains that are felt before the urine passes, as well as during and after—may indicate a need for this remedy. Only several drops pass at a time, with a scalding sensation. The person may feel as if the bladder has not been emptied, still feeling a constant urge to urinate.
Clematis: This remedy may be indicated if a person has to urinate frequently with only a small amount being passed. A feeling of constriction is felt in the urinary passage, and the flow may be interrupted, or there may be dribbling afterward. A tingling sensation may occur, lasting long after urination is finished.
Equisetum: If cystitis is accompanied by dull but distressing pain and a feeling of fullness in the bladder, even after urinating, this remedy may be helpful. Urging and discomfort are more intense when the bladder has recently been emptied, improving over time as the bladder become more full.
Aconitum napellus: This remedy is often useful when a person feels anxious both before and during urination, with hot, scanty urine, and a burning or spasmodic feeling in the outlet of the bladder. It can also be helpful if retention of urine occurs after a person has been very cold and chilled, or after a shaking experience.
Apis mellifica: This remedy is indicated when the person frequently needs to urinate, but only small quantities are passed. Stinging and burning sensations are felt (especially with the last few drops) and the person may also experience soreness in the abdomen. Heat and touch make the symptoms worse, and cold applications, cool bathing, and open air bring relief. A lack of thirst is another indication that Apis may be needed.
Belladonna: This remedy may be beneficial if urging to urinate is frequent and intense, and the bladder feels very sensitive. A cramping or writhing sensation may be felt in the bladder area. Small amounts of highly-colored urine pass. (This remedy is sometimes helpful if a person passes small amounts of blood and no serious cause can be found on medical examination.)
Berberis vulgaris: Cystitis with twinges of cutting pain, or a burning feeling that extends to the urethra and its opening, may indicate a need for this remedy. The passage may also burn at times when no attempt at urination is being made. After emptying the bladder, the person feels as if some urine still remains inside. Urging and discomfort are often worse from walking.
Borax: This remedy can be helpful for cystitis with smarting pain in the urinary opening and aching in the bladder, with a feeling that the urine is retained. Children may cry or shriek, afraid to urinate because they know the pain is coming. Borax is often indicated for people who are sensitive to noise and inclined toward motion sickness.
Chimaphila umbellata: If a person has a troublesome urge to urinate but has to strain (or even stand up and lean forward) to make it pass, this remedy may be useful. A scalding sensation may be felt while the urine flows, with a feeling of straining afterward.
Causticum: In paralytic conditions about the bladder Causticum deserves first place. It is one of our great remedies in enuresis, and its characteristics are involuntary micturition at night in sleep, when coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose, showing a weakness of the sphincter.
Mercurius corrosives: Has tenesmus of the bladder with intense burning. The burning is less, but the tenesmus is greater, than in Cantharis. The passing of the urine drop by drop reminds of Aconite, which has the same symptoms. 
Lycopodium: This remedy may be helpful if a person has to urinate frequently during the night and passes large amounts of urine. Or the person may feel a painful urge, but has to strain to make the urine flow. Pain may be felt in the back before the urine passes. (If fever is present, the urine has a reddish color, or discomfort is felt in the kidney region, the person should see a doctor.)
Nux vomica: Irritable bladder with a constant need to urinate, passing only small amounts, suggests a need for this remedy. Burning or cramping pain may be felt in the bladder area, with an itching sensation in the urethra while the urine passes. The person may feel very irritable, impatient, and chilly. Symptoms may be relieved by hot baths or other forms of warmth.
Terebinth: The urine of Terebinth is one of its most characteristic features. It is smoky, turbid, depositing a sediment like coffee grounds, which indicates the presence of disintegrated blood cells. Haematuria from venous congestion of the kidneys calls often for Terebinth. It has burning during micturition and most painful strangury; the urine, too, may contain albumen and has the odor of violets.
Sarsaparilla: This remedy is often useful in cystitis and often helps when symptoms are unclear, or if other remedies have not been effective. Frequent urging is felt, with burning pain at the end of urination. Urine passes when the person is standing up, but only dribbling occurs while sitting. Flakes or sediment are sometimes seen in the urine. (Sarsaparilla is sometimes helpful when stones are forming or the kidneys are involved; however, these conditions need a doctor’s care.)
Sepia: This remedy may be helpful if a person has to urinate frequently, with sudden urging, a sense that urine will leak if urination is delayed, and small amounts of involuntary urine loss. The person may experience a bearing-down feeling in the bladder region, or pressure above the pubic bone. A person who needs this remedy often feels worn-out and irritable, with cold extremities, and a lax or sagging feeling in the pelvic area.
Staphysagria: This remedy is often indicated for cystitis that develops in a woman after sexual intercourse, especially if sexual activity is new to her, or if cystitis occurs after every occasion of having sex. Pressure may be felt in the bladder after urinating, as if it is still not empty. A sensation that a drop of urine is rolling through the urethra, or a constant burning feeling, are other indications. Staphysagria is also useful for cystitis that develops after illnesses with extended bed rest, or after the use of catheters.
Coli Bacillinum is a near specific medicine for treating e-coli infection. It helps in treating the recurrence of E coli Infection.

