Monday, 24 February 2025



Cough is the most common illness-related reason for ambulatory care visits for hospitals. Cold, chest discomfort and an irritating cough that may be lasting for weeks? If these symptoms sound familiar then you possibly have Bronchitis. This article review about causes, risk factors, different type, clinical presentation general management including some home remedies management and homoeopathic way of treatment of bronchitis. Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homoeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition.


Bronchitis is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, the airways that carry airflow from the trachea into the lungs. Bronchitis can be divided into two categories, acute and chronic, Acute Bronchitis is caused by a virus that gives you common cold whereas in Chronic Bronchitis the air passages are continuously red, swollen, become narrow and clogged with mucus which makes it easier for bacteria to settle in the airways and become infected.

Acute bronchitis is characterized by the development of a cough, with or without the production of sputum, mucus that is expectorated(coughed up) from the respiratory tract. Acute bronchitis often occurs during the course of an acute viral illness such as the common cold or influenza. Viruses cause about 90% of cases of acute bronchitis, whereas bacteria account for fewer than 10%.

Chronic bronchitis, a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is characterized by the presence of a productive cough that lasts for three months or more per year for at least two years. Chronic bronchitis most often develops due to recurrent injury to the airways caused by inhaled irritants. Cigarette smoking is the most common cause, followed by air pollution and occupational exposure to irritants.

Protracted bacterial bronchitis is defined as a chronic wet cough, with a positive bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). It is usually caused by streptococcus  pneumoniae, haemophilus influenzae, or moraxella catarrhalis.


Causes of bronchitis:

- Allergy (environmental and industrial pollutants, pollen, etc.)

- Tobacco

- Infections (viral, bacterial, fungus

- Immunological

- Exposure to temperature changes (extreme cold, change from cold to heat and vise versa, etc.)

Clinical Manifestations
Cough is the most common symptom. The cough may be either dry (without mucus) or wet (with mucus), depending on the cause and severity. Allergic cough is often dry while infective cough has a tendency to have mucus production. The symptoms of Bronchitis may be listed as under:

§ Cough (with or without mucus)

§ Fever

§ Chest pain,

§ Difficulty in breathing. (dyspnea)

§ Throat pain

§ Nose congestion,

§ Body ache, joint pain, tiredness (usually due to infection.)

§ Abnormal sounds in the lungs called rales or other abnormal breathing sounds may be heard.

Investigation may include:

· Chest x-ray

· Lung function tests provide information that is useful for diagnosis and outlook.

· Pulse oximetry helps determine the amount of oxygen in blood. This quick and painless test uses a device that is placed onto the end of our finger. Arterial blood gas is a more exact measurement of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, but it requires a needle stick and is more painful.

· Sputum samples may be taken to check for signs of inflammation or bacterial infection.


Recurrent or long lasting Bronchitis make vulnerable to recurrent respiratory infections and also promote lung complications. A few of the most common complications are:

· Pneumonia is a viral, bacterial or fungal infection of the lungs where the air sacs get filled with pus and mucus preventing oxygen from reaching blood stream appropriately.

· Emphysema is a condition when the lungs lose its elasticity due to troublesome breathing causing air to be trapped in the air sacs and impairing the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

· Respiratory failure occurs when the body fluids become acidic and the lungs are unable to expel all the carbon dioxide that the body produces.

General Management

· Stop smoking and also avoid second hand smoke.

· Avoid triggers of attack such as dust, allergens, etc.

· Avoid contact with persons who have Bronchitis.

· Wash your hands more often.

· Get lots of rest so your body has enough energy to fight the infection.

· Drink plenty of water.

· Try coughing up the mucus.

· Eat a healthy diet.

Home remedies

· ½ tsp. of Turmeric powder in ½ cup of warm milk is an effective home remedy for Bronchitis.

· 1 tsp. of raw onion juice in the morning has beneficial expectorant properties, it liquefies the mucus and prevents its further formation.

· Include garlic in your diet, it is a natural antibiotic.