Thursday, 28 November 2013


First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed. Certain self-limiting illnesses or minor injuries may not require further medical care past the first aid intervention. It generally consists of a series of simple and in some cases, potentially life-saving techniques that an individual can be trained to perform with minimal equipment. Any layperson can be trained to administer first aid, which can be carried out using minimal equipments. Basic training in first aid skills should be taught in school, in work places and, in general, be learnt by all, as it is mandatory to our modern and stressful life.

First aid
·        Apply direct pressure, using a sterile dressing or a clean cloth; apply direct pressure on the wound for at least 10 minutes. If the dressing becomes soaked with blood, do not pull the dressing from the wound; instead, place another clean dressing on top of the existing cloth.
·        Elevate the injured area if you don’t suspect a broken bone. This helps slow down the bleeding.
·        If bleeding doesn’t stop, use pressure points, maintain direct pressure over the wound and also apply pressure to a pressure point above the wound for the arm. Apply pressure to upper arm, with a leg wound; apply pressure where the groin and leg meet.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice.
·        Homoeo. Medicine:- Hamamaelis, Millefolium, Crotalus Horridus, Ipecac,

Symptoms / Sign’s – limb/ joint area may be deformed, difficult or painful to move, sensitive to the touch, discolored, or cold; or have acute swelling or no feeling.
First aid
·        The utmost care and gentleness must be exercised in handling a broken limb or spine it is imperative to avoid any movement of the broken fragments, or any forward bending of the spine, lest further damage accrue to muscles, Nerves, blood vessels, or the spinal cord. It is far better to do nothing until expert help arrives than to do the wrong thing, first aid implies firm gentle traction and some form of support that will prevent any movement of the jagged ends of the fragments during transport to hospital.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice.
·        Homoeo. Medicine:-  Symphytum, Calc.phos , Arnica mont, Ruta, Bryonia

Symptoms / sign’s – Rigid body, clenched fists and jaw, twitching in limbs or face, eyes rolling back in head. Excessive salivation possibly, unconsciousness.
 First aid
·        Do not restrain the person
·        Lay the person on a soft or padded surface during the convulsion to avoid self – injury.
·        If the person begins to vomit, turn his or her head to the side to prevent choking.
·        Try to prevent Tongue Biting (use mouth gag)
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice.
·        Homoeo. Medicine:-  Cuprum met, Plumbum. Met, Cicuta, Nuxvomica, Bufo.

Choking is the mechanical obstruction of the flow of air from the environment into the lungs. Choking prevents breathing, and can be partial or complete, with partial choking allowing some, although inadequate, flow of air into the lungs.
   First aid
·        Wrap you arms around the victim from behind tip the victim slightly forward.
·        Make a fist with one hand; grasp the fist with your other hand.
·        Position your fist between the victim’s navel and rib cage.
·        Thrust your fist upward quickly and forcefully. Use an inward and upward motion, as if you are trying to lift the person off the ground.
·        Repeat thrusts as necessary until object pops out and the airway is clear.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice.

Drowning is the process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion/immersion in liquid.
  First aid
·        Get the person out of the water, summoning help if needed.
·        Begin resuscitation as soon as possible if the person is not breathing.
·        If the person is breathing, lay him or her down in the recovery position (stomach down, head turned to side) and keep him or her warm with blankets until medical help arrives.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice

Symptoms / sign’s – Skin that is somewhat numb and white may blister or peel when rewarmed (mild frostbite), skin that is cold, hard, white or grayish and numb, may turn blue or purple, or swell and blister when rewarmed (severe frost bite)  
    First aid
·        Find a warm area quickly.
·        Never rub frostbitten skin.
·        Use very warm water ( 100 to 1050 F) to rewarm frostbitten skin quickly; immerse in a tub or basin or apply compresses. Rewarming can be painful, if immersion is not an option, remove clothing from frostbitten areas and cover with blankets.
·        Frostbitten skin burns easily so do not rewarm too close to dry heat or a campfire, or with a heating pad. If you can’t get to a warm area, use your body to rewarm; put frostbitten hands under armpits. Rewarm toes with warm hands cover face with hands to warm nose and cheeks.
·        Drink warm liquids (coffee, tea, and broth, cocoa) don’t drink alcoholic beverages, which promote heat loss.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice
·        Homoeo. Medicine:-  Agaricus, Petroleum, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Zincum.

     If a person is not breathing but has a pulse;
First aid
·        Tilt the victim’s head back to open the airway
·        Check for breathing position your ear over the victim’s mouth. Listen for breathing while looking at chest for rise and fall of breathing
·        Pinch the victim’s nostrils closed and seal your mouth tightly over the victim’s mouth
·        Give two slow breaths the victim’s chest should rise and fall as you breathe into the mouth. If it does not, reposition the victim’s head and try two more slow breaths. If the chest still does not rise, follow the procedure for choking followed by two slow breaths.
Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation(CPR)
         If a person has no pulse and is not breathing, proceed with CPR.  
First aid
·        Get on your knees next to the victim
·        For an adult, place one hand on top of the other, with the heel of the bottom hand on the victim’s breast bone (locate the area where bottom ribs meet in the center of the chest, then move up ½ – 1 inch). For a child, place the heel of one hand on the breastbone.
·        For a child compress chest 5 times to a depth of 1 inch; for an adult compress chest 15 times to a depth of 2 inches. Don’t lift your hand(s) off chest between compressions, lock elbow(s) during compressions and keep shoulders directly over hand(s),
·        Lift and tilt victim’s head, pinch the nose and breathe in to mouth, give a child 1 slow breath; give an adult 2 slow breaths; and watch for chest to rise.
·        Repeat cycle of compressions and breaths (15 :2 for an adult, 5 : 1 for a child) for one minute, recheck pulse and breathing, if the victim is still not breathing and has no pulse, call the emergency number for help
·        Continue giving CPR until victim has a pulse or until paramedics arrive.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice

Symptoms / sign’s –
Heat Exhaustion: Increased thirst, weakness, mental or physical disorientation, nausea,    profuse sweating, cold or clammy skin, visual disturbances.
Heat stroke:  confusion, bizarre behavior, strong and rapid pulse, extreme fatigue, rapid heartbeat, loss of consciousness, body temperature over 1040 F, lack of sweating with dry, red skin.
First aid
·        As soon as you notice any symptoms of hyperthermia, rest in a cool, shaded area with feet elevated.
·        Remove excess clothing.
·        Splash skin with cool or tepid water, or apply cool towels or sheets to skin.
·        If possible, move to an air – conditioned setting.
·        Drink lots of cool water, fruit juices or sports drinks.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice
·        Homoeo. Medicine: - Pyrogenum, Belladonna, Swertia chirata Q, Millefolium, Aconite, Ars.alb, Gelsemium.