· Hot towel application over the chest in 3 consecutive turns for 3 minutes each followed by one cold towel turn is very helpful in Acute as well as Chronic Bronchitis.

· Honey has been used as medicine since ancient times. It’s prized for its antibacterial properties. But the main reason honey is a bronchitis sufferer’s friend is that it soothes irritated mucus membranes, and it’s a sweet addition to tea or warm lemon water.

· Hot chili peppers, which contain capsaicin, may also ease congestion by thinning out mucus. 

· Vitamin C intake like fresh orange juice or fresh lemonade is very helpful in preventing and hastening cure of respiratory infections.

· Fresh air and outdoor exercises are essential for Bronchitis patients.

· Inhaled steam is widely recommended for loosening mucus and relieving wheezing. You can use a warm-air humidifier or vaporizer, Adding a drop or two of an essential oil, like eucalyptus, to the mix can also help open up a clogged airway.

· Swishing warm saline water in mouth and throat several times a day may help wash away excess mucus. Gargling may also help stave off future upper respiratory infections, like colds, which can progress to bronchitis.




Homoeopathy, the most efficient solution to conquering Bronchitis, is very successful in managing all the symptoms of Bronchitis, and as well plays a significant role in preventing further complications and improving the general health of the person. Homoeopathic approach concentrates on the body’s natural healing ability for a genuine cure of the condition. Homoeopathic treatment does not treat the disease itself, but is prescribed on the basis of physical, emotional and genetic make up that individualizes a person. The healing response is the most arduous but harmonized activity within the human physiology and often cannot be enhanced appreciably without a comprehensive natural Homeopathic approach.

Indicated Remedies


Antimonium tartaricum: 

This remedy is indicated when the person has a feeling of wet mucus in the chest, and breathing makes a bubbly, rattling sound. The cough takes effort and is often not quite strong enough to bring the mucus up, although burping and spitting may be of help. The person may feel drowsy or dizzy, and feel better when lying on the right side or sitting up.


This remedy is often indicated when a cough is dry and very painful. The person feels worse from any movement, and may even need to hold his or her sides or press against the chest to keep it still. The cough can make the stomach hurt, and digestion may be upset. A very dry mouth is common, and the person may be thirsty. A person who wants to be left alone when ill, and not talked to or disturbed, is likely to need Bryonia.


Sudden, violent attack of dry cough, which comes in short bouts and causes redness of the face, a sensation of constriction in the throat, the cough is worse when lying down at night. These symptoms require urgent need of the said medicine. The dry cough usually disturbs sleep, it lessens with warm drinks and in a warm room, and there is a dislike for open air also.

Calcarea carbonica: 

This remedy is often indicated forbronchitis after a cold. The cough can be troublesome and tickling, worse from lying down or stooping forward, worse from getting cold, and worse at night. Children may have fever, sweaty heads while sleeping, and be very tired. Adults may feel more chilly and have clammy hands and feet, breathing problems when walking up slopes or climbing stairs, and generally poor stamina


Bronchitis with a deep, hard, racking cough can indicate a need for this remedy. The person fees that mucus is stuck in the throat and upper chest, and may cough continually to try to loosen it. A feeling of rawness and soreness can develop, or a sensation as if a rock is stuck inside. Chills can occur along with fever. Exposure to cool air aggravates the cough, but drinking something cold can help. The person may feel worse when days are cold and clear, and better in wet weather.

Drosera :

The symptoms that confirm the use of medicine Drosera 30 can be mentioned as violent, dry, whooping cough in young persons, bouts of cough follow each other so rapidly that the child gets breathless, turns blue and sweats profusely.Sensation of a feather in the throat that excites cough, the cough is worse from talking, singing, when lying down. These can be said as the other symptoms. At night; the person desires to be in open air.


When a person easily gets ill after being wet and chilled (or when the weather changes from warm and dry to wet and cool) this remedy may be indicated. The cough can be tickly, hoarse, and loose, and worse from physical exertion. Tendencies toward allergies (cats, pollen, etc.) may increase the person’s susceptibility to bronchitis.