Symptoms / sign’s  Shivering, numbness in hands and feel, confusion, sleepiness, physical exhaustion, slurred speech, memory lapses, slow and shallow breathing, slow and weak heart beat, cool, pale skin, fingers, toes and lips may be slightly blue, cessation of shivering with diminished alertness or loss of consciousness, slow pulse and breathing ( Severe hypothermia).
First aid
·        Move to a warm, sheltered area.
·        Use blankets or skin to skin contact (ie. torso to torso) to raise body temperature or to keep warm.
·        In cases of very mild hypothermia, a warm bath can help restore body temperature.
·        Remove any wet clothes and replace with dry clothes or blankets, keep the head covered.
·        Drink hot tea, broth, or water and avoid alcohol, altogether.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice

Symptoms / sign’s Chest pain; the victim may describe it as pressure, a feeling of tightness in the chest, aching, crushing, fullness or tightness, constricting or heavy pain. The pain may be located in the center of the chest although it is not uncommon for the pain to radiate to one or both shoulders or arms or to the neck, jaw or back, in addition to pain, victims may experience sweating, Nausea, or shortness of breath.
First aid
·        Comfort and reassure the victim.
·        Have the victim stop whatever they were doing and sit or lie in a comfortable position.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice
·        If the victims become unconscious, be prepared to perform CPR.
·        Homoeo. Medicine: - Latrodetus mactans, Amylnitrosum, Aconite, Cactus, Spigelia.  

Symptoms / sign’s Weakness and Numbness of the face, arm or leg, often an one side of the body only. Dizziness, confusion, headache, ringing in the ears. A change of mood. Difficulty in speaking, unconsciousness, pupils of uneven size. Difficulty in breathing and swallowing, loss of bowel and bladder control.
First aid
·        Have the victim stop what ever they were doing and sit or lie in a comfortable position.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice
·        Homoeo. Medicine: - Opium, Nuxvomica, Arnica, Baryta carb, Belladonna, Laurocerasus.

Symptoms / sign’s of allergic Reaction: Pain, swelling of the throat, redness or discoloration at the site of the bite, itching, hives, decreased consciousness and difficult or Noisy breathing.
First aid
·        If a stinger remains in the victim, you may try to remove it carefully with a tweezers or by scraping with the edge of a credit card, be careful not to squeeze the stinger as this will inject more venom.
·        Once a stinger has been removed, the wound should be washed well with soap and water, cold compresses will help relieve pain and swelling. The stung area should be kept lower than the heart to slow circulation of the venom.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice
·        Homoeo. Medicine: - Apis mell. Kali. Perm, Ledumpal, Lachesis, Amm.Carb
·        For external  - Arnica Q, Apis.mell Q, Cedron Q

This condition occurs when there is too much insulin in the body. This condition rapidly reduces the level of sugar in the blood and brain cells suffer. Insulin reaction can be caused by taking too much medication, by falling to eat, by heavy exercise, by emotional factors.
Symptoms / sign’s Fast breathing, fast pulse, dizziness, weakness, change in the level of consciousness, vision difficulties, sweating, headache, numb hands or feet, and hunger.
First aid
·        A person in insulin shock needs sugar, quickly! If the person is conscious, give sugar in any form; candy, fruit juice or a soft drink.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice
·        Homoeo. Medicine: - For hypothermia - Graphites, Iodum, Kali. Carb, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Silicea, Sulphur.