Hepar sulphuris: 

The cough that fits this remedy is usually hoarse and rattling, with yellow mucus coming up. The person can be extremely sensitive to cold—even a minor draft or sticking an arm out from under the covers may set off jags of coughing. Cold food or drink can make things worse. A person who needs this remedy feels vulnerable both physically and emotionally, and may act extremely irritable and out of sorts.

Ipecacuanha :

when the person is suffering from various problems such as dry cough with wheezing and rattling in the chest and accompanied by nausea and vomiting, a bout of vomiting does not relieve nausea, long bouts of cough render the person breathless and blue in face, cough is worse in cold, dry weather i.e. winter but improves by warmth, and thirstlessness.

Kali bichromicum: 

A metallic, brassy, hacking cough that starts with a troublesome tickling in the upper air-tubes and brings up strings of sticky yellow mucus can indicate this remedy. A sensation of coldness may be felt inside the chest, and coughing can lead to pain behind the breastbone or extending to the shoulders. Breathing may make a rattling sound when the person sleeps. Problems are typically worse in the early morning, after eating and drinking, and from exposure to open air. The person feels best just lying in bed and keeping warm.


Bronchitis with a feeling of weight in the chest, and a cough with choking and gagging that brings up thick yellow mucus, may respond to this remedy. The cough tends to be dry and tight at night, and loose in the morning. The fever may be worse in the evening and at night. Feeling too warm or being in a stuffy room tends to make the person worse, and open air brings improvement. Thirst is usually low. A person who needs this remedy often is moody and emotional and wants attention and sympathy. (This remedy is often helpful to children who are tearful when not feeling well and want to be held and comforted.)


A person who needs this remedy can have bronchitis for weeks at a stretch, or even all winter long. The cough takes effort and may bring up yellow or greenish mucus, or little granules that have an offensive smell. Stitching pains may be felt in the back when the person is coughing. Chills are felt more than heat during fever, and the person is likely to sweat at night. A person who needs this remedy is usually sensitive and nervous, with low stamina, swollen lymph nodes, and poor resistance to infection.


This remedy can be indicated when a person has had many bouts of bronchitis (sometimes the resistance has been weakened by taking antibiotics too often for minor complaints). The cough feels irritating, burning, and painful; yellow or greenish mucus may be produced. Problems can be worse if the person gets too warm in bed, and breathing problems at night may wake the person up. Redness of the eyes and mucous membranes, and foul-smelling breath and perspiration are often seen when a person needs this remedy.



Homoeopathic treatment will clear up the infection, alleviate inflammation in the air passages and relieve discomfort, pain and pressure caused by coughing by opening the airways in lungs and aid in loosening the bronchial secretions making elimination of mucus easier helping to breathe better and naturally. Its constitutional approach furthermore boosts up the immune system of the patient hence preventing recurring infections. Since Homoeopathic remedies treats in totality, it leads to a long-lasting cure, rather than a temporary suppression of symptoms. Since it is safe and gentle, devoid of all chemical toxicity, it is the ideal medicine for people of all ages, even the most sensitive like a newborn baby. Along with Homoeopathic medicines, the lifestyle, personal habits & food habits modification may be useful for treatment of patients with bronchitis. 

Thursday, 6 February 2025



Cervical spondylosis (CS) is also called as cervical osteoarthritis, it is a degenerative disease of cervical intervertibral disc and their associated intervertebral joints. The term covers the pathology in the spine and the neurological syndrome associated with it “SPONDYLO” is a Greek word meaning vertebra and spondylosis generally mean changes in the vertebral joint characterized by increasing degeneration of the intervertebral disc with subsequent changes in the bones and soft tissues.

This comparative study is an attempt to assess the Effectiveness of Constitutional Homoeopathic Remedies versus Picricum Acidum in the management of Cervical Spondylosis.


A total number of 30 cases meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria, comparing both sexes between 30-60 years, diagnosed with cervical spondylosis based on NDI scoring up to 30, and presenting common symptoms, were induced. Group 1 patients received constitutional remedies and group 2 patients received Picricum Acidum.


Out of 30 subject, 8 subjects recovered (26.6%), 13 subjects improved (43.3%) and 9 subjects (30.1%) did not improve. Notably , most patients experienced marked symptomatic relief.


This case record analysis suggests a potential beneficial effect of Picricum Acidum 30 C  potency in managing cervical spondylosis. Most patients experienced symptomatic relief, although caution is warranted due to study limitations. Future research, including well-designed randomized controlled trials with larger sample size, is needed to establish the efficacy and safety of Picricum Acidum 30 C  potency in cervical spondylosis patients.


Homoeopathy , Cervical Spondylosis, Constitutional medicine, Picricum Acidum, Cervical spine.


Cervical spondylosis (CS) is also called as cervical osteoarthritis, it is a degenerative disease of cervical intervertibral disc and their associated intervertebral joints. The term covers the pathology in the spine and the neurological syndrome associated with it “SPONDYLO” is a Greek word meaning vertebra and spondylosis generally mean changes in the vertebral joint characterized by increasing degeneration of the intervertebral disc with subsequent changes in the bones and soft tissues.

Cervical spondylosis is characterized by pain in the neck with or without radiation, tingling, numbness and paraesthesia and in later stages there is spondylotic myelopathy of the upper extremity. Radiologically, reduction in the intervertebral disc space and formation of marginal osteophyte is observed.


The lifetime incidence of neck-related pain in the population has been reported to be as high as 67%. Point prevalence has been placed at 3.5/1000,while the annual incidence has been reported at 83/100,000 population. 

International incidence of cervical spondylosis is 2.5 cases per 1000 population and door to door study conducted in India shows an incidence of 3.5 cases per 1000 population.

Nearly 50% of people over the age of 50 and 75% of those over age of 65 have typical radiographic changes of cervical spondylosis. Symptoms of cervical spondylosis may appear in those as young as 30 years and are most commonly in those aged 40-60 years.

Indian population reported that 78% of radiological changes of cervical spondylosis, is seen at C5-C6 & C6-C7 levels in asymptomatic individuals. 


1. Wear and tear on joints that accompanies aging(osteoarthritis)

2. Arthritis (inflammation of joint)

3. Trauma such as automobile accidents with whiplash injury, athletic injuries, sudden jerks on arms and falls.

Whiplash injury is due to trauma (usually automobile accidents) causing cervical Musculo ligamental sprain or strain due to hyperflexion or hyperextension.


There are several predisposing factors, which may cause acceleration of these changes.

1. There may be a hereditary predisposition to intervertebral disc disease.

2. Previous injury with fracture or disc prolapses

3. Occupations requiring repetitive motion of the cervical spine.

4. Segmentation defects like hemivertebra or fused vertebrae.

5. Fluorosis may play an important part in the development of ossified posterior longitudinal ligament in India.


Degenerative changes begin with intervertebral disc desiccation, which is associated with increase in the ratio of keratin sulfate to chondroitin sulfate. Along with desiccation, the nucleus pulposus shrinks, loses elasticity, and becomes more fibrous due the loss of water, protein and mucopolysaccharides during the aging process. Disc height is initially lost in the ventral portion of the disc, which results in a decrease in cervical lordosis. Unfortunately, this process results in positive feedback cycle due to the increase in forces applied ventrally and eventually may lead to kyphotic deformity. These early changes ultimately lead to the main pathophysiological process of cervical spondylosis, a reduction in sagittal spinal canal diameter. Additionally, these changes cause a transfer of axial load onto the facet joints, resulting in hypertrophy of joints that further decreases the spinal canal’s diameter.





1. Axial neck pain

2. Cervical radiculopathy

a. Sensory change, such as tingling, known as Paraesthesia

b. Sensory loss to the skin in the dermatome (the area of skin innervated by the nerve)

c. Weakness in the myotome (the muscles innervated by the spinal nerve)

d. Diminished, or absent, reflex in the muscles controlled by the spinal nerve

e. Pain felt along the path of the spinal nerve (radicular pain). 