Ist degree burns are the least severe. They are characterized by redness or discoloration, mild swelling and pain, over exposure to the sun is a common cause  of first degree burns.
2nd degree – Burns are more serious, they are deeper than first degree burns, look red or mottled and have blisters. They may also involve loss of fluids through the damaged skin, 2nd degree burns are usually the most painful because nerve ending are usually intact, despite severe tissue damage. 
3rd degree – Burns are the deepest, they may look white or charred, extend through all skin layers. Victims of 3rd degree burns may have severe pain / no pain at all, if the nerve endings are destroyed.
First aid
·        1st degree – Flush with cool running water, apply moist dressings and bandage loosely.
·        2nd degree – Apply dry dressings and bandage loosely do not use water as if may increase risk of shock.
·        3rd degree – Same treatment as second degree, in all case Seek emergency medical treatment and advice
·        Homoeo. Medicine: - Cantharis, Urtica urens, Pic.acid,
o       For external Cantharis Q, Urtica urens Q

First aid
·        If you get a nose bleed, Sit down and lean slightly forward. Keeping your head above your heart will make your nose bleed less. Lean forward so the blood will drain out of your nose instead of down the back of your throat. If you lean back, you may swallow the blood. This can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, use your thumb and index finger to squeeze together the sold portion of your nose. This area is located between the end of your nose and the hard, bony ridge that forms the bridge of your nose. Keep holding your nose until the bleeding stops. Don’t let go for at least 5 minutes. If it’s still bleeding, hold it again for 10 minutes straight, you can also place a cold compress or an ice pach across the bridge of your nose. Once the bleeding stops, don’t do anything that may make it start again, such as bending over or blowing your nose.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice
·        Homoeo. Medicine: - Ammoniun. Carb, Arnica, Crotalus horridus, Ferr.phos, Hamamaelis, Ipecac, Millefolium. For external, Drench the cotton with Hamamaelis Q and smell it

Symptoms / sign’s Pain, tenderness, swelling, bruising and an inability, to move the injured part.
First aid
·        Using ice packs, ice slush baths or ice massages can decrease the swelling, pain bruising and muscle spasms.
·        Wrapping the ankle may be the best way to avoid swelling and bruising.
·        Seek emergency medical treatment and advice
·        Homoeo. Medicine: - Arnica, Bryonia, Rhustox, Ledumpal, Carbo. Ani,
For External Arnica Q, Ruta Q, Bellis per Q.