3. Cervical myelopathy


NDI -SCORING: Up to 30


X-rays, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Doppler ultrasound and electrodiagnosis (electrodiagnosis and nerve conduction studies and somato sensory evoked potential).






Hahnemann tells in chronic diseases that the swellings of the bones and the curvature of the spine, and many other softening and deformities of the bones, both at an early and at a more advanced age, are caused by the psora. Under symptoms of latent Psora- “disposition to crack, strain or wrench one joint or another. Cracking of one or more joints on moving”

Hahnemann also mentions, when the outbreak of the internal Psora occurs- “thickening of joints; they remain hard swollen, and there is pain on bending them. The joints, as it were, stiff, with painful, difficult motion, the ligament seems too short. Joints painful on motion. Joints crack on moving, or they make a snapping noise.


1. MURPHY  Diseases

Spondylitis, neck

Murphy - Diseases

Torticollis, spondylitis suboccipital is, from


Neck, spondylitis 

spondylitis, cervical 


Nape, of neck, pains, in general

Nape, of neck, pains, rheumatic

Neck, cracking of cervical vertebrae, on motion


Back -Spondylitis cervical


Back - cracking - Cervical region

Back - pain - Cervical region

Back - stiffness - Cervical region

Extremities - pain - Upper limbs  neuralgic


Neurasthenia. Occipital pain; worse, slightest mental exertion.

Vertigo and noises in ear. Burning along spine.

Worse ; least exertion, after sleep, wet weather; patient is worse then.

Better, from cold air, cold water, tight pressure.


Since cervical spondylosis is part of the normal aging process, not much can be done to  prevent it. By engaging in regular physical exercise and limiting occupational or recreational activities that place pressure on the head, neck and shoulders may help to avoid some or all symptoms of cervical spondylosis. The best exercises for the health of the cervical spine are noncontact activities, such as swimming, walking, or yoga. Once symptoms have already developed, the emphasis is on symptom management rather than prevention.


To study the clinical course of cervical spondylosis from the age group of 30-60 years.

 To assess the efficacy of homoeopathic constitutional medicine and Picricum Acidum in the treatment of cervical spondylosis.



The subjects for the study were selected from OPD, IPD, Peripheral centers, rural health camps and medical camps conducted by SIVARAJ Homoeopathic Medical College and Research institute, Salem. 30 subjects were selected based on inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria.


1. Subjects of all genders.

2. Subjects of age group between 30-60years.

3. Subjects are selected based on clinical history, clinical examination, clinical features of cervical spondylosis & with investigations.

4. Diagnosed cases of cervical spondylosis.

5. Subjects who give written consent.


1. Subjects below 30 & above 60 years.

2. Subjects with traumatic injury of cervical spine.

3. Adhesive Capsulitis

4. Cervical Myofascial Pain.

5. Whiplash injury.

6. Spinal cord injury

7. Prolapsed intervertebral disc

8. Pregnant & lactating women.

9. Patient suffering from any systemic disease.


Subjects were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, history, clinical findings. The data were represented in the standardized case proforma prepared for the topic. There were two groups wherein Group 1 was treated with constitutional medicines & group 2 was treated with Picricum Acidum.  

Table No 1: Results of Z test



Group 1 p1

Group 2 P2

Z value


P value











Not improved







Samples of 15 subjects – 15 subjects in each group were studied and totality of symptoms. Was gathered in Group 1, each case Totality was further Analysed, Repertorized and referred in Materia Medica to arrive at the most appropriate remedy that would benefit the case under consideration. In Group 2, Picricum Acidum was prescribed, based on totality.

According to statistical analysis using Z test, it may be concluded that Constitutional homoeopathic medicine is more effective than Picricum Acidum from in the management of cervical spondylosis.

ĂĽ In Group 1, the most common constitutional remedy prescribed was Rhus Tox for 4 subjects (26.6%), out of which 2 subjects got recovered, 1 subject improved and 1 subject not improved.

ĂĽ As in this study Rhus Tox was indicated in 4 subjects followed by Lycopodium in 3 subjects, Nux Vomica, Sulphur & Pulsatilla in 2 cases with marked improvement, one can think of, Ignatia and Cal. Carb as primary remedies in the management of cervical spondylosis.