Arnica – This is the No. 1 remedy for all cases of injury as it also deals with shock. It removes the blood back into the vessels as well. Give Arnica first in every First Aid situation.
Aconite – Fright is the keynote of this homeopathic remedy when there is great anxiety and sudden emotions. It is for any complaint that comes on suddenly after exposure to cold dry windy conditions.
Apis – This is for bee stings and insect bites where there is a lot of swelling, heat, redness and stinging pains. It is > cold applications and < heat. It is also an emergency measure for anaphylactic shock to give on the way to the hospital
Argentum Nitricum – Fear and anxiety before an event, flying and ordeals of every kind. There is distension of the stomach, burping, palpitations, diarrhoea especially after sweet things.
Arsenicum Album – for food poisoning with diarrhoea and vomiting. Feel cold and fearful – frightened to be left alone. < 11.00pm – 1.00am. Complaints after exposure to wet and damp.
Belladonna – Fever with great heat which follows Aconite well. Red, hot, skin, dilated pupils, throbbing pains. < light, noise and jarring. Throbbing headaches and mild sunstroke. > bending backwards, sitting or standing erect. Sudden and violent onset of conditions.
Bellis Perenis – Specific for bruising of soft tissue like the breast and internal organs. Ailments after a blow. Good for internal bruising after a hysterectomy. It is also called the Gardeners friend as it works well for aches after gardening.
Bryonia – A dry remedy. Dry fever, dry cough < for any movement, company or talking. Dry lips, thirst, irritable. Bursting headache < any movement. Must stay still. Red swollen, shiny joints, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, sciatica A stitching pain > pressure. Appendix symptoms which develop slowly – specific. < heat > cold.
Calendula – the healing remedy. Use the tincture as an antiseptic. For all infections and inflammations where flesh is torn. It prevents pus formation. Beware that there is no infection inside the wound or the skin will close up and keep it in! This homeopathic remedy can be bought as a cream and useful for children’s cuts and scrapes.
Cantharis – bad burns and scalds with blistering. Stops the pain.
Carbo Veg – Air hunger, wants to be fanned but is chilly. Bluish colour. After near drowning or electric shock and patient is cold, blue and lifeless. Indigestion with a lot ofwind.
Causticum – Also for burns. Take a 30C potency and the pain goes in about 7 mins.
Chamomilla – great sensitivity to pain. Teething in babies. Very irritable.
China – Any illness when a patient is weak after the loss of vital fluids e.g. vomiting, haemorrhage, sweating, diarrhoea. Distension of abdomen, flatulence, burping and discomfort. Oversensitivity.
Cocculus – For sea sickness and travel sickness. Nausea, dizziness < motion > sitting still or lying on side
Colocynthus – for colic in babies which is > doubling up > hard pressure. Also menstrual colic.
Eupatorium Perforlatum – Flu, fever with great thirst, aching, bone pain, bruised and aching muscles in back, chest and limbs. Scanty sweat. Restless, chilly, nausea. Weakness. < cold air < 7 -9am < motion. Sick headache, nausea at the sight of food. > vomiting.
Gelsemium – Also for flu but no thirst. Comes on over a couple of days. Nerves affected. Heaviness in limbs. Face a dusky red colour with heavy droopy eyelids. Muscles won’t do as they are told.
Hepar Sulphuris – Eruptions, boils, whitlows by nails, Ailments that are made worse by a draft of air. Abscesses, sensitive to touch. Sore throats, earache that has yellow thick discharge. Pain that is splinter like.
Hypericum – is the homeopathic remedy for injuries that are rich in nerves, like fingers, toes. Specific for injury to the coccyx. Use the tincture or cream for very painful cuts, grazes and burns. Also use tincture as an antiseptic as it prevents tetanus.
Ignatia – Emotional and mental stress with grief, worry and disappointment. Characteristic signing. Moody. Illness after a loss or shock. < tobacco smoke. Anger and then suppressed tears or emotions after a loss. Globus hysterica ( lump in throat)
Ipecac – Colic with nausea. Giddiness, vomiting. Profuse saliva. Any complaint where there is strong nausea. No thirst.
Ledum – Puncture wounds, which are cold to touch, wounds from rusty nails, bites, needles, wasp stings. It prevents post injury infections. (Aches and pains that are > ice)
Magnesium Phosphate – Bad cramping pains which are > heat > pressure and doubling up. Especially period pains.
Mercurius – pus, bad breath, offensive profuse sweat. Excessive saliva. Thick yellow discharges. < warmth and < cold. Sore throats, ear pains. throat infection after the pus has formed.
Nux Vom – Hangovers. Illness after too much rich food > fresh air < indoors. Chilly and irritable. Fever when every movement causes shivering even when wrapped up. Piles.
Phosphorus – After effects of anaesthetics particularly after injections for dental treatment. Jet lag. Dry irritating cough. Loss of voice. Craves ice cream and ice cold drinks. > for sleep.
Pulsatilla – Earache. Weepiness, clinging dependant, whining. Craves attention. Crave fresh air, like the windows open. > walking in fresh air. Very changeable. No thirst. Cough > vinegar
Rhus Tox – Aches and pains which are < first movement > on continued movement. < damp < rest < cold > warmth. Restless. Often stops the irritation inchicken pox.
Ruta Grav – Strains, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Bone injuries, dislocations and eyestrain. < with motion < lying on painful side. < cold > warmth
Sulphur – > open air. Boils, inflammations, a hot person, burning pains, offensive discharges.
Silicea – splinters, promotes rejection of thorns, glass etc. Boils, abscesses. MUST NOT BE USED if patient has anything artificial in body like new hip joint, pacemaker as it may cause rejection.

Rescue Remedy (It is a Bach Flower Remedy and not Homeopathy Remedy) – Loss, shock, fright, upset.


  Abstract   Cough is the most common illness-related reason for ambulatory care visits for hospitals. Cold, chest discomfort and an irritat...