ĂĽ Out of 30 subjects, 8 subjects recovered (26.6%), 13 subjects improved (86.6%) and 9 subjects (30%) did not improve.

ĂĽ The most common age group affected was seen from 30-35 years (36.6%) followed by 36 - 40 years of age group (26.6%), followed by 46-50 years of age group (16.6%), followed by 41-45 & 51-55 years of age group (10.1%).

ĂĽ In this study, male patients were more than females. 21 subjects (70%) were males, and 9 subjects (30%) were females.

ĂĽ According to the occupation, Car driver, bus drivers, tailor and painter 3 subjects each (40.1%), followed by mechanics, housewife, Teacher, Labor, 4 subjects each (53.3%), and IT worker 2 subjects each (6.6%).

Table :2 Distribution of subjects as per remedies































Out of 15 subjects, in 4 subjects (26.6%) Rhus Tox was prescribed, 3 subjects (20%) lycopodium was prescribed in 2 subjects (13.4%) Nux Vomica, Sulphur and Pulsatilla was prescribed Calcarea Carbonicum, Ignatia was prescribed 1 subject (6.6%).











Table 3: Distribution of subjects as per the results in Group 1 and Group 2.


























Not Improved

















Statistical study was done to show the results. Out of 15 subjects in Group1, 5 subjects (33.3%) recovered, and 8 subjects (53.3%) improved, and 2 subjects (13.3%) did not show any improvement and out of 15 subjects in Group2, 3 subjects (20%) recovered ,5subjects (33.4%) improved and 7 subjects (46.6%) did not showed any improvement.





  Summary and conclusion

All the 30 subjects were studied in detail and assessed by using the following parameter- Neck disability index score. Neck disability index score was measured before and after treatment. The statistical analysis made in this study was based on the data from Neck Disability index score.

Patient will be selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients will be categorized in to two groups, Group-I will be receiving only constitutional treatment, Group-II will be receiving only Picricum Acidum.

· In this study, male patients were more than females. 21subjects (70%) were males, and 9 subjects (30%) were females.

· Hindus were more affected by cervical spondylosis 27 subjects (90%), 3 subjects in Christian (10%).

· In this study, out of 15 subjects in Group1, 6 subjects were from age group 30-35(40%), 4 subjects from age group 36-40(33.3%), 1 subject from age group 41-45(6.8%),2subjects from age group 46-50(13.3%) and 2subjects from age group 51-55(13.3%).

· And out of 15 subjects in Group2, 4 subjects were from age group 30-35(26.6%), 5 subjects from age group 36-40(33.3%), 2 subject from age group 41-45(13.3%),3subjects from age group 46-50(20%) and 1subjects from age group 51-55(6.8%).

· Out of the 15 subjects in Group 1, 11 were male and 4 were female and out of 15 subjects in Group 2, 10 were male and 5 were female.

· In this study in Group -I (Constitutional treatment) Male patients are 11(73%) and Female patients are 4(27%), Group-II (Picricum Acidum) male patients are 10(66.6%) and Female patients are 05(33.4%), in this total study 30% (09 patients) were female 70% (21 patients) were male.

· Out of 15 subjects , in 3 subjects (20%) lycopodium was prescribed and in 4 subjects (26.6%) Rhus Tox was prescribed, in 2 subjects (13.4%) Nux Vomica, Sulphur and Pulsatilla was prescribed Calcarea Carbonicum, Ignatia  was prescribed 1 subject (6.6%).

· Statistical study was done to show the results. Out of 15 subjects in Group1, 5 subjects (33.3%) recovered, and 8 subjects (53.3%) improved, and 2 subjects (13.3%) did not show any improvement and out of 15 subjects in Group2, 3 subjects (20%) recovered, 5subjects (33.4%) improved and 7 subjects (46.6%) did not show any improvement.



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  Abstract   Cough is the most common illness-related reason for ambulatory care visits for hospitals. Cold, chest discomfort and an irritat